How to add an employee to a team

In this procedure you will discover how to add an employee to a team.

Please Note: If you find a step in this procedure that needs to be updated send an email to ""
  1. 1

    Click on the "People" tab

  2. 2

    Click on the specific team that you want to add an employee to

    In this example I am going to add an employee to the team titled "Sample Team"
  3. 3

    On the page that opens up, make sure the "User" tab is active and then click on the "Add User" button

  4. 4

    Fill out the details of the employee in the drop-down menu that opens up

    In the drop-down menu that opens up enter the employee name, email address, message (if you want to) and click the "Send notification by email" checkbox so the employee is notified by email that he/she has been added to the team.