How to add a Manager to your account

This procedure will show you how to add a manager to your SweetProcess account so that they can help you create and/or edit procedures. Also a manager will be able to assign tasks to your employees.

Please Note: If you find a step in this procedure that needs to be updated send an email to ""
  1. 1

    Click on the "People" tab on the top of the page

    To navigate to the People dashboard click on the "People" tab
  2. 2

    Click on the "Managers" tab to the left of the page

    To navigate to the Managers dashboard click on the "Managers" tab
  3. 3

    Click on the "Add User" button

    On the page that opens up click on the "Add User" button
  4. 4

    Enter in the contact details for the Manager

    Enter in Manager's name and email which are required. The message is optional