How do I reorder steps in a procedure or process

Both procedures and process can be reordered in a similar way.
  1. 1

    Edit the procedure or process

    While viewing the procedure which you want to reorder the steps... click on the “edit”

  2. 2

    Enter 'Move Steps' mode

    Near the top of the steps list you'll see a 'Move Steps' button. Clicking this will enter 'Move Steps' mode

    In the 'Actions' menu for each step you'll find a handy shortcut to enter 'Move Steps' so you don't need to scroll all the way to the top!

  3. 3

    Drag the steps around and hit 'Done' to finish Move Steps mode

    You should be able to click and drag the steps around. If you don't have a mouse, only a touchpad it should still be possible to do. Simply click and hold with your fingers then moving up and down without releasing them.