Sync your git changes to a remote server with Coda 2

Coda 2 has git integration, but it is complex to use. This procedure describes what to do when you want to sync your changes back to the remote server so your teammates can see them.
  1. So you've made some changes?

    We'll assume throughout that you are adding a button to the website.

    Your change affects three different files:

    - _edit_navbar.html
    - stylesheet.less

    Here is what that will look like in Coda 2 (in the SCM sidebar)
  2. Commit your work at one time

    It makes sense to put all these related changes into a single commit. Anyone else can pull the this group of changes into another branch easily.

    Click the "Add" button next to all of the files you want to commit.
  3. Commit all at once

    Click the cog and then select "commit all changes"
  4. Commit your changes

    Add a comment so that anyone else seeing this commit knows what happened:

    "Adding a the new Feature X button to the UI"
  5. Push to the origin

    Let's sync our changes back to the server. Select "push" -> Origin from the dropdown.

    When complete the small indicator showing commits outstanding will disappear. The red circle marks where it was. This can take 10-15 seconds (Click the refresh button if you aren't sure)