Add a new conversion to Google Adwords

How to generate the code required for your google adwords conversion. Once generated, you'll place it in the HTML for the /thankyou/ page following a transaction on your website.
  1. Sign into Google Adwords

    And select the "Conversion" link from the "Tools and Analysis" menu.
  2. Name Your Conversion

    The name must make sense when you are reading the reports later. Here is a simple approach that would work well for a small website:

    WebsiteName ProductName ActionName

    for example:


    That's CJM for CasJam Media, Website Hosting as the product type and TrialUpgrade for the action
  3. Fill out some conversion settings

    In this example, we'll be pasting the generated code into our shopping cart purchase thankyou page. We pick the "HTML" for markup language.

    New Website Hosting sales for CasJam Media are worth 90 dollars. So we'll pick 90 as our conversion value.
    We make one conversion tracker per product, so another product worth 40 dollars will have 40 as its conversion value.

    We select "Don't add a notification to the code generated for my page" because we already add this information to the site's privacy policy.
  4. I make changes to the code

    Select the radio "I make changes to the code" and copy + paste the code given to the body of the website you'd like to track.
    A good place might be just before the closing tag.