Post from Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn from Hootsuite

  1. Log into Hootsuite

    Before sending out a Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin message you must have a Hootsuite account and have connected Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn.
  2. Write your message

    We shrunk a URL into our message by:

    1. copy and pasting the URL into the link box below and clicking the "Shink" button.

    Remember than any @mentions that you'd normally type into Twitter may not make sense in Facebook or LinkedIn.
  3. Where should the message go?

    Hover your mouse on the blank text box next to the empty man head (shown with a red arrow in the picture)

    A list of available social networks is displayed. The flag icon is for Facebook.

  4. Select the networks you want

    Click on the social networks you want to post to.

    In this case we've picked:

    - Facebook
    - LinkedIn; and
    - Twitter

    Notice that the left hand panel is updated to show a preview of your post.
  5. Edit and send the post

    Edit the heading, thumbnail and summary text however you like.

    These will be shown in LinkedIn and Facebook previews, but not Twitter.

    Once you are finished click the "Send Now" button.
  6. Here is how it looks on Facebook

    Perfect.. and on LinkedIn?
  7. Here is how the post looks on LinkedIn

    Finally, what about twitter?
  8. How the post looks on Twitter

    This is the fastest way to post to all three social networks at the same time.