Our Higher Committees support training, education, research, clinical standards and guidelines surrounding work within the BSG. They also identify and develop professional collaborations nationally and internationally where BSG work aligns and promote and support each other in the delivery of this work. Higher Committees are accountable to the BSG Executive Group.
All BSG members except Taster and Undergraduate members are eligible to vote for CSSC Regional Representative role.The BSG can support with interactions with industry, and to ensure we are offering a consistent, compliance experience for industry partners, request that the BSG office be involved in all discussions with industry relating to sponsorship.
Our full industry interactions policy can be found here: sweetprocess.com/policy/aWBbfdGb/bsg-industry-...
Key BSG policies and documents, such as BSG’s rules and regulations and the expenses policy can be found here: bsg.org.uk/about/governance-documents-an...
The BSG’s strategy documents can be found here: bsg.org.uk/about/governance-documents-an...
If you have any queries, please contact your committee support officer in the first instance.
Here is a reminder of some of the benefits of being a BSG member:
Access to BMJ Journals: bsg.org.uk/members-area/journals/
Access to awards, bursaries and grants: bsg.org.uk/knowledge-hub/awards-bursarie...
Wellbeing resources: bsg.org.uk/wellbeing-resources/
Mentoring platform: bsg.org.uk/bsg-mentoring-registration/
Membership directory: bsg.org.uk/memebers-area/directory/
Apply for other committee positions across the BSG: bsg.org.uk/about/bsg-elections-and-appoi...
Discounts to BSG events: bsg.org.uk/events/list/