(3300-T) NCA Lesson Plan Model

Please refer to the template below in PDF format.
  1. 1

    Enter Lesson Date

  2. 2

    Enter Teacher Name

  3. 3

    Enter Subject/Unit

  4. 4

    Enter Room Number

  5. 5

    Complete What is the Lesson Objective Section

    What will the students learn and/or demonstrate? Be sure to use action, measurable words?

  6. 6

    Enter Standard(s) Addressed

    Using the Florida B.E.S.T. standards

  7. 7

    Complete Anticipatory Set Section

    The “Hook”
    How will you excite the students about the subject matter?

  8. 8

    Enter Materials Needed

    List materials- charts, books, or other resources.

  9. 9

    Complete Teaching/Instruction Process Section

    This is the road map to your lesson. Write out everything that you will be doing. The teaching process shall include explicit instruction in vocabulary. This is the longest part of the lesson and should be written step by step (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.)

  10. 10

    Complete Guided Practice Section

    Monitoring orally, individually, or together, monitor via written language or via a task or performance; Monitor via group sampling or visible answers, (e.g. “Thumbs up or down”, White board, or Index card response). Monitor to know if the students are learning the lesson objective.

  11. 11

    Complete Closure Section

    Statements or actions that help students make sense out of what they just learned. It is to help form a coherent picture, to eliminate confusion and frustration, and to reinforce major points to be learned.

  12. 12

    Complete Independent Practice Section

    This can be a question or problem(s) for students to ponder on their own or in pairs. The aim is to reinforce and extend the learning beyond the lesson and identify understanding of the content.

  13. 13

    Complete Assessment Section

    How will you assess the students’ understanding of the concept, content, strategies, or skills? (Formative or Summative)

  14. 14


    The homework is a supplement to or reinforces that which is learned in class.

  15. 15

    Lesson Planning Model Template

    See attached template.
    File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.
  16. 16

    Unit Overview Template

    1. Enter Subject
    2. Enter Unit Duration (Days)
    3. Enter Grade Level
    4. Complete Summary of Objective section:
      • What do want your students to know and/or be able to do?
    5. Complete Summary of Tasks/Action section
    6. Complete Materials, Equipment or References section
    7. Complete Vocabulary section
    8. Complete Summary of Unit Summative Assessments (See Appendix)
    9. Complete Take Home Tasks/Projects section (if applicable)
    10. See attached template.

    File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.