Intune - Install Intune Company Portal on iOS

Overview, Purpose, & Scope
To correctly install the Microsoft Intune Company Portal on an iPhone which includes Microsoft Intune management.  

Link to Autotask Ticket to Create or Edit this Procedure: ​​​​

  1. 1

    Open the Apple Apps store on your iPhone or iPad.

  2. 2

    Search for and install the Intune Company Portal

    1. Search for Intune Company Portal.
    2. Click GET.
  3. 3

    Open the Company Portal application

    After installation, locate and open the Company Portal application.
  4. 4

    Complete the sign-in process

    1. Click on Sign in.
    2. Select an account.
      1. If your business account is listed, click on it.
      2. If your business account is not listed, click Sign in with another account.
      3. Click Continue.
      4. Click Begin.
      5. Review and approve the privacy notification.
        1. Review what data is accessible by toggling between what the Device management Can't and Can see on your device.
        2. Click Continue
      6. Click Allow
      7. Follow the steps outlined to complete the profile installation.
        1. Click the Settings Gear on your device.
        2. Select profiles
        3. Tap Install and the OK after the profile install completes.
        4. Open the Company Portal App again.

      8. Click Done.