How to Create a Procedure Using SweetProcess

  1. 1

    Log in and click the "Create Procedure" button

  2. 2

    Enter the title of the procedure.

  3. 3

    Add the procedure to a team or multiple teams.

    Click on a checkbox to add the procedure to a team or on multiple checkboxes to add the procedure to multiple teams at the same time.
  4. 4

    Click on the "Continue" button.

  5. 5

    Click on the title of the procedure to add a description.

    Click the Title area to begin editing.
  6. 6

    Enter some tags

    By making use of a tag, you will be assigning an index keyword/phrase/term to a procedure so that it can be quickly identified.
  7. 7

    Click on the "Add a Step" button

    Click the "Add a Step" button to begin editing.
  8. 8

    Give the step a title & description

  9. 9

    Add images to the step

    Drag and drop images from your computer into the image drop area.
  10. 10

    Click on “Finished editing” to save the draft of the step.

  11. 11

    Click the “Add a step” button to add a new step... Repeat steps 7, 8, 9 and 10 to enter and save the details of the new step.

  12. 12

    Repeat step 11 until you have added all the steps you need to document the procedure.

  13. 13

    Finished editing the draft of the procedure? Click the "Approve" button to make it the live version of the procedure.

    Note: if you do not have the ability to approve the procedure, you will be able to request approval by clicking on the "Request Approval" button as shown below.

  14. 14

    All done? Click on "Procedures"

    This will take you back to the dashboard, where you can manage all of your procedures.

If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us