Glossary of Terms (Terminology) used in SweetProcess


A way to keep all your procedures, policies and processes organized. Folders belong to one or more teams, anyone in the team can see the contents of the folder. A procedure, policy or process can be in more than one folder at the same time.


Guest members have limited access to SweetProcess documents. They can only be assigned a task. They don't have access to any procedures/policies/processes in your account and can't see teams or other members (except data related with a task they get access to).

A guest member's access is time-based (guest member cannot access any assigned tasks when it's account expires) 


A policy is a general rule, guideline or framework employees have to abide by. For example Vacation Policy, Dress Code Policy and so on.


A procedure is a step-by-step checklist that describes how to carry out a specific task.


A process is the highest-level description of a single large task and it provides the BIG picture. You are usually dealing with a process when a task requires multiple procedures to fully describe it.

Check out this blog post we created titled "The Key Difference Between a Policy, Process, & Procedure (and Why it Matters For Your Business!)".

Read Only Member

A read-only member, as the name implies has read-only access to the documents in the specific team where they have been given read-only permission. It means they are not able to edit documents in that team. Do note that if the member has access to the same document via another team where they are a manager, they will still have those permissions, making someone read-only in one team does not turn off their access granted in other teams.

Regular Member:

You have more control over what a regular member can see or do in SweetProcess. This is why we suggest that you add most of your employees into SweetProcess as regular members.

A regular member can view procedures, processes, and policies they have been given access to.

They can comment on any procedure, process or policy they have access to.

Note: A regular member can either be a team manager or not.

If the regular member is a team manager they can create procedures, processes, and policies within a specific team without the need to get them approved. They can also edit any procedure or process that they have access to and approve it so it becomes the live version.

If the regular member is not a team manager they can create procedures, processes, and policies within a specific team but whatever they create will first have to be approved by a manager. They can also edit any procedure or process that they have access to... whatever they edit becomes a draft which requires approval to become the live version.


Roles refer to one's position on a team. So for instance, if you have a Kitchen team, you can have a role for Chefs, Dishwashers, and so on.

Super Manager:

A super manager is an admin with account-wide access to all procedures, processes, and policies in your SweetProcess account and they can approve drafts.

Super Teammate:

A super teammate is an admin with account-wide access to all procedures, processes, and policies in your SweetProcess account but they cannot approve drafts.


A tag is an index keyword/phrase/term assigned to a procedure, process, or policy so that it can be quickly identified.


A task is an instance of either a procedure or a process that is trackable. When you assign a task to employees, you will be able to track their progress on that particular task until completion.


A team is used to represent a functional group/department within your company in SweetProcess.

For instance, you have an "HR" department within your company, after creating the HR team in SweetProcess, you can add HR-related procedures, processes, and policies into the team, you can also add employees into the team so that they only see procedures, processes, and policies that have to do with HR.

Team Manager

A team manager can approve drafts of procedures, processes, and policies within a team. Whatever they approve becomes the live version.
They can create, edit, delete and view procedures, processes, and policies within a team.
They can comment on and duplicate procedures, processes, and policies within a team.
They can invite other users to your SweetProcess account and add them to the team(s) that they manage.
They can revoke access and can downgrade/upgrade a user's permissions within the team(s) that they manage.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us