Getting Started Checklist

To quickly get started with SweetProcess follow these instructions
  1. 1

    Create a Procedure

    Click the link below for step by step details on how to create your very first procedure:
  2. 2

    Assign the Procedure to one of your employees

    Click the link below for step by step details on how to assign the procedure to an employee:
  3. 3

    Assign a Task to one of your employees

    After you have documented a procedure, you can assign a task to your employee based on the procedure, schedule when the task is due and SweetProcess will notify your employee and track the progress of the task until completion!

    Click the link below for step by step details on how to assign a task to an employee:
  4. 4

    Create a Process

    When documenting a big task it makes sense to break it down into it's individual parts and then create a procedure for each part of the task. After which you can add these related procedures into a Process.

    Click the link below for instructions on how to create a new process:
  5. 5

    Create a Team

    You can create a functional team in SweetProcess to represent an actual group or department in your company. For example you can create your "Marketing", then add marketing related procedures/processes to the team, and also had employees responsible for handling your marketing into the team as well.

    Click the link below for instructions on how to create a new team:
  6. 6

    Add a Manager to your account

    You can designate an employee as a Manager within your SweetProcess account so that he/she can help you create and/or edit procedures and processes. Also as a manager, they will be able to assign tasks to your employees as well.

    Click the link below for step by step details on how to add a manager to your account: