(6600-T) Teacher Responsibilities

Teachers are expected to adhere to the following responsibilities aside from the responsibilities listed in the school’s policies.
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    Additional Teacher Responsibilities

    • Promote an atmosphere of integrity, courtesy, self-control, and intellectual vigor.
    • Provide daily instruction to the students based upon the academy’s curriculum using approved materials.
    • Continue to grow professionally through increased knowledge of subject matter and teaching methodology.
    • Communicate course content clearly, systematically, and enthusiastically.
    • Evaluate students effectively according to the academy’s grading scale.
    • Maintain a portfolio of each student’s work that will document work and progress.
    • Attend meetings and trainings scheduled by the school administrator both before and after school and support the academy’s sponsored activities and events.
    • Follow and implement the academy’s mission and philosophy as well as the academy's policies, rules, and procedures.
    • Encourage the involvement of parents/guardians in the education of their children and communicate with parents/guardians.
    • Operate on the premise that school and home life work together for the benefit of all students.
    • Treat parents, students, and fellow staff members with dignity and respect at all times.
    • Provide a positive role model for students.
    • Provide an environment that promotes self-esteem and self-discipline.
    • Communicate with the administrator concerns about health and safety and curricular needs.
    • Provide service to the academy and the community.