Hudu Vs SweetProcess: Documenting SOPs, Processes, and Policies

Last Updated on May 15, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo


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Every business needs a tool to help document processes, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and policies. Failing to have an effective business documentation system can negatively impact your company’s overall productivity. Statistics show that 92% of collaborating professionals risk losing important files from manual document management via email.

Fortunately, tools like SweetProcess and Hudu come in handy if you need to manage your core functions from one place. However, Hudu users encounter several challenges with the software. The software lacks the necessary features, integrates with few apps, is not ideal for large businesses, and is costly to add new users.

Your organization needs robust business documentation software to save money, streamline operations, and automate processes. These software systems are particularly crucial in today’s business world, where many companies manage remote teams. According to research by McKinsey, 58% of their respondents reported that they work remotely at least once a week, while 35% have the option to work remotely five days a week. Therefore, such companies have to adopt collaboration tools to keep everyone connected.

It’s important to have a tool that allows you to document your standard operating procedures (SOPs), business systems, processes, employee onboarding, and training in one central location. This makes it easier to manage projects, improve performance, and provide clarity on tasks for your entire team.

A cloud-based documentation software can assist your organization in storing systems, processes, and checklists. This means that regardless of whether your team is entirely remote or a hybrid, you can manage all your employees, create a knowledge base that is accessible to everyone, and assign and monitor tasks from a comprehensive systemization tool. 

So, which one should you choose: Hudu or SweetProcess? This article will compare the two tools in detail to help you pick the best fit. 

At SweetProcess, we allow you to test our software before you decide. We will not ask for your credit card details as you test-drive it. Go ahead and start the 14-day SweetProcess free trial today.

Table of Contents

An Overview of Both Tools

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Main Features Compared

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Rave Reviews

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Ease of Use

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Mobile and Artificial Intelligence

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Pricing

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Support & Training

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Final Verdict


An Overview of Both Tools

SweetProcess and Hudu are business tools that organizations use to document processes and SOPs and create knowledge databases. However, the two tools have different features that determine their functionality. Let’s compare the two platforms.

SweetProcess in a Nutshell


SweetProcess allows you to focus on the work that matters. With this software, your organization can document procedures, processes, and tasks in a centralized place while you work on growing the business. 

Your business can use this cloud-based software to manage tasks, implement policies, master processes, build public and private knowledge bases, and manage your workflow. In addition, it’s automated and provides you with the systemization your business needs to grow.

SweetProcess is the go-to tool for hiring your first employee or managing a hybrid team across different markets. You can rely on it to document your tasks and download a checklist to help you save time. This tool will help you with your SOPs because it integrates with over 1,000 apps.

The pricing and membership plans are all-inclusive and transparent; you don’t have to worry about hidden charges. All your team members can access all the features after paying for a subscription. SweetProcess has a 14-day free trial period, allowing you to determine whether the tool fits your business perfectly.  

If you are looking for a tool to help you document SOPs, policies, and processes, sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today. No credit card is required.

Hudu in a Nutshell


Image source: Hudu

Hudu is a documentation tool organizations use to organize business files, team schedules, and contacts. It can also be used to implement project planning from a centralized location. 

This tool was introduced to help IT professionals and managed service providers (MSPs) with documentation. Users can access all passwords, knowledge base articles, processes, websites, and customizable documentation in one simple interface. If you get Hudu for your business, it integrates with over 20 business apps and systems.

Thanks to this integration, you can use it with your existing business systems. The site is also easy to use and navigate when you need more information about pricing and the available features. Unlike SweetProcess, which has a readily available free trial, you have to email the Hudu team to get started on the free trial.

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Main Features Compared


To get the best tool for documenting your SOPs, procedures, and policies, you must first evaluate the available features. This will help you determine whether the features align well with your business and company goals. Fortunately, both SweetProcess and Hudu have excellent features. But which one is the best? Let’s take a closer look.

Common Features● 14-day free trial period
● Links all processes to procedures and policies
● Documentation of company procedures
● Public and private knowledge bases
● Integration with more than 1,000 apps
● All-in-one inclusive pricing
● Task management
● Two-factor authentication
● 14-day free trial period
● Process management
● Customizable documentation
●  Knowledge retention
● Integration with more than 20 apps
● Inclusive pricing for all users
● Intelligent reporting
● Employee accountability
● Secure password vault
Different Features  ● Version history
● Print documents for offline viewing
● Email and phone support
● Embed files and videos
● Real-time collaboration
● Email support
● Expiration tracking
Sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today. No credit card is required!

 Hudu vs. SweetProcess: For Documenting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 

To document your SOPs, SweetProcess can make the process easy for you. Here are the steps to follow. 

● Once you log in, click the “Procedure” tab on the main dashboard. 

● Select “Create Procedure” on the next tab.


● SweetProcess will prompt you to add the procedure title and assign the procedure to the specific teams on the next page.


Add a title and assign the SOP to specific teams. 


You can also add steps that need to be taken to implement the procedure. In addition, you can include approval permissions, if you need approval, and notifications or a sign-off. This ensures that the right people approve the tasks and information. 

On the other hand, Hudu does not have a clear menu item on the dashboard to redirect users to document procedures.


Image source: Hudu

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: For Documenting Processes

Process documentation is a pretty straightforward process with SweetProcess. Here’s how to do it.

● If you want to create a process for a new business task, simply click on the “Process” tab and select “Create Process.”


● Add the process title and specific teams. 


● Add the procedures, steps, tags, and texts to the next tab. Once you are done, click on “Finished Editing.”


Hudu also allows users to implement process management using this tool. On the main dashboard, you can do this by following these steps:

● Log on to your Hudu account.

● On the main dashboard, select “Processes.” 

● Add the details of the process.

● You can choose to duplicate, archive, or make a template.


Image source: Hudu

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: For Documenting Policies

Here’s how to create a policy on SweetProcess.

How to Document Policies

You can seamlessly document your policies with the SweetProcess dashboard. This lets you empower your team with all the company information they need to perform their job. It saves you time when you have repetitive tasks because all the documents and company documentation can be accessed from a centralized location. 

To document a policy, click the “More” button on the main menu.


● Click “Create Policy” on the next page.


● Add a new policy title and assign the policy to your team members.


● Draft your policy content on the next page. You can also attach files, embed videos, and add tags before saving the policy. 


On the other hand, Hudu does not provide clear steps on how organizations can use this tool to document business policies. 

Features Verdict

SweetProcess has more features than Hudu, making it ideal for organizations looking for a comprehensive tool. Once a user pays for the subscription, they can access all these features to document SOPs, processes, and policies. This tool integrates with more apps and makes it possible for users to integrate in real time. 

On the other hand, Hudu has features that help with effective IT documentation. You can use the process management tool and customize documentation for your procedures. Hudu integrates with about 24 apps, which is quite low compared to SweetProcess, which integrates with more than 1,000 apps. 

Comparing these features, SweetProcess will work best for all types of businesses, while Hudu is limited to smaller companies. If you are running a large enterprise or a business with multiple locations and many team members, you need software that can handle the magnitude of the work. In this case, Hudu might not be your best option.

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Rave Reviews


Before adopting a tool for your business, consider checking customer reviews to see the feedback. These reviews give you an idea of how users feel about the platform. You can also easily identify any issues with the tool to help you determine whether it’s a good fit for your business. 

Hudu Reviews

The Hudu reviews show that users find it complicated to use. Additionally, it does not have a custom URL for sharing documentation; therefore, it does not look professional when businesses share with clients. 

Hudu also has limited features. While some have been roadmapped, it will take time to implement them, which can slow down your business. Furthermore, some users have a problem with the platform because it sends too many alerts on the ticketing system, which can be distracting.

SweetProcess Reviews

According to customer reviews, SweetProcess is at the top of the game when creating SOPs and processes. One of the reviewers points out that the best features of SweetProcess are task delegation, centralized SOP creation and organization, progress tracking capabilities, and notification reminders.

With these, businesses can streamline processes, improve workflow, and keep team members accountable. Team leaders and supervisors don’t have to follow up on the project’s progress; the software updates each step with friendly email reminders to keep company projects moving. 

Another reviewer described SweetProcess as the best new hiring and employee training platform. It makes it easy to create visually appealing documents and organize all procedures into a customizable knowledge base. The interface helps you create documents if you are designing training documents for your employees.

According to reviewers, the other advantage of this tool is that it barely has a learning curve. You can start creating processes and procedures as soon as you create an account.

Customer Reviews Verdict

If you compare both tools, it’s evident that Hudu has some challenges that make it hard to use. It has limited features and can be complicated for users. Therefore, if you are looking for a business tool to document your SOPs, processes, and policies, Hudu might present some problems for your company.

On the other hand, SweetProcess has positive reviews from users. It’s ideal if you want to document your procedures and processes. In addition, it doesn’t have a learning curve, making it ideal for all your employees. Based on these reviews, SweetProcess is the ultimate winner. 

 Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Ease of Use


 To effectively document your procedures, processes, and policies, you need software that’s easy to use and navigate. This ensures that your team does not encounter challenges when using the tool. So which one is easy to use? Let’s take a closer look. 

SweetProcess: Ease of Use

SweetProcess is such a straightforward software. You should not have any issues using the tool if you are new. Here’s a guide on how to get started.

Getting Started

As a new user, SweetProcess allows you to take a free 14-day trial. You can use this period to learn more about the software and whether it perfectly fits your needs. Additionally, you don’t need to provide credit card information once you register for the free trial. 

Since it’s a simple tool, you don’t need extensive technical knowledge to navigate. You can integrate SweetProcess into your existing business systems and start documenting. Here’s how to go about it.  

Tap on the “Try it Free” button on the homepage. 


You’ll then be prompted to add your details, like email, name, company size, and password. After adding this information, accept the terms and conditions to proceed. 


From this step, you can take a tour of the dashboard to understand how everything works. This step is ideal if you have new users that need to get more information. 


How Does the Dashboard Look?

From the SweetProcess dashboard, you can view all your company information. You can create policies, procedures, processes, and knowledge bases. In addition, you can also assign tasks to employees and monitor the progress from this main menu. The advantage is that the dashboard is intuitive so that you can switch between tabs in seconds. 


For the tabs that are not visible on the main menu, you can find them by clicking on the “More” button to reveal additional tabs like “Members,” “Teams,” and “Policies.” 

How to Organize and Find Documents Easily

Once you click on “Documents,” you can see all the documents you’ve created with SweetProcess on the dashboard.

You can organize and find all your documents easily. The search feature allows you to find your documents based on name, tags, or relevance. Alternatively, you can find documentation by using filters like approval level, documents that need reviews, signing, and public or private documents. 


How to Assign and Monitor Tasks

When choosing software, you need one to help you monitor when tasks are due. SweetProcess allows you to assign and monitor your team’s latest activities for easier management. Additionally, you can look at the task history to know who’s working on specific projects. 

It’s an easy way to know if your team members have started working on a project and what’s pending. To assign these tasks on SweetProcess, click the “Tasks” button and select “Assign Task.”


From this “Tasks” tab, you can select the team members and include the task name, the team member’s name, the due date, and the time. It’s also easy to track the progress by checking the “My Tasks” tab, which shows what’s due soon and overdue. 


If you already have existing procedures and policies for your company, SweetProcess allows you to incorporate them into our platform seamlessly. 

Many businesses hire virtual assistants and subject matter experts to help them manually type and enter their existing procedures and processes on other SOP platforms.

With SweetProcess, you can import your existing procedures and policies without stress. 

All you need to do is click on the inverted triangle close to “Create Procedure” from your “Procedures” tab. Once done, it will prompt you to upload the document. 

How to Import an Existing Procedure or Process 

If your organization already has existing documentation and procedures, you can easily import this into SweetProcess to centralize all your information. The advantage of using this tool is that you won’t have to hire additional employees to type the existing SOPs manually; you can import them easily, whether on Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or other platforms.

Having all your documentation on one platform makes everything accessible to all team members. It allows you to easily transfer expert knowledge to everyone, easing management. To import, select the “Procedures” tab on the dashboard. Click on the down arrow button to the right of the “Create Procedure” button, then select “Upload document.”


Once the documents are uploaded, you can easily assign them to specific teams.

How to Create a Public or Private Knowledge Base Using SweetProcess

To effectively manage your company, you need a centralized knowledge base that all your employees and partners can refer to. This knowledge base is essential, especially when hiring new employees or onboarding new clients. You can bring them up to speed on the company procedures. 

To create the knowledge base, log in to your SweetProcess account, tap on the “More” button on the main menu, and select “Knowledge Bases.”


Select “Create Knowledge Base” and add a title. 

You can add the public URL that links to the knowledge base, add category names, and include control access to the information, which determines who can view this information.


This SweetProcess knowledge base platform has built-in search features, feedback forms, tracking, and more.

As you create this, you can add as many categories as needed. It’s also possible to add subcategories or include articles in a category. You just need to click on it, and you’ll get a prompt to select a procedure or policy that you can add as an article.

Is There a Learning Curve?

SweetProcess is the best tool for your organization because it has no steep learning curve. Immediately after you sign up for the free trial phase, you can begin creating your processes and procedures. Additionally, it works for both small and large teams.

Since it does not require advanced technical knowledge, your team will have no issues navigating. 

Hudu: Ease of Use

If you are considering Hudu for your business, how easy is it to use? Let’s take a closer look.

Getting Started

On the homepage, you’ll see the “Get Started” button. Click on it to open the next tab. Unlike SweetProcess, Hudu does not direct new users to a sign-up page.


Image source: Hudu

On the next tab, Hudu asks users to email the support team to start their free trial process. Additionally, there’s an option to watch some webinars first to see how the tool works.


Image source: Hudu

Therefore, with Hudu you can’t just log in and start creating procedures and processes for your company. You have to wait for the team to schedule your company for a free trial. This can be frustrating for new users, especially since getting started takes longer.  

Ease of Use: Verdict

While SweetProcess and Hudu are designed to help businesses document their processes and SOPs, they are quite different. SweetProcess is much easier to use than Hudu. The signing-up process is straightforward. Once you log in, you can start using your free trial period to create effective documentation for the company.

The SweetProcess interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. You won’t have to switch several tabs to access the company information. You can easily create knowledge bases, import documents, and assign tasks among all your team members from the dashboard. 

However, Hudu is not this direct. To start your free trial, you must email the support team and wait for approval. Therefore, if you need software urgently, Hudu might take more time to set up than SweetProcess. In this case, SweetProcess might be the better option.

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Mobile and Artificial Intelligence


In the modern business world, automation has become quite important. To adapt to the current trends, businesses are looking for tools that make their work easier. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and mobile apps can make software more appealing to users. So, how do the two compare?


When you choose this tool, you can automatically write documents with AI. You only need to think of a document title for your policy or procedure, and the AI will tailor the rest of the information for your business. 

SweetAI is the AI tool by SweetProcess that helps you document your first version of a process or to improve it. Here’s how it works.

If you are creating a company procedure, select “Procedure” on the main menu. Click on the “Create Procedure” button. Enter the title of the procedure. 

Click on the “Write with SweetAI” button. Give it a few seconds for SweetAI to generate the procedure for you. Once SweetAI generates the procedure for you, you can either approve it or add your finishing touches by editing it further.


To simplify work, SweetProcess also has a mobile app available on the App Store and Google Play. If your team is working remotely, they can download and use the app on the go. This mobile accessibility makes it easier for business leaders to manage and assign tasks and create procedures and processes from anywhere. 


On the other hand, Hudu does not provide clear information on whether it works with AI technologies. Therefore, if you are looking for an intuitive tool, it might not provide these automated services.

However, the software has a mobile app available for users on Google Play and the App Store. To use the app, you need to input details such as the web address used to access the sign-in page of your Hudu account. You have to connect this to your account to sign in. 


Image source: Hudu

Mobile and Artificial Intelligence: Verdict

Your business needs a documentation tool that’s adaptive to the latest technologies. This is important if you are looking to boost your efficiency. Additionally, it helps your team become more productive. 

When you compare SweetProcess and Hudu, it’s clear that SweetProcess is more adaptive. It has SweetAI that you can use to draft procedures and processes much faster. Additionally, it has mobile apps that your team members can use on the go. On the other hand, Hudu has apps that your team can use, but it’s unclear whether they rely on AI technologies.

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Pricing


 The choice of software should be part of your company budget. Before selecting one for your business, you need to determine whether the price is worth it. So, how much exactly will SweetProcess and Hudu cost you? Here’s the price comparison.

SweetProcess Pricing

The advantage of using SweetProcess is that it has a direct and transparent pricing plan. The software costs $99/month for a team with up to 20 active members. You’ll also be charged $5/month for each additional active member. With this system, if you add a team member who doesn’t actively use the platform, you won’t have to pay for them.

SweetProcess allows you to add as many employees as you want. Additionally, when a team member becomes inactive on the platform, you’ll receive a prorated credit to your account.


With this tool, you can choose to pay for monthly or yearly plans. Choosing the annual payment option will save your business money by up to 16.67%. The annual plan costs $82.50 and gets billed annually. 

Furthermore, you are eligible for a 30-day money-back guarantee. This means that if you feel your company is not gaining any measurable improvement, SweetProcess will refund your money and offer a one-hour phone consultation to brainstorm some strategies to grow your business. 

If you have smaller teams of less than 20 members, you can request special pricing. SweetProcess also offers a 14-day free trial period to new users. You can take advantage of this period to try out the software before committing. 

Hudu Pricing

Hudu is ideal for smaller teams. The company charges $31 per month for three users. Hudu charges you $15 per user/month if you plan to add more users. Additionally, they provide annual payment plans with a 10% discount; therefore, they might be a good alternative if you are looking to save money.

Just like with SweetProcess, if you want to try out the software before paying for a plan, you can start with the free 14-day trial period. 


Image source: Hudu

Pricing Verdict

While both SweetProcess and Hudu have an all-inclusive pricing structure, they are quite different. SweetProcess has a pricing plan that caters to more users, while Hudu only covers three users. Additionally, it will cost you more to add new users on Hudu at $15 compared to $5 with SweetProcess. 

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Support & Training


 To document your processes and procedures, you need a tool that offers support and training. When you have new users in your team, you need to work with software that provides a knowledge base, such as FAQs, videos, phone, social media presence, and email support. Here’s how the two tools compare.

SweetProcess Support & Training

Although SweetProcess does not have a learning curve, the team provides its users with more information to keep them users engaged. There are available resources, such as a live demo page. To access this on the homepage, click the “Live Demo” tab on the main menu.


From this page, you can get more information about creating procedures and processes, or assigning tasks. 


SweetProcess has a blog section on the website. There are several blogs that cover different topics about SweetProcess and how you can use the tool to boost efficiency. Additionally, there’s an FAQ section where users can get more information about billing, the free trial, information security, and how to use the different features.  

There’s also a video on the homepage that shows how this cloud-based tool works. Therefore, you can get more details on the website or contact the SweetProcess team if you have any issues. You can reach them via or call +1 (800) 476-0732. They are also available on social media on TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn.

Hudu Support & Training

Hudu also has a blog section where users can get more information about the software. Several articles come in handy if you need to get details about the latest updates on Hudu.

Additionally, there’s a support section that’s a knowledge base for users. The knowledge base is divided into sections, including getting started, using Hudu, self-hosting, integrations, and more. If you need more visual guides, Hudu has a YouTube channel with more guides.

If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can submit a request to the Hudu team to get further assistance. 


Hudu also has social media pages that you can use to reach out to the team on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

Support & Training Verdict

Both SweetProcess and Hudu have a blog section and knowledge base that clients can use to get more information about how the tools work. You can also contact their support teams if you need further assistance. However, SweetProcess is more straightforward; there’s a phone number and email address to contact the SweetProcess team directly. 

Additionally, with SweetProcess you can use the live demo page to get started as a newbie. Hudu requires users to email the team to start a 14-day free trial. This can slow down the onboarding process, especially if you need to hire new team members. 

Hudu vs. SweetProcess: Final Verdict


For your organization to be successful, you need software that can document standard operating procedures, processes, and policies. Before settling on a tool, confirm whether the software has the right features, ideal pricing plans, and support and training services. SweetProcess is a good choice because it meets all these needs. 

When you have software like SweetProcess, you can integrate all your processes and procedures and manage your tasks and knowledge base in a centralized place. Customer reviews also show that the tool has a low learning curve and is good for accountability and training.

Several companies have already incorporated SweetProcess into their operations to help document SOPs.

Mark O’Dell, the operations director at TechQuarters, was committed to working with small and medium-sized businesses to take advantage of opportunities in the cloud. Thanks to their years of experience, the company developed its expertise in planning, supporting, and training users. 

However, because the company did not have a strong system to manage the extensive growth, it became a problem. Every time the company had new employees, they had to train them about the processes constantly. As their customer base also grew, it became more challenging to document the procedures and processes manually.

The company needed software like SweetProcess to improve customer satisfaction. They needed workflow software to streamline their operations and enhance their employees’ efficiency in catering to more customers.

According to Mark, “It allowed us to bring different types of media and different bits and pieces into the system. It wasn’t just a simple checklist thing. It allowed us to nest inside it. This task needs to be done, and now you can build a down button, and here’s how to do it in a procedural way, which could then include further questioning or further information.”

Now with SweetProcess, everyone has all the information to execute their jobs in the best way possible. 

Manny Cosme, the president and CEO of CFO Services Group, helped small businesses streamline their accounting and bookkeeping needs. The job was much easier in the early stages of the business. However, as the company grew, passing on expert knowledge to new employees became difficult because they lacked a standardized workflow.

With time, this was not working well for the company because it led to financial losses. By working with SweetProcess, the company could create a centralized knowledge base that employees use as a reference point for their work. Training and employee onboarding became much easier because new employees could use SweetProcess to stay updated on company procedures.

The company is now more efficient because Manny can focus on overseeing the entire company while the team members execute their duties. 


If you want to choose between SweetProcess and Hudu, it’s easy to make a choice. SweetProcess is intuitive, easy to use, and cost-effective. It also has multiple features that make it ideal for all types of businesses; therefore, it’s the ultimate winner.

Hudu has limited features and needs more steps to get started. Therefore, if you need software to document your SOPs, processes, and policies, SweetProcess is an excellent choice. You also get top-notch customer support whenever you have issues.

 Are you looking to start documenting your SOPs in a centralized place? Then sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today. No credit card is required.


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