ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: The Tool You Need For Effective IT Documentation

Last Updated on March 24, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: The Tool You Need For Effective IT Documentation

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Effective IT documentation has become crucial for companies looking to streamline their processes in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Suppose a growing software development company needs help tracking its complex IT workflows. With multiple departments and increasing projects, they face the daunting task of documenting critical procedures such as software deployment, server maintenance, and security protocols.

Without a centralized system, important information gets lost, leading to delays, inefficiencies, and increased risk. This means the company must also jump from one platform to the next to access all the information. Fortunately, this challenge can be easily solved by adapting an effective documentation tool like ITBoost and SweetProcess.

These two platforms offer comprehensive solutions for documenting IT procedures, but their unique features and approaches set them apart. However, as a business leader, you must research and compare ITBoost and SweetProcess to evaluate their capabilities and determine the best tool to address such challenges effectively. Choosing the right tool will ensure that you maximize productivity and streamline operations.

If you need such a system for your business, which tool between SweetProcess and ITBoost should you select to help you with documentation? What platform has the best features for your company? This article will examine the two tools’ features, pricing structure, reviews, and ease of use to determine the best alternative.

At SweetProcess, you can try out the software before deciding. You won’t need to provide your credit card details to test it out. Start the 14-day SweetProcess free trial today. No credit card is required!

Table of Contents

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: An Overview of Both Tools

A Comparison of SweetProcess vs. ITBoost Top Features

Which Is Easier to Use Between ITBoost and SweetProcess?

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Support & Training

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Mobile Accessibility & AI

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Pricing Plans

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Final Verdict


ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: An Overview of Both Tools

SweetProcess and ITBoost are business documentation tools that companies use to manage procedures and processes. However, each has different features and capabilities that make it unique. Before picking one of them, you need to know the differences. Here’s a detailed comparison.

What is SweetProcess?

What is SweetProcess?

SweetProcess is a business documentation software that organizations use to grow their businesses. You can easily document all your procedures, processes, and tasks in one place. Different types of businesses can use the cloud-based tool, whether you are a startup or a multinational in different regions.

The platform provides an all-inclusive platform and the systemization you need to scale and grow your business, whether hiring your first employees or managing the existing ones. Additionally, it can be used by different types of professionals including:

  • Product development
  • Financial planning
  • Customer support
  • Accounting management
  • Human resources

Here’s how SweetProcess works:

  • Documentation of procedures: You can use this tool to empower your team by providing all the details they need for their tasks. Therefore, they won’t need your input every time.
  • Mastering of processes: If your goal is to improve your processes, SweetProcess enables you to collaborate and refine your existing processes.
  • Implementation of policies: With SweetProcess, your team can adopt company policies correctly. This is essential because it helps the company maintain standards.
  • Management of tasks: The platform allows you to track all the activities. You can easily check which team member is implementing which tasks.
  • Access to a public or private knowledge base: If you have existing policies and procedures, you can transform this into a knowledge base for your clients and employees. It acts as a reference point for all company activities.

One of the biggest advantages of SweetProcess is that it’s easy to use; therefore, new users can get onboarded much faster. If you have existing business tools, you can integrate with SweetProcess; it integrates with over 1,000 apps. Furthermore, there are no pricing tiers; the all-inclusive plan gives users access to all features.

SweetProcess has a 14-day free trial for all users. Once you sign up, you can try out this software to determine whether it’s a perfect fit for your business before paying a subscription. Sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today. No credit card is required.

What is ITBoost?

What is ITBoost?
Image source: ITBoost

ITBoost is an IT documentation software with a versatile dashboard that hosts the most advanced documentation solutions in the industry. It leverages advanced technology to show you real-time data, client feedback, and password manager features, and monitoring data from your external IT platforms.

With ITBoost, you can access all your MSP business applications and do what you must, all from one place. The tool effortlessly integrates with different business platforms; therefore, you can use it with existing company tools. You can also schedule a live demo to help you see firsthand how the platform seamlessly centralizes your documentation.

ITBoost also has some key features to make documentation easy. However, you have to pay for premium plans to access more features. You also get a 14-day free trial period to test the tool before committing to a plan.

While ITBoost is embedded with features meant to help your organization improve the documentation process performance, it has some limitations that are challenging to most users. For instance, the software has a poor onboarding system, has multiple pricing options, and could be better for larger organizations.

Because of this, companies are looking for better alternatives to use in the documentation process that don’t have these kinds of problems. If you are looking for an excellent tool for your business, you are in the right place.

A Comparison of SweetProcess vs. ITBoost Top Features

As you look for a documentation tool, you must evaluate the features carefully. You need to ask yourself, Does it have the features I need to meet my business objectives? Let’s compare how SweetProcess and ITBoost stack up against each other.

A Comparison of SweetProcess vs. ITBoost Top Features
Common Features– 14-day free trial
– Templates
– Real-time collaboration
– Document import
– Two-factor authentication
– Version history
– Integration with over 1,000 apps
– 14-day free trial
– Custom templates
– Roles and permissions
– Document import
– Two-factor authentication
– Revision history
– Integration with third-party apps
Different Features– All-inclusive pricing
– Data capture
– Process maps
– Single sign-on
– Printing for offline viewing
– Image editor
– Embed files and videos
– AI integration
– Email and phone support
– Tiered pricing
– KB folder structure
– Password report
– Company dashboard notes popup
Sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today. No credit card is required!

You must compare these features to determine which tool is the best for documentation. So, how do the two platforms work when you need to document processes, procedures, or policies? Let’s take a closer look.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: For Documenting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SweetProcess makes it easy to document your SOPs. You can create effective documentation to empower your team with all the information they need to do their job right. This saves time for your company, especially when you have repetitive tasks.

You can create procedures to be accessed from one place without any communication barriers. Follow these steps:

  • On the main menu, select the “Procedures” tab.
create procedure
  • Click “Create Procedure.”
  • Add the procedure title on the next page.
procedure title
  • Next, add more information about the procedure, add tags, embed videos, and assign it to the respective team members.
Procedure tab

On the other hand, ITBoost does not have a tab to create procedures for your business.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: For Documenting Processes

Processes are a collection of procedures. Documentation of processes is a straightforward process on SweetProcess. Here’s how to go about it:

  • On the main dashboard, select “Processes.”
  • Click on “Create Process” at the top right corner.
"Create Process"
  • Add a process title.
Process Title
  • To document your process, add the procedures, steps, tags, and texts, then click “Finished Editing.”
Steps List

With ITBoost, the main dashboard does not have a tab to create processes; therefore, users can’t get direct steps with this software.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: For Documenting Policies

You can also use SweetProcess to document policies. Here are the simple steps to follow:

  • Select “More” on the main menu and click “Policies.”
  • Click on the “Create Policy” button on the next tab.
Create Policy
  • Add a policy title and assign the policy to your team members.
Policy Title

After adding the policy title, add the content in the next tab. Here you can embed videos, attach files, and include tags and then save the policy for all your team members to access.

On the other hand, ITBoost only has a knowledge base under the documentation tab. You can add your company policies in this folder to make it easy for all employees.

ITBoost knowledge base
Image source: GetApp

Features Verdict

While the two platforms have some common features like a free 14-day trial period, real-time dashboards, templates, and third-party app integrations, they are quite distinct. SweetProcess has more extensive features that benefit users, such as AI integration and all-inclusive pricing that ITBoost does not offer.

This makes it ideal for effective IT documentation. Users can use the SweetProcess dashboard to document procedures, processes, and policies. On the other hand, ITBoost does not provide directions on how users can utilize the platform for documentation. There’s only a tab to add knowledge bases for your employees.

SweetProcess is more comprehensive. The features are more extensive, making the platform more ideal for your business. Therefore, if you are looking for an alternative to scale your organization, SweetProcess is your go-to software.

Which Is Easier to Use Between ITBoost and SweetProcess?

To effectively manage your documentation, you need a tool that’s easy to use. So which is easier to use between ITBoost and SweetProcess? Let’s find out.

SweetProcess Usability

SweetProcess makes it easy for managers and end-users to get started fast. You can see everything from the dashboard as soon as you log into the platform. Here’s how to get started:

SweetProcess Usability

Signing Up

As a new user, you don’t have to pay for the subscription immediately. There’s a free 14-day trial period that you can use to learn more about the platform. To sign up, click the “Try it Free” button in the top right corner.

"Try it Free"

On the next tab, fill in your name, company size, email, and password, and then accept the terms and conditions.

Start Your Free Trial

Once you’ve added all the details, you can take a tour of the dashboard or postpone it for later. This tour is essential for new users because it shows you how to use the tool for documentation.


Finding Documents

SweetProcess makes it easy for users to find documents. The dashboard has a search button to find any company documentation. You can filter the results based on the document name, relevance, tag, or approval level.

You’ll find all the documents on the SweetProcess dashboard—you don’t have to switch tabs. From here, you can just choose the specific tab you need, depending on whether you want to document processes, policies, or procedures, assign tasks, or create a centralized knowledge base.

SweetProcess Dashboard

Creating a Knowledge Base

SweetProcess makes it easy to turn all your existing policies and procedures into a centralized knowledge base for your team members or client base. For instance, if you have new employees, they need information on how to help clients. To make it easier for them to execute their tasks, you can have a knowledge base that everyone can refer to.

This feature also comes with feedback forms, tracking, and search features, making it easy to find company documentation. Additionally, you can make the knowledge base private or public. Here’s how to create one:

  • Log in to your SweetProcess account.
  • Click the “More” button on the main menu and select “Knowledge Bases.”
"Knowledge Bases"
  • Click “Create Knowledge base” and add a title.
"Create Knowledge Base"

After creating this knowledge base, you can add controls, category names, or a public URL to make it accessible to the right people. This ensures that only individuals with authorization access company information.

Knowledge base configuration

Assigning and Monitoring Tasks

Many companies have challenges with assigning and monitoring tasks, especially when there are a lot of employees. A tool like SweetProcess eases the process by making it easy to turn your processes and procedures into actionable tasks for your team members.

With this platform, supervisors and team leaders can track every step until the task is completed. It’s easy to see what’s complete and what’s pending, streamlining operations, and making management easier. To assign tasks, follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Tasks” button on the main menu.
  • Select “Assign Task.”
"Assign Task"

Choose the team members and assign the tasks. In this section, you can also add more details to help you track the progress, such as task name, due date, time, and the team member’s name.

Assigning Task

After the assigning is done, monitor the progress by checking the “My Tasks” tab. It shows you what’s due soon or overdue.

"My Tasks" tab

Creating Process Maps and Flowcharts

During training, you might need to use visuals to make the process more manageable. SweetProcess allows you to create flowcharts and process maps to showcase your company procedures better. Here’s what a sample process map looks like:

Creating Process Maps and Flowcharts

Importing Existing Documents

To create a comprehensive documentation system, you need to have all the company information in one place. For instance, it’s common to store different documents in formats like Microsoft Word and Google Docs. However, this can be detrimental to the company because not all employees can access the documents.

Additionally, they might be stored by one person, meaning that employees must refer to one person to perform their tasks. This knowledge gap can slow down operations because team members depend on one person.

Importing Existing Documents

However, when you get SweetProcess in your company, you can import all these documents from different platforms to a centralized location. This ensures that all the employees can access the information without depending on the supervisors or managers. To import documents, follow these steps:

  • Select the “Procedures” tab on the main menu.
  • Click on the down-arrow button to the right of the “Create Procedure” button.
  • Tap “Upload document.”
To Import documents

Once you select “Upload document,” you can drag and drop. If it is on your device, you can click the “Browse” button to upload it.

Upload Document

Exporting Documents

Occasionally, you might need to share some of your company policies and procedures with consultants and other external parties. If you created them on the platform, you can export them and convert them into either PDF, HTML, or Word.

Here’s how to export documents from SweetProcess:

  • Select the “Documents” tab.
  • Click on the three dots on the right side to choose the specific document you want to export.
  • Tap “Export” and choose the document format.
Exporting Documents

SweetProcess Templates

SweetProcess makes the documentation process much easier by providing some templates. Your company can use this to get started.

To get the templates, click the “Templates” button on the menu at the bottom of the page.

SweetProcess Templates

On the next tab, you’ll see the different types of templates available. You can add any of them to your account.

SweetProcess Templates

ITBoost Usability

Now that we know SweetProcess is easy to use, what about ITBoost? Can you register and start creating procedures immediately? Let’s find out.

Signing Up

To get started on ITBoost, click the “Free Trial” button at the top right corner.

Signing Up

On the next tab, you’ll need to fill in your business email address, custom subdomain, and password to start the free trial.

Start Your Free Trial
Image source: ITBoost

Once you add the details, you can start using the tool to create a knowledge base and other documents.

How Does the Dashboard Look?

When you log in to your ITBoost account, you can view the main menu on the left side. You can click on a specific tab to access the information you need.

How Does the Dashboard Look?
Image source: GetApp

Usability Verdict

While both SweetProcess and ITBoost have a free trial for their users, the former is more intuitive. Once you log into the account, you can see all the documents in one place. Additionally, the tabs are well separated, whether you want to create procedures, processes, or policies.

Usability Verdict

SweetProcess also has an advantage because it does not have a learning curve. You can start documenting your company information as soon as you log in. However, we can’t say the same about ITBoost.

ITBoost requires more information during registration, such as a business email and a subdomain, to get the free trial. The sign-up process is more complex than SweetProcess. In addition, the dashboard does not have tabs to create procedures, policies, and processes. Therefore, it’s more complex to use than SweetProcess.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Support & Training

Customer support is crucial when choosing an IT documentation tool. You need to pick a platform that allows users to contact the team in case they need assistance. In addition, the tool needs to have training materials for new users to make onboarding easier. Let’s compare how SweetProcess and ITBoost stack up against each other.

ITBoost Support & Training

If you are a new user of ITBoost, you can take advantage of the resources on the website to get more information about how the tool works. For instance, there’s a blog section on the website that contains various articles on different topics, such as documentation tips, best practices, and ITBoost upgrades.

However, the blog section is quite limited and has very few articles. In addition, it’s not updated, as most articles are from two years ago; therefore, you might not get the latest information for your business.

ITBoost Support & Training
Image source: ITBoost

ITBoost also has a knowledge base section that contains articles and guides. You can check this section to get more information about the dashboard, settings, integrations, supportability, and more. They also provide a search bar that you can use to look for specific articles.

Furthermore, there’s a help center with phone number, email, and address details in case you need to contact the team. However, if you need a demo with the team, you have to schedule a call. To get a date for the demo, you have to provide your details first, including your name, email address, role, and industry. This can take time if you want to start using the platform immediately.

The ITBoost team is also reachable on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit if you have any questions.

SweetProcess Customer Support & Training

On the other hand, SweetProcess is more straightforward. You don’t have to register to get the live demo; you can be redirected straight from the homepage. To access the demo, tap on the “Live Demo” button.

SweetProcess Customer Support & Training

From this live demo page, you can see how easy it is to create processes, procedures and assign tasks. SweetProcess provides a comprehensive demo to ensure you don’t miss any step.

Comprehensive demo

Customer support and training are quite important for SweetProcess. Unlike ITBoost, which has a few articles on the blog, SweetProcess has a blog section with hundreds of articles on different topics. As a new user, you can read them to get more information about the software works and ranks against other tools. These articles are updated regularly; therefore, users can rely on the blog as a reference point.

blog section

Furthermore, there’s an FAQ section on the website. You can get the answers to the most common questions about SweetProcess. Therefore, this is a good place to start if you have questions about the billing details, free trial, security features, how to get more support, or software installation.

If the information is insufficient, you can still contact the SweetProcess team for further assistance. To talk to the team, email them via or call +1 (800) 476-0732. Additionally, you can also reach the SweetProcess team via social media on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Customer Support & Training Verdict

Both SweetProcess and ITBoost offer customer support services like blog, email, and phone support. However, SweetProcess has a more extensive approach. The blog posts are updated regularly, providing users with the latest information they need. In addition, there are available templates that you can access directly from the homepage to get started.

Furthermore, SweetProcess offers a live demo without asking users to register. On the other hand, ITBoost requires customers to register and book a live demo. Therefore, if you need to train new employees or onboard new clients, it will take much longer with ITBoost. From this, it’s clear that SweetProcess makes onboarding easier for new users.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Mobile Accessibility & AI

Data by Statista shows that the number of mobile users globally stood at 7.1 billion in 2021 and is expected to rise to 7.49 billion in 2025. Therefore, if you have a business, you need to ensure that your platform is accessible to mobile. Additionally, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is also becoming a common feature in most sectors as more companies look to automate operations.

So how do SweetProcess and ITBoost compare when it comes to AI and mobile integration? Let’s find out.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Mobile Accessibility & AI

SweetProcess Mobile Accessibility & AI

SweetProcess makes IT documentation more seamless thanks to the SweetAI features. You can automatically write your documents with SweetAI as long as you have the title of your procedure or policy. You can use this to document your first version of a procedure and use AI to complete the details.

If you want to create a procedure to guide your team on how to onboard clients, here’s how to use SweetAI:

  • Login to your SweetProcess account.
  • Select “Procedure” on your main menu.
  • Tap on the “Create Procedure” button.
  • Add the title of your procedure.
  • Click on the “Write with SweetAI” button.
  • Give SweetProcess a few seconds to generate the information.
Write with SweetAI

If you are satisfied with the content generated by SweetAI, you can approve it. Alternatively, you can add some details or edit the content to your liking.

SweetProcess also provides an app that your team members can download to make operations easier. The app is available on the App Store or Google Play. With the app in place, your team can manage documentation on the go, and team leaders can also track tasks from anywhere. This service is helpful for companies with remote teams or field staff working from different locations.

ITBoost Mobile Accessibility & AI

Unlike SweetProcess, which has a mobile app and AI integrations, ITBoost does not seem to have an app or any AI services for its users. This means all clients must access the site via the website, which can take longer.

Mobile Accessibility & AI Verdict

SweetProcess is the better software here because it has AI and mobile capabilities that ITBoost does not have. Thanks to the AI feature, users can create their procedures or policies much faster. Additionally, with an app, team members can track and execute their tasks on the go, which is a big boost to productivity. Therefore, if you are looking to streamline operations in your organization, you need a tool like SweetProcess that offers more capabilities.

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Pricing Plans

Before you pick software for your business, you need to consider the pricing. A good IT documentation tool should be within your operational budget to avoid incurring unnecessary costs. Let’s evaluate the pricing plans of ITBoost and SweetProcess to help you make the right decision.

ITBoost Pricing Plan

ITBoost has three pricing options; Basic, Plus, and Premium. You can choose to pay monthly, yearly paid monthly, or the yearly option paid annually. The Basic plan costs $17 per month per user, and it covers up to five users. To access more features like custom company branding, customer feedback dashboard, unlimited client feedback, and backup monitoring dashboard, you’ll need to pay for the Plus plan, which costs $27 per user per month for five users.

ITBoost Pricing Plan
Image source: ITBoost

The Premium option costs $37 per user per month and also covers five users. With this option, you get all the features from the other plans, plus asset discovery capabilities. You can start with the free 14-day trial which gives you access to all Premium IT documentation features. You can choose a plan at any point and pay with a credit card. You can switch between the pricing plans, depending on your company’s needs.

SweetProcess Pricing Plan

Unlike ITBoost, which offers three pricing plans, SweetProcess has an all-inclusive plan. When you register for an account, you can start with the 14-day free trial period to test out the platform. If you are satisfied, you can pay for a subscription that costs $99 per month. This pricing plan covers 20 active team members and allows you to access all features without paying for another premium plan.

However, if you want to add more users to your account, this will cost you $5 per person. The advantage of using SweetProcess is that it only bills employees who are on the platform. Once a team member becomes inactive, you’ll receive a prorated credit to your account.

SweetProcess Pricing Plan

SweetProcess has a monthly and annual plan; therefore, you can choose a plan that aligns with your budget. If you opt to pay the annual plan, it will cost you $82.50, saving your company by 16.67%. In addition, if you are not getting any measurable growth in your business, SweetProcess has a 30-day money-back guarantee to sweeten the deal. On top of the refund, you’ll also receive an-hour long consultation to get new business ideas.

This platform is ideal for large enterprises because it doesn’t limit the number of team members. If your team is bigger than 20, you can add them and pay the additional costs without incurring any other hidden charges.

The free trial period is the best time to determine whether SweetProcess fits your company. You won’t need to provide your credit card information during this period until you are ready to pay for a subscription.

Pricing Plans Verdict

The only thing that SweetProcess and ITBoost have in common is that they both have a 14-day free trial period for new users. However, SweetProcess has the upper hand because of the all-inclusive plan, which can cover up to 20 users. ITBoost has a tiered plan which only accommodates five users even when you pay for the premium plan, making it ideal for only smaller companies.

Additionally, SweetProcess has a money-back guarantee that ITBoost does not offer. Therefore, you’ll get more value for your business by choosing to go with SweetProcess.

Pricing Plans Verdict

ITBoost vs. SweetProcess: Final Verdict

To document your IT procedures, it’s essential to get a tool that aligns with your business goals. Picking the wrong software can lead to company losses. As you evaluate different tools, consider factors like the price, customer service options, features, mobile access, and AI capabilities. SweetProcess is the best documentation option because it has no learning curve and is easy to use whether you have a small or large company.

It also comes with multiple features that are ideal for your company. Several companies that have used SweetProcess before only have positive things to say about the platform. Let’s look at some of these success stories.

Kevin Trapp, the director of operations at Forensic Analytical Consulting Services Inc, was responsible for ensuring that the company was efficient and consistent. However, the company was struggling to maintain consistency as it began to expand to more locations. Although the company had already documented SOPs in PDF files, these files were buried in folders that all employees could not access.

Because of this, employees who needed help with tasks had to talk to Kevin instead of checking the existing documents because they were not helpful. He spent most of his time answering questions instead of focusing on other productive tasks. It became challenging to run the organization; therefore, Kevin had to start looking for a better system that would enable his team members to work with little or no supervision. In his search, he came across SweetProcess.

Since the organization adopted SweetProcess, things have changed for the better. They can now document all SOPs in one place so that employees can find information. Onboarding new hires is also more seamless because they can get help on their own by checking SweetProcess. Additionally, the centralized knowledge base has boosted productivity.

Matthew Louridas, director of operations and client services at Forest Incentives, was responsible for all process-related issues at the company. As the company expanded, the lack of documentation led to challenges that fell back on him. The company had relied on a manual documentation system for so long; however, it was disorganizing their workflow.

To cater to its clients, the company had a custom approach and guidelines to follow. Therefore, the lack of an effective workflow system was threatening operations. The Microsoft Word documents the company was using were not well organized; therefore, the company needed a new tool. After several Google searches, Matthew discovered SweetProcess to improve service delivery.

Matthew shares this about SweetProcess: “To be honest with you, it was just the clean interface and the easy use of reading, storing, organizing, and creating the documentation.” Thanks to this new addition, the company could easily capture all the information in one place, making it easy for team members to perform their duties. Their documentation was not scattered in different locations which improved their workflow.

Additionally, they now have an accessible centralized knowledge base. All team members can perform their tasks using this documented information as a guide without asking the team leaders. They can now collaborate much better, which is critical in boosting productivity. Matthew’s team also enjoys using SweetProcess because the interface is easy to navigate and use. They also use the task assignment feature to ensure that the team accomplishes more.


Your company needs an affordable, intuitive, user-friendly, and feature-rich tool to achieve effective IT documentation. When you compare ITBoost and SweetProcess, it’s clear that SweetProcess is the superior platform.

SweetProcess is the best option because it has the best features for both small and large organizations. It has no learning curve and offers a transparent pricing plan for all users. In addition, you won’t struggle with information because you can get resources on the website or contact the team.

Are you looking to start documenting your SOPs, processes, or policies from a centralized place? Then sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today. No credit card is required.

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