How Scott Gellatly quickly transitioned from Freelancer to Business Owner!

Last Updated on November 15, 2019 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

In this interview, Scott Gellatly Managing Director at Bollo Empire shares how he quickly transitioned from freelancer to business owner!

You will also discover how he systematized his sales process to be effective and scalable, how he built up a team to deliver results to his clients and what painful lesson he learned from watching his father run an IT business that made him decide to set up his own business so that it can run without him successfully!

Scott Gellatly Managing Director at Bollo Empire



In this Episode You will Discover:

  • Why Scott’s biggest challenge was systematizing his customer experience.
  • Why Scott knew he had to systematize his business in order to grow it.
  • Why Scott put a priority on systematizing the sales process in his business.
  • How Scott structured his sales process to be effective and scalable.
  • How Scott was able to systematize backend functions like invoicing in his business.
  • Why Scott believes in documenting processes using video.
  • Why Scott’s biggest challenge was cash flow when he was first getting started in business.
  • Why Scott was committed to being a good example of systematization for his clients.


Episode Transcript:

OWEN: My guest today is Scott Gellatly and he is the managing director of Bollo Empire. Scott, I’m sure I didn’t pronounce your last name correctly so please make sure you correct me on this.

SCOTT: No problem, I’m happy to be here mate. Scott Gellatly is my name and managing director of Bollo Empire here in Australia.

OWEN: Awesome. This interview is all about getting entrepreneurs who have been able to systematize the entire the business so that we can share the story, the strategies, as well as we the tactics as to how they did that. Diving right in, what are some mind blowing results that you now experience as a result of going through that process of systematizing and automating your business?

SCOTT: Yeah, sure. The primary thing, the reason you systemize is you have a business that works without you. I’m off the tools Owen. I don’t have to actually get in and deliver my service anymore. I’m freed up to work on the strategy and the growth of my business. And also, being able to go on holidays and actually have some free time, which is also pretty good. Does that make sense?

OWEN: That makes sense. I’m wondering, can you give us a specific result that comes to mind as to what you now, or maybe recently experienced as a result of systematizing the business? I’m wondering if we can give the listeners something really good.

SCOTT: Yeah, I think the real key for me is that I’ve actually been able to scale my business up. So I’ve gone from being able to be a freelancer to someone who’s now on a path to creating a million dollar business, an asset at the end that I can sell. That’s without a doubt the key to I think actually starting a business and something often lost in the translation when someone goes out there and thinks he’s going to start their own gig up.

OWEN: That’s a great result. Let’s talk about how’s the company now been transformed as a result of systematizing your business?

SCOTT: Yeah, I guess when I started out as the technician, the guy that knew a lot about what I do but hadn’t run a business before I was the one doing all the work. I was working at an hourly work so you’re instantaneously restricted purely by the number of hours in a week. Even if you’re doing an 80-hour week you literally can’t charge more than you can physically work for. Once you actually do systemize your business I was able to bring on a team who could deliver the job, deliver the work as well or better than I could, and that have freed me up to spend more time on sales, which enabled me to crank consistent pipeline of work. Once I’ve systemized that I was able to step out of sales and just work purely on a product development and strategy.

OWEN: Awesome.

SCOTT: It’s a pretty big transformation.

OWEN: That’s good. We’ve talked about how the business has been transformed. But I’m also wondering from a personal standpoint, how has your personal life been transformed as a result of systematizing your business?

SCOTT: Owen, you start to find these gaps in your calendar. Once you’ve systemized your business and having to do a 60 or 80-hour week anymore you’ve got a bit of free time. Maybe not a lot because you’re still spending a lot of time with your business growing and developing and it’s still your passion. But you’re starting to take your wife out on dates again. You’re just starting to see your friends, you’re starting to catch that game of football, or read or listen to that podcast you really enjoyed, which I think is it’s something that we all forget when we go to start our business Owen. We think about we want the freedom, we want the choice, and then we get in here and we start our business and it’s so much hard work. We can’t hand off anything to anybody. We don’t have any time to do anything. And we ended up burning out really quickly.

OWEN: You’re basically saying that your business is systematized and it runs without you. I’m wondering, since you have systems in place that allows it to run without you what will say has been the longest time you’ve been away from it?

SCOTT: I recently worked in New York for a fortnight which was fantastic, and I could literally just run my business on my notification engine of the software that supports my systems. In fact, I’ve just come away from a 5-day stint where I can basically step away from the business, allow the team to run it, and just manage it by exception.

OWEN: So that we can give the listener some context as to what your business is all about, what exactly does your company do for your customers and what big pain or problem do you solve for them?

SCOTT: We help small businesses and agencies systemize their business so that they can scale their business up and create an asset out of their business.

OWEN: Wow, that is awesome. I thought that you were in the IT space.

SCOTT: That’s right. I guess it’s a mix. IT these days is really a core cornerstone of business itself. It’s easy to say we’re an IT business but really we’re a business consulting business. The systems and the systemization of the business involves developing the process. You’re using great tools like SweetProcess to help document all those processes. But then we also have another great tool called Podio which is the database side of it, what your actual process translates into. So we all go to an agency or small business, help them understand what’s the best areas to systemize first, help them on that journey of systemizing and giving them a software platform to help them automate a lot of that and build that scalable business.

OWEN: Awesome. What I get from that is not only do you guys give them the foundation as to why they need to systematize their growing business. You also add a layer of these are the right tools based on what we found out about you that would make the most sense for you to actually implement it. And then you also showed them how to use those tools. Okay. I just want to make sure the listener understood what exactly is going on. How many full-time employees do you have?

SCOTT: We’re up to about seven now. We’re growing quite rapidly. We’ve got another one on the way. We’ve got seven people mixed between here and Australia, and our outsource team over in the Philippines. We’re definitely on our way to growing quite a solid company.

OWEN: Awesome. Is the company profitable? What was last year’s annual revenue and probably what do you expect to generate this year?

SCOTT: Last year we generated just roughly 150,000, last financial year, which is a better result than we’d expected. This financial year where onto half a million. We’ve grown a solid growth pattern. Profitability I guess our gross profit’s somewhere around 70% to 80% so it’s really just a matter of increasing revenue. We’re going to be very profitable indeed.

OWEN: Okay, let’s go back in the journey, backwards in the story because we’ve established that the business is systematized, but it wasn’t always like this. Take us back to when the business was not systematized and automated like this now. What was wrong with it?

SCOTT: As I said earlier you start that business because you’re good at something. You start a journey because you’re good at something. You don’t want to work for the man anymore. You start your business, your industry, your trade, and you just sort of dive straight into it. I didn’t know that being a consulting company, and a lot of face to face that I could systemize a lot. But I was all about systemizing other people’s business so I decided that really I should practice what I preach and get in there quite early and start systemizing. For me the most challenging part of the business was systemizing my customer experience from the point they first contact me to the point they’ve got something delivered because I actually saw…

OWEN: How so?

SCOTT: I actually felt that in the market when particularly small businesses and agencies deal with IT companies. They get a really poor customer experience. They speak to a bunch of guys who don’t talk their language. They often get results that are all feature-based rather than outcome based. So you’ve got an IT guy there with his ponytail and his spinning top on his hat, talking about how great email is or how great the workflow automation is without really tying it back and understanding the customer’s true why and true outcomes. I actually decided that that’s how I would differentiate Bollo Empire. I didn’t want to be a traditional IT company. I’ve built my systems around my customer experience and I actually reduced the number of customers I got at the start really narrowed it down so that I could work with them and develop my customer experience, and develop my system at my personal cost to create the business that I’ve got now. And now that it is systemized, structured, and ready to go it’s just a matter of rolling out the red carpet and pumping out the sales and the marketing.

OWEN: Just so I can really get this little point hit home for me though, was the business from the very beginning systematized or not?

SCOTT: Definitely not, but we did systematize very early on Owen. We chose to practice what we preach. That C stage where you’re just starting out, it was about probably 6-8 months for us where we had to endure a fair bit of pain before we really started getting our systems in place.

OWEN: I’m wondering, because most of who we have on this interview they come in and at this point the business always doesn’t start out like yours from the get-go wanting to be systematized. They went in and they had these major pains that made them decide to change. I’m wondering, was this some prior experience or some other thing that made you realize going in to this business on the get-go that it had to be systematized? I’m trying to understand the genesis of…

SCOTT: Yeah. I’m simply saying Owen and I guess I’m lucky because I’ve had some great mentors and life experiences which led me to this path. To give you an example my own father also had an IT services business. He started out, again, the technician, really good at what he did. At one point I know that he brought on three or four staff members to start growing his business. But without any systems in place those staff members, they weren’t empowered to deliver the type of product and service that he wanted. They weren’t empowered to do that. They were smart guys and they could do a good job but they didn’t have the structure and the result was that it all kind of fell apart. My dad shrank the business back down to just being himself and never actually then took the step to grow again out of fear. And the result he never actually grew his business beyond himself. He stayed a freelance, sole trader style business. I learned from that.

OWEN: I think during the pre-interview you mentioned that even after 25 years of doing the business he’s back at the same position he started in.

SCOTT: Spot on.

OWEN: I just want to make it clear for the listener that that was the genesis of the experience. You learned vicariously through the experience of your dad, and going into yours, you were going to do it differently from the very get-go. That’s why yours is not like the typical interview where we hear how it was difficult for them, but yours was based on the prior experience of your dad. We’ve established that you started out from the very beginning making sure that the business was systematized. I want to go in to details on the series of steps you took initially. What are the very first step you took at the very beginning to systematize your business?

SCOTT: Great question. This is not an easy question to answer. Looking back at my journey I felt that one of the first places that needed to be systemized, other than that customer experience which I was talking about, so from the point that someone connects to me, to the point that that product is delivered. Let’s say it happens to the general target. I actually started with sales. The reasons I started, I felt that I should start by systemizing my sales processes because I was absolutely rubbish at selling. I was a technician. I was the guy that could deliver a great service, and I knew that as long as I had the customer I’d get the job done. I actually started by systemizing my sales process so that I could naturally figure out how to sell properly. I went and got sales training. I’ve developed a sales process, the seven steps that I wanted to go through consistently, and the software tool, the CRM that helped me support that. And then I was able to reduce my actual sales process from 12 hours down to 4 hours on any given customer, and that’s even less now, which reduce the cost of me having to sell as well. Which I could also pass on to the customer and create a good model.

OWEN: I guess you wanted to create a sales process that eventually you can replace from, a process that would predictably deliver customers, right? What did you do specifically for the sales process? So that the listener understands what you did.

SCOTT: Yeah. As I said I got the sales training to give myself the knowledge of the best way to sell. And I’ll tell you Owen, the old relationship style of selling where you just meet somebody, you take them out to coffee, you make them feel good, and build a strong relationship, that method in my mind is dead. It’s important but it’s not the path. Actually structuring a sales process and taking the customer on a journey, which I guess draws from them what their true why is. When you really understand who your customer is better than they know themselves, if you understand exactly what their pain point is and you can speak to that. And you can create an emotional response and you can take that customer on a journey to the point that you put forward your proposal, if you like, or whatever it is. If you’ve addressed their true why they cannot say no unless it’s outrageously expensive and you can’t afford it. But you should’ve determined that through the process.

OWEN: First of all you started by coming up with this scalable sales process. What was the second step you took to systematize the business? I think during the pre-interview you mentioned the delivery. Talk about that.

SCOTT: Again, once we had the sales process the next part of the customer experience is obviously the delivery. And that was also really important for me to systemize because now that I’ve got my sales [Unintelligible 00:16:14] I’m getting clients. The next part I started to work on the actual delivery of my service so that I could bring on team members to do it for me. This is arguably the most important part is saying, “I might have this delivery process or this service, which is a little bit all over the shop because every customer is different. But if you really understand the patterns and really understand the outcome you’re trying to achieve you can actually break it up into a set of chunks and a set of stages. Have some processes and have a system that supports that, and then it’s a matter of just bringing on a team member and giving them that to run with.

OWEN: Okay. I think you said something about, I was trying to give the listeners some insight into the delivery itself. You said something during the pre-interview about you have a team mailer that does setting up of software and then a training component that’s done by training an organization. Talk about what is that.

SCOTT: Again, I talked about those chunks of the delivery process. Once I worked out what those different processes were to deliver my services it’s a matter of identifying the right roles to deliver those individual chunks. For me an outsource team in Manila, this great, low cost base location where I could get a team of highly experienced, highly skilled people to deliver certain parts. Here in Australia a training organization that could do the training component of the implementation based on the ground. I developed the relationships, I hired the right team at the right price point, and had a system that empowered them to actually do it.

OWEN: What other steps did you take to systematize the business? I think you mentioned something about some of the back end stuff systematizing some of that. What did you do?

SCOTT: Yeah. Once you’ve got your customer experience systemized then it is I guess all the back end foundation stuff that keep your businesses running on things like getting your building sorted out, engaging in bookkeeper is really important. Cash flow is a huge for me in the early days because it wasn’t systemized and I was trying to chase up bills myself, it was taking quite a lot of time. So I worked out how I wanted invoicing to be done, from when job is one, triggering invoicing, through chasing up those invoices. And then I was able to engage with a bookkeeper and say “Here you go. Here’s how I want you to run bookkeeping in my system.

OWEN: Awesome. You’ve just showed some of the different systems you worked on but I’m wondering how did you even prioritize what other steps to take? What was the decision making factor that you used and say, “I’ll systematize this first. I’ll create a system for this next. And so on and so forth.” What was the logic behind that?

SCOTT: I’d encourage everybody to look at their customer experience first because ultimately that’s the outward facing part of your business, the revenue generating of your business. Think about what do you want your customers to see here, feel, experience when they engage your business and systemize that so that you can bring on team members to do exactly that and create that look and feel on your behalf. Always look at the customer experience first, that’s my advice.

OWEN: First, focus on customer experience basically because that’s the outward facing things. And after that you now start working on some of the inward facing systems that the customer doesn’t really have access to but it’s part of the engine that makes them get the result.

SCOTT: Yeah, that’s right.

OWEN: Back then how exactly did you document procedures and processes for the business? What tools were you using then?

SCOTT: Nobody likes documents Owen. I think if you set out to document all of your processes on paper or even electronically they just sit in the bottom of a file directory forever and never really get viewed. They’re not engaging. I totally recommend you get a software tool that actually helps you model these processes out, get them out online, put them on your company internet so your own internal little web portal for your team. So that everybody can actually see the structure, see the system. And then you can use really engaging tools like video instead of heaps of words. Use something like video to get the point across. It’s engaging. People want to watch it. It’s also a lot quicker to watch. Does that make sense Owen?

OWEN: Okay, so you use video? I get that, because they can jump in quickly. I think your system is a tool called Podio, something like that?

SCOTT: Yeah. I use personally a product called Podio, which handle… I have all of my systems documented in my videos created and I load them up into Podio because it is also my actual management tool. It’s my CRM, my project management system, my support, my time shooting system, my strategy system, my HR system, it’s the engine of my entire business.

OWEN: Okay.

SCOTT: I use that product for Bollo Empire.

OWEN: Okay. When you were systematizing and automating the business what books or even mentors have the most influence on you and why?

SCOTT: I think the bible for systemizing your business would have to be the E-Myth Revisited. It really puts into simple terms and actually uses a story as well to go through the journey of taking you from the technician like I was through to a true entrepreneur. A systemized business that scales and works for you. So totally recommended, E-Myth Revisited. One of the books that had most influence on me was How to Win Friends and Influence People because I’m a nerdy IT guy. A book like that was really helpful, particularly in that early stage where I was developing my sales process and building relationships.

OWEN: Back then we’ve talked about some of the results you’ve had and we also talked about some of the steps you took, but if we don’t talk about the challenges that you experience when you were trying to systematize your business I feel like we don’t give the story the full merit of what really happened. What was the biggest challenge that you experienced while you initially tried to systematize your business and how did you solve it?

SCOTT: Owen, I think the same challenges that many business owners come up with and that’s cash flow. I had to try and keep the sales coming in. I sort of said earlier that I really kind of restricted the number of customers that I’ve got so that I could build my system very early on. Cash flow meant hard. When you’re not paying yourself a wage yet, you’re trying to get things built, you’re trying to get things done, and you’re trying to build your business, it’s just a perpetual issue. It’s hard to forecast too because in the early stage of business you don’t really know what’s going to come, you don’t really know what you should spend money on yet, it’s a challenge for everybody.

OWEN: You also mentioned during the pre-interview that letting go was also a challenge. Talk about that.

SCOTT: Yeah. I guess this is probably something that everybody experiences but I did particularly because, again, I’m a really technically focused guy. Once you’ve systemized your business and you documented the processes you’ve got to actually be able to let go and hand them over to a team to run. And that’s a really challenging, psychological thing for a lot of business owners.

OWEN: How so?

SCOTT: Because your business is your baby. You believe that you do it best. You’re basically taking what you’ve created and handing it to somebody else and saying, “Now, I want you to do this for me and I want you to do it exactly as good or better than I did. It’s a challenge. You’ve got to be able to let go and accept that there will be problems. There will be issues that need to be resolved they won’t be able to do it as well as you straight away. But the up side is enormous.

OWEN: You also mentioned that bringing on team members was a challenge during the pre-interview. How so and how do you solve that problem?

SCOTT: I think there’s some things that can’t be systemized Owen and that’s relationships. Being able to deal with people, performance management is something you can, interviewing and hiring people is something you can systemize. But you’ve got to know how to deal with people at the end of the day. That’s a challenge. I was lucky, again, I had some good mentors that could help me out, but not everybody’s as fortunate as me and they’ve got to try and figure it out as they go.

OWEN: Given all the challenges that you’ve mentioned so far why did you stay committed to the goal of systematizing the business?

SCOTT: I guess it’s two-fold. The first is we want to practice what we preach. So we were committed to being not only a company that systemized other business but being a shining example to our own customer base, being our own case study. And then of course, second of all it relates back to that reason that I started out, that I wanted to create a systemized business so that I didn’t spend 25 years doing 80 hours a week trying to make a go of it. I wanted to create a scalable business that worked for me.

OWEN: Pushing forward in the story at what point in time did you like you’ve systematized the entire business and it could actually run without you successfully?

SCOTT: First of all I think that systems, it doesn’t stop. You’re constantly iterating. So even now I’m making adjustments and tweaks with my delivery process with my project manager. It never really stops, and I think the data that you do stop, and everything is absolutely 120% that’s the time when it’s probably time to sell. They’ve got a great systemized business. It’s a serious asset. The cash flow is just the proof. It’s time to sell. But it took us a good 6 months to get the base system in. January this year was really when I would’ve said comfortably we have a systemized business, and now it’s just over the period that’s now iterated and just gotten better and better.

OWEN: Now that we’re talking about the present and we’ve established that the business is systematized, I want to give the listeners some behind the scene, open the curtain behind the scenes to talk about the different parts of your business and how they work to give the customer the experience you want. Imagine your business like a conveyor belt. On one end is somebody who needs help with IT or they’re not even systemized and have chaos in their business. On other end of that conveyor belt is that same customer being transformed. Their company is now systematized. The IT infrastructure is in place and all that, and they’re out there raving about you. But behind the scenes are parts of the business that are working together to make that happen. Just give us a walkthrough. Maybe even start from even before they hear about you.

SCOTT: Yeah, okay. That really starts with our attraction model marketing strategy. It’s sort of multiple conveyor belts if you like that bring in different sources of business, referral programs, AdWords, your website, lead pages, or different lead sources and different conveyor belts which lead in to a single conveyor belt which I’d call the sales pipeline. That’s where different sales people are able to pick items off the pipeline, spin them around, do what they need to do, put them back in when we’ve closed the deal hopefully. And then it splits back off into three main conveyor belts, the third one which we’re currently building. So I’d say there’s two at the moment which is that delivery process. We’ve got do it yourself, do it with you, and done for you services. That’s the three main conveyor belt.

OWEN: It’s kind of self-explanatory but can you just go into a little bit more detail about that?

SCOTT: Yeah. So do it yourself, we provide the tools online, online training. So that if you know you don’t want to spend the money and you want to do it yourself that’s totally cool. Here’s the online training for you to setup your system and get it humming. It’s an online training sequence. They’ve done it with you, which is more training. We’ll work with you to train you up on how to do this stuff yourself face to face of our webinar, and then done for you, for a company that wants to scale itself and understands it’s got to be able to let go and hand off some of this work to the professionals, we will do it for you. We will extract the information from you and your team developer system, put it back in place, and then train you how to use it.

OWEN: Awesome.

SCOTT: After that all those three conveyors flip back into one conveyor belt which is support.

OWEN: Okay. You might already allude to this before but what systems do you have in place that enable all your employees know what exactly to do. I think before you mentioned how Podio plays a role behind this. Is it just Podio that you use to configure for everything?

SCOTT: Yeah. So there’s a few other products that hang off Podio but Podio’s kind of the glue between everything. So it is a notification system, a task management system, a project management system, a CRM. It’s a workflow automation tool that we can build anything we’d want for our business. It enables our team to collaborate together. It keeps me across what’s going on in the system because I’ve got visibility over the entire thing. But then there’s other products like Xero for accounting which it interacts with to create customers. I’ve got a proposal system. I’ve got a dash boarding system. I’ve got all those different lead sources that come in, and some of those are online tools, web forms, lead pages, business cards, scanners, you name it, it all funnels into Podio. It’s the central hub.

OWEN: Okay. How do you track and verify the results being delivered by your employees?

SCOTT: I guess that’s a two stage thing. First is the QA process which is partly one of the sub conveyor belts of my delivery process. We understand…

OWEN: QA, quality assurance, right?

SCOTT: Quality assurance, that’s right. It’s a whole mechanism in itself where we’ve got certain quality checks throughout the process. But then of course Podio enables me to actually, literally set that quality process up in my system so that they’re up checkpoints, approval points…

OWEN: Where there’s QA, yeah.

SCOTT: Yeah.

OWEN: And I think you said there’s a two-system. There’s a QA which is done internally and I’m assuming that the feedback part is where the customers get to give feedback?

SCOTT: Yeah, that’s right. It’ll push out to a customer and say, “Hey, this is what we’ve created. Please review it and approve it. So we can get their feedback and their assurance that the product’s correct before put all the parts together and deliver the final service.

OWEN: And just to give more context to that, does the QA part that’s done internally, does that happen before the results are delivered to the customer or before the customer’s notified about the results? I’m wondering how [Unintelligible 00:33:22] fits into that.

SCOTT: Yeah, absolutely.

OWEN: Okay.

SCOTT: We’ve structured our teams so that the people that are developing the solution aren’t the people that are QA’ing it. So it is a bit of an internal process where a deliverable lower component of our system that we’re delivering is created. It goes through internal QA process. It finally goes to my project manager to tick off and then it goes out to the client. And of course if there’s any feedback it goes back through the process again.

OWEN: I like that. We’ve talked about the journey of how you systematized the business and we’ve talked about currently where it is right now and we’ve established that it runs without you. But I’m wondering that now they have so much free time, which areas do you focus in the business now and why?

SCOTT: First of all when you say free time, let’s say that…

OWEN: Let me carve it out. You’re not working in the business as someone who doesn’t have a business systematized. You basically have built it up so it’s systematized. I’m wondering with that leverage that you have so that you don’t work in the business. Which areas of the business do you focus on now and why?

SCOTT: I focus on building a multi-million dollar play. I focus on creating a leveraged business model, something that works without me at all that enables people to get the service they want without a lot of human interaction. So that’s the online model. I work on building strategic relationships that will enable us to grow and to scale faster. And then of course I work on systems more and more. I keep iterating, understanding where the gaps are, taking feedback from customers, and improving the process over and over again. They’re my top three things.

OWEN: You talked about the fact that you guys are aiming to be a $20 million business. I’m wondering, what is the next stage of growth for the business and let’s talk about that goal of you trying to get to a $20 million business?

SCOTT: That’s going to happen overnight so we’ve got a lot of work to do. For us the next major stage is to build that online portal which does that third stream, the do-it-yourself stream on the conveyor belt for delivery. We’ve really focused on getting that built up as well as chasing some larger clients to give us the cash flow to fund that particular extension to our business.

OWEN: Okay. We’re right at the end of the interview, I’m wondering can you just quickly give the listener kind of a summary of what you feel should be the very next step they should take in order to transform their business so it runs without them successfully?

SCOTT: Sure. I keep coming back to the start of the customer experience. Start with how do you want your customers to view your business, what you want them to feel, what you want them to see as they go on a journey with you. Start with that. Then work out what do we actually need to standardize in the team so that it’s delivered consistently to our customers, and who do I need to actually run that standardized process. What are the processes, the customer experience, what are the people, and then ultimately what are the tools that will help you do that? Is it technology, is it a software platform that will help you, is it a trolley or a certain type of hammer? What are the tools that will enable your process and your people to deliver that customer experience. Does that make sense?

OWEN: Yeah. That makes total sense. Rounding up the interview I’m wondering, is there a question that you wished that I would’ve asked you during the interview that I didn’t ask you? If so, post that question and the answer.

SCOTT: You never asked me what Bollo stands for?

OWEN: What does Bollo stand for?

SCOTT: It’s my dog’s name Owen.

OWEN: Okay. The reason for that question is just to see if there was something that you really felt would add more value to the interview that so far I didn’t just…

SCOTT: [Unintelligible 00:37:58]

OWEN: I guess you’re just joking.

SCOTT: You got me. I’m just having a laugh mate.

OWEN: Yeah, no problem. What’s the best way for the listeners to thank you and connect with you, and thank you for doing this interview?

SCOTT: I encourage them to go to our website, because we’ve even systemized your ability to connect with this you can book us in there or find Scott Gellatly and Bollo Empire on LinkedIn. That’s certainly the best [Unintelligible 00:38:28] to connect with us and we’d love to hear from you.

OWEN: Awesome. Now, I’m speaking to you the listener. Thanks for listening to this interview all the way to this point. If you’ve enjoyed this interview I want you to leave a positive review on iTunes. To do that go to and leave your honest feedback. You can also subscribe to the podcast there so whenever you have a new episode you’re aware of it as well. If you’re at that point where you’re trying to get things out of your head so your employees know what you know and you’re tired of being a bottleneck, feel free to sign up for a free 14-day trial of SweetProcess. Scott, thanks for doing the interview.

SCOTT: Loved it mate, thank you very much.

OWEN: And we’re done.


Noteworthy items Mentioned in this Episode:

  1. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie


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Here are 3 Steps to Take After Listening to the Interview:

  1. Determine what you want your customer experience to look like.
  2. Figure out what you need to standardize in your team in order to create a consistent customers experience.
  3. Decide what tools and team members can help you run the standardizing process.


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5 Essential Steps To Getting a Task Out of Your Head and Into a System So You Can Scale and Grow Your Business!
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