How the Emazing Group drastically cut down on hiring and training costs by using SweetProcess.

Last Updated on September 9, 2019 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

How the Emazing Group drastically cut down on hiring and training costs by using SweetProcess.


The Emazing Group prides itself in powering self-expression through their apparel. Whether you’re a gamer or EDM raver, they want you to feel like a million bucks expressing who you are at the events you go to.

The Emazing Group operates as a B2C company in the eCommerce space and has 60 employees.

The Emazing Group operates as a B2C company in the eCommerce space and has 60 employees.

Their tagline is:

Powering a lifestyle of self-expression.

The Emazing Group’s goal is to grow consistently by 50% each year. In 2017, they reached $20 million in revenue, and they’re on target to hit $30 million in 2018.

Highlights of Results the Emazing Group got from using SweetProcess:

  • They were able to organize all their processes in one convenient central location.
  • They were able to cut down on hiring and training costs because their process is now streamlined.
  • Team members are now able to share processes among each other. This means employees are empowered to cover for those who are absent without missing any important details..

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Business: A House of Cards

Brian Lim the Founder & CEO of Emazing Group

Brian Lim is the Founder & CEO of Emazing Group, home to the Emazing Lights, iHeartRaves, and INTO THE AM brands.

Emazing Group, home to the Emazing Lights, iHeartRaves, and INTO THE AM brands.

One of the biggest challenges he encountered early on was that no one was sure whether there were processes in place for specific tasks. And, even if there were, the processes weren’t necessarily kept up-to-date.

This disorganization was the primary pain point the business experienced in systematization. This was the result of trying to create a process management system out of tools like Google Drive and Microsoft Word instead of using a dedicated solution. In a company with 60 employees, that became hugely problematic.

Lim notes,

“To scale any type of company, you must have systems and processes in place, or else it’s a house of cards that can fall at any point in time.”

The Problem with Drive

Prior to discovering SweetProcess, Emazing Group organized their processes within Google Drive. Noting one of Drive’s inherent issues, Lim reported that everyone needed to have the same folder structure when onboarded. He added that this was a terrible pain because processes got lost, were used at the wrong time, and went out-of-date without anyone knowing. It was so messy that no one was even sure whether there were processes for certain tasks!

Though there were no hard costs associated with finding a better solution to this, considerable time was lost in getting their processes up-to-date and organized.

SweetProcess helped them organize their processes in a central location, ensure they existed for every task, were used at the appropriate time, and kept those processes up-to-date.

“The time spent by everyone creating processes, cleaning up bad processes, and learning to use them at the appropriate time … I don’t have a figure for you, but in that sense, finding a solution was very costly.”

Breakthrough in Hiring & Training

The most significant benefit of implementing SweetProcess at Emazing Group was twofold. First, they were able to improve the efficiency of their training and hiring process. Second, they were able to centralize their processes, which improved accessibility.

“The biggest impact is when we hired new folks. SweetProcess has cut down drastically on the cost of hiring and training because we’re able to give them updated SOPs and they can read them on their own time and train themselves without having someone walk them through every step.”

Thanks to centralization, Lim also pointed out that his team members are now able to share processes in case they’re going to be taking a sick day or going on vacation. In this way, other team members can cover for them and not miss out on important details pertaining to tasks they were assigned.

Why SweetProcess?

Lim says there wasn’t much deliberation in choosing SweetProcess. He researched what was out there, what other businesses were using, and when he came across SweetProcess, he shared it with his managers. They felt it was a good option for the company.

He says that the decision was an obvious one because of how simple and easy SweetProcess is to use. He appreciates the fact that SweetProcess allows him to centralize processes, organize them easily, and search for them as needed.

Emazing Group uses SweetProcess exactly as intended, to create, manage, and share processes with team members.

What Lim loves most about SweetProcess is that it’s a dedicated platform. Everyone can log in there and find specific processes without hassle.

“Compared to Google Docs or Microsoft Word, in my opinion, SweetProcess is more intuitive to build out processes and keep them constantly updated.”

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