The Ultimate Guide to RACI Charts

Last Updated on January 25, 2023 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

The Ultimate Guide to RACI Charts

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In the first meeting of the year, Mark, the CEO of Kadiel Inc, a Fortune 500 company said he needed the financial plan for the last year to be ready for review at the next meeting.

The shareholders’ meeting was only an hour away when he found out that the document wasn’t done.

He got upset and accused the finance department of not doing their job. He needed to submit the financial plan to the company’s shareholders the same day. The employees in the finance department all said they thought one of their colleagues would handle it, but no one did.

Mark didn’t want a recurrence of this embarrassing situation.

He needed a tool to efficiently assign roles and responsibilities in his company. He needed a RACI chart, a.k.a. RACI matrix. This article offers helpful insights on RACI charts and how they can clearly delineate roles and responsibilities for organizational processes and tasks.

The Ultimate Guide to RACI Charts – Chapter Index

Chapter 1: What is a Raci Chart?

Chapter 2: How RACI Charts Can Benefit Your Company

Chapter 3: How to Use a RACI Chart

Chapter 4: When Should You Use a RACI Chart?

Chapter 5: The Advantages and Disadvantages of RACI Charts

Chapter 6: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of RACI Charts

Chapter 7: How to Create a RACI Chart

Chapter 8: Choosing the Right Platform for Your RACI Templates 

Chapter 9: RACI Chart Analysis

Chapter 10: Alternatives to RACI Charts

Chapter 11: Implementing RACI Chart With SweetProcess

Chapter 1: What is a RACI Chart?

What is a RACI Chart?

A RACI chart is also known as a stakeholder matrix or RACI matrix. It is a tool used to visualize the responsibilities of an individual or group within a process, project, or service.It can also be defined as a planning tool used to define roles and responsibilities related to completing a project. 

What Are the Four Components of RACI?

The acronym “RACI” is used to remember the four key roles. They are:

R: Responsible. Who will do the work? 

A: Accountable. Who will be accountable for carrying out the task? 

C: Consulted. Who should be consulted before carrying out the task?

I: Informed. Who needs to know about this task?

The Four Roles


The responsible person is someone who does the work, not just delegating or supervising other people. This person is primarily responsible for getting the job done on time and within a budget. This role may include responsibilities such as sequencing responsibilities, setting due dates, etc. A clear example of a person in a responsible role would be developers and writers on a project team.


The accountable individual has the authority to make a final decision if there’s a conflict. This person ensures that all deliverables are reviewed and approved before they go out to the customer.

This role may include responsibilities such as approval requirements for decisions made by individuals responsible for tasks. For example, this title could be given to the person in charge of the department within an organization who is accountable for their staff’s work and behavior, or the project manager of a team.


An individual assigned the consulted role provides information and ideas but does not make final decisions, although they may be involved at various points throughout the process. Such an individual may provide information or guidance from time to time, particularly when there is a new development.

This role may include setting time commitments and availability requirements. For example, this title could be given to the second in command for a department that has been consulted about the behavior and professionalism of their staff.


The informed party’s primary role is to be kept up to date on important issues that affect their responsibilities. However, if necessary, they may even make some of those decisions. They are to be informed of the latest plans, but they do not need to give approval.

This role may also include responsibilities such as identifying factors that should trigger a change in the individual’s priorities. For example, suppose a person responsible for the finance department of an organization has been informed about a new policy giving employees an extra holiday. In such a case, they will not be consulted on this matter because it does not affect them. However, they do need to be informed of the change.

Chapter 2: How RACI Charts Can Benefit Your Company

When it comes to clarifying roles and responsibilities in a business, there’s no better way to do so than by utilizing a RACI chart. RACI charts can help organize and clarify tasks, ensuring that everyone involved knows their role in completing a project or task. By using a RACI chart, you’ll be able to reduce communication breakdowns and improve overall efficiency within your organization.

Benefits of RACI Charts

Wondering why you should start using RACI charts? Here are just some of the benefits they offer.

Define Responsibility for Each Step in a Process

RACI charts allow a clear understanding of who is responsible for each step in a process. This makes it easier to identify the “bottleneck” of any given project, making it easier to delegate tasks or resolve issues with employees.

Define Responsibility for Each Business Process

RACI charts make it easy to understand who is responsible for each business process within an organization. This helps business owners understand the complexities of their organization and how to delegate tasks or responsibilities effectively.

Promote Accountability

RACI charts promote accountability in an organization. Every task is assigned to a single individual, holding them responsible if that task is not completed properly. This also identifies potential bottlenecks within processes that can be difficult to overcome when there is a lack of communication.

Identify Mismatches Between Employee Workloads

RACI charts can help identify overworked and underworked employees, allowing the organization to better distribute tasks and responsibilities within their business based on one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Identify Skills and Talents Needed for a Task

RACI charts make it easier to see where specific skills or talents fit in each task or responsibility, making it easier to assign projects when a particular need arises.

Identify Needed Training

RACI charts help identify areas of needed training when skills are not present in certain areas. Managers can then allocate funds to train employees in the appropriate business processes to develop their abilities and ultimately contribute to the organization’s success.

Promote Engagement

RACI charts promote engagement because business owners and employees alike feel as though they have a stake in the company and that their work is important to the organization’s overall success. This increases productivity within an organization, especially since every employee understands their role and how pivotal it is for organizational or project success.

Allow for Better Delegation of Tasks

RACI charts allow better delegation of tasks and responsibilities because the owner or leader clearly understands their employees’ abilities. This allows them to allocate specific tasks or responsibilities based on their employee’s ability level or comfort zone, leading to increased productivity while reducing potential stress on leaders and employees alike.

Helps Keep Projects on Track

RACI charts help keep projects on track by identifying the source of potential roadblocks or obstacles that may arise during a project. Managers can then put together contingency plans to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget, avoiding unnecessary stress related to unexpected changes. 

Helps Businesses Anticipate Change

RACI charts help business owners anticipate a need for changes in their company because they have identified various skills and talents needed to complete each task or fulfill each responsibility, which allows them to ensure that their organization is equipped to handle any changes that can affect the success of their company.

In today’s business world, many issues require constant attention. One of the most important is the management of people within a company. There are several ways to accomplish this task, and one, in particular, is by making use of a RACI chart.  

 How a RACI Chart Can Help Your Business

RACI charts act as a process improvement tool that can be used in businesses to better document responsibilities for completing tasks. 

Provide Transparency

RACI charts help provide transparency in assigning responsibilities when too many stakeholders are involved in the decision-making chain. It’s important to note that this technique does not absolve any party from being responsible, but allows for a greater understanding of how that responsibility will be met rather than who has the final say.

Delegate Responsibilities

The RACI matrix can help businesses make informed decisions about the hiring, assigning, and task completion of all tasks in business. For example, if your company wanted one person at each level in the organization—not just lean on management for every project—a RACI chart can help assign multiple levels of responsibility. 

Evaluating Outputs, Decision Making, and Inputs

The RACI chart can also be used by management for evaluating tasks with outputs, decision making, or inputs. It’s important to note that this technique does not absolve any party from being responsible, but simply allows for a greater understanding of how that responsibility will be met rather than relying on one individual. For example, if Dele was assigned the responsible role and did nothing, the failure or delay in the project will be caused by Dele who, for one reason or the other, didn’t have any input in the assigned task.

Defines Responsibility

The way the RACI chart works is by identifying who must do what and why, whether it’s a decision maker, an approver, or someone who must get the ball rolling. Clearly defining responsibilities helps avoid having anyone feel like they are not heard, or having things fall through the cracks when responsibility is handed out.

Identify Gaps in a Process

In addition, the RACI chart can also help identify gaps in the process that need to be addressed, who is accountable for each task, and how routine tasks should be handled. Through the use of RACI charts, businesses can invent a plan of action for projects with multiple responsibilities at once rather than just handing out responsibilities to one person in the group.

Chapter 3: How to Use a RACI Chart

The RACI matrix is used to assign roles in an activity or process. For each role in the activity or process, the following data must be determined: 

  • Who is responsible for carrying out the role (R)?
  • Who has the authority to demand this role be carried out (A)?
  • Who has to be consulted before the role can be carried out (C)?
  •  Who has to be informed afterward (I)? 

A RACI Chart and a Process Flow Diagram

The RACI matrix is often used with a process flow diagram to describe desired activities and their associated actors. For example, a cyber security policy may define certain roles and responsibilities in the following ways:

  • The manager is responsible for deciding the number of servers that may be needed (R).
  • The project manager has the authority to ensure that all documentation is up to date and there are no problems (A).
  • Anyone who needs access to information in regards to the cyber security policy will apply to IT security through existing channels (C).
  • The manager is responsible for keeping abreast of changes in the company policies (I).

 A RACI Chart Without a Process Flow Diagram (Manual Context)

The RACI matrix can also assign roles in a manual context. Assigning roles in a manual context is typically done when no process flow diagram exists and roles are defined strictly by job function. 

Examples of activities that can be used for manual context assignment include:

  • Allocating resources
  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Identifying communication channels
  • Identifying performance metrics/standards
  • Allocating authority

For each activity, you should ensure that one role is assigned as responsible, authorized, consulted, and informed.

To ensure that a single employee is not responsible for multiple activities, it may be necessary to assign a refreshing time between two consecutive activities for which a single employee is responsible. This will prevent employees from being overworked and ensure that all their efforts are expended reasonably and fairly.

How to Find the Perfect Balance Using RACI Charts

Give Each Person a Copy of the RACI Chart

Every employee in your organization should have a copy of their own RACI chart, which clearly defines who will carry out the responsibilities for various tasks. This will help minimize conflict and keep every business or project on track as it is clearly defined who is responsible for what task, how each role links into the overall goal of the project, and who they must consult with to carry out their task.

Describe Each Role Clearly

When creating your RACI chart, you should describe each role as clearly as possible so that everyone knows exactly what to expect from their teammates. When each role is well-defined, there will be no confusion or wasted time, as everyone can focus on what they need to do and how this ties into the bigger picture.

Include All Four Roles

A RACI chart must include the four main roles (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed). This helps ensure that tasks are completed correctly and in a timely manner.

Divide Roles and Responsibilities

When creating your RACI chart, remember that each role is as important as the next, and you cannot have a successful project if one person is taking on too much. Working together will stop things from becoming hectic, but everyone must understand their role and responsibilities to avoid conflict within the team.

Reevaluate Roles if Necessary

If you feel that your staff members could work better with different RACI chart roles, you may need to rethink your management style. If you overstep boundaries by giving certain individuals more responsibility than they can handle, productivity could decrease. However, everyone has the potential to be successful. But some people require different levels of support to achieve their goals, so think about who would flourish under what role before assigning it.

RACI Chart Rules

RACI chart rules are to be applied during the construction of the RACI chart to ensure that each responsibility is associated with precisely one RACI category.

The following are the four rules that MUST be satisfied by every RACI chart:

 RULE 1:  Every task or activity must have exactly one owner. 

The person who owns the task is the R (responsible) in RACI terms and must therefore be assigned to that task role.

For example:

If Jim needs to approve a project, he cannot be assigned to “carrying out” the same project. He would either need to approve or carry out the project and therefore be assigned as responsible (R) or accountable (A). Or Jim would need to approve, and someone else would need to carry out the project. Then he can only be assigned as accountable.

If there is a task that has several owners (e.g., “define R&D strategy”), then it must be split into several activities or tasks with one person assigned to be responsible for each of the tasks (e.g., define R&D strategy for new products, define R&D strategy for existing products).

RULE 2: Each activity must have at least one owner.

You are either given the responsible (R), accountable (A), informed (I), or consulted (C) role in RACI chart language. However, if there is an activity without an owner, and there is no one to take responsibility for the activity, the person doing this task would become accountable (A) because they become accountable for completing the assigned tasks.

For example:

If the task is to manage a project but there is no manager, it must be split into tasks, and each must have a manager assigned. Each task must have at least one person responsible for it.

RULE 3: No person can own more than one responsibility.

If a person has more than one responsibility, the role will need to be split between two or more people.

For example:

If Jim is responsible for the revenue and support activities, his role needs to be split into two persons such as “Jim – Revenue” and “Jim – Support.”

 RULE 4: The responsible party cannot be accountable for the same task (A) on the RACI chart.

Since this would mean that the responsible role (R) is accountable to himself (A), if there are any tasks without owners, these tasks must be assigned to the owner of the RACI chart itself. Each task must have at least one responsible person. Each task should also have only one accountable person.

For example:

If Harry is responsible for completing a report, he cannot also be responsible for its quality. Therefore, Harry can be responsible for the first task (R), but Jim needs to be assigned to the quality task.


Chapter 4: When Should You Use a RACI Chart?

When should you use a RACI chart?

Have you ever been in a meeting where someone proposes an idea, and then everyone starts debating what their role in making it happen should be? This can lead to confusion, frustration, and delays.

Using a RACI chart can help clarify everyone’s roles and responsibilities to work together more effectively. 

When to Use a RACI Chart

Here are various scenarios in which RACI charts are applicable.

When you have new team members

Use RACI chart templates as part of your new hire orientation process to explain the roles and responsibilities so new employees clearly understand the expectations for their new job.

When you’re in planning or project management mode

RACI charts can be used when planning projects, creating work breakdown structures, estimating resources, and estimating costs. They are also helpful with risk management plans, communication plans, and building your team in general.

When you have lots of deliverables

Use RACIs to “map out” your project. This ensures each deliverable is accounted for and that nothing is missed or overlooked. In addition, it ensures there are no gaps in the project and makes sure all responsible parties are assigned to each task.

When you have a complex project

You can use RACI charts to detail out very complex projects. This ensures everything is tracked and accounted for, which can be particularly beneficial when working with multiple international teams or large global organizations. RACI charts are a good way to ensure all your bases are covered when you have a complicated project with several moving parts.

A Few Caveats About Using RACI Charts

RACI charts don’t work for every project. If your deliverables are straightforward and not too complex, RACIs may not be necessary. It’s best to use them on projects with some complexity or ambiguity around who will do which tasks.

You can get overwhelmed with RACI questions if you have many team members. Once you have determined who’s doing what, make sure to follow up on actionable items at project meetings or milestones. That way, nothing falls through the cracks.

Organizations That Need RACI Charts 

Organizations, no matter how big or small, need to ensure everyone knows what they are responsible for. This is why many business owners choose to use RACI charts. As such, the RACI chart is a valuable tool.

Organizations that should imbibe RACI charts into their business processes are: 

  • Companies with a large staff base or even those with a few staff members who fulfill multiple roles. 
  • Organizations with several departments where each department has its own goals and objectives.
  • Businesses that need to divide their work into manageable chunks, as this will help maximize productivity.
  • Small- or medium-sized businesses that need better lines of communication.
  • Project-based organizations that work with outsourcers and partners on various projects.
  • Organizations that are expanding their business to new regions or countries, especially when they are entering global markets.
  • Start-ups that want to follow established business processes.
  • Organizations that use matrix organizations and who require clarity on responsibilities.
  • Any organization that has more than three people involved in decision-making and work distribution.
  • Organizations that have frequent dealings with other organizations or institutions such as governments, charities, agencies, and so on.
  • Businesses looking to improve their processes by following best practices.
  • Teams within an organization who need better clarity.

Chapter 5: The Advantages and Disadvantages of RACI Charts

The Advantages and Disadvantages of RACI charts

Like most things in life, RACI charts have their advantages and disadvantages as well.

The advantages are: 

1. The RACI chart is a simple and easy tool to identify responsibilities within a group or organization.

2. The RACI chart has clear advantages over other decision-making tools, such as the Gantt chart, in that it can be used for small or large projects with few or many participants.

3. The RACI chart clearly identifies who is responsible for which task and when a specific task should be completed. The RACI chart also makes it easy to see who owns a task and who is accountable for getting something done.

4. A RACI chart does not require the project manager to have extensive training in using special software or statistical analysis to complete.

5. The RACI chart has been useful in identifying tasks that other approaches may have overlooked, such as job descriptions.

6. Using RACI charts will help control staff turnover since new employees can quickly learn their responsibilities by reading the RACI document.

7. The RACI chart may reduce conflicts between team members since each person is clear about his or her role in achieving project objectives.

The disadvantages are:

1. RACI charts are often used in large, distributed organizations. RACI charts are not very effective for this environment because they may not allow employees to self-select their areas of responsibility.

2. A RACI chart only indicates the different roles in the project. It doesn’t consider how an employee’s skills or abilities fit into each area.

3. RACI charts do not indicate timeframes within which employees are responsible or consulted, so it can be very unclear when something is expected.

4. RACIs can become quickly outdated with changes to employees’ roles, activities, tasks, and relationships between members on the same team.

5. The role of “consulted” is very easy to manipulate and there is always a chance that individuals responsible for this aspect of the workload will not do their job or be available when they are needed.

6. RACIs do not allow room for flexibility when unforeseen challenges or obstacles occur during a project’s execution.

7. RACI charts can lead to unclear responsibility delegations. Incorrect responsibilities may be assigned due to unclear scope of work.

8. RACI charts can be over- or underutilized. They may be unnecessarily created for a simple project or not used for a more complex project.

9. Incorrect RACI charts may be created using a template from another project.


Chapter 6: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of RACI Charts

How to Avoid the pitfalls of RACI charts

A RACI chart is one of the first tools project managers learn to use early in their careers, but it can sometimes be problematic.

Here are some tips on how to avoid the pitfalls of RACI charts.

Understand what sort of decision the RACI chart is expected to help with

It might be tempting to use a RACI chart at any time for any decision-making process, but this can lead to misapplication and confusion over roles and responsibilities. In particular, keep in mind that:

– A crucial first step is knowing whether a RACI chart should be used is whether it is to help make a decision or to monitor and review it afterward. This distinction is important because the information collected through the process will differ accordingly.

– A RACI chart can’t account for all contingencies since it is based on roles. Remember that a RACI chart deals only with those decisions that require approval by defined, accountable parties. If the decision isn’t part of this process, it shouldn’t be documented on a RACI chart.

Get agreement on the rules for using the RACI approach

Before proceeding with any RACI analysis or implementation plan, talk to all the involved parties about how you will use the approach. For example, it should be agreed at the onset of a RACI analysis that it should be used for all decisions, for only major decisions, or only those that carry a certain level of risk. This is important because these expectations will determine which roles are needed and how they interact in terms of communication and approval.

Enlist the support of those involved

Once you’ve decided on how you will use RACIs, make sure your intended users understand and accept these terms as well. If there is a resistance, find out why and work to resolve it before proceeding.

Apply the right roles for the decision

There are four roles involved in the RACI process:

  1. The person or people who will make the decision. More than one person can play this role in some cases, but there should only be one decision-maker. If this is not clearly defined upfront, it can lead to problems later on. The person or people in the accountable (A) role are responsible for making the decision and accepting responsibility for its outcome—even if others might have advised differently. Rather than just including heavyweight advisors and stakeholders, consider who needs to sign off and take ownership of the decision.
  2. The responsible person or persons is the one directly responsible for completing the task. Every task must have at least one responsible party.
  3. The consulted individuals provide information and are asked whether they agree with what’s happening in the task and why. They provide input and feedback.
  4. Those who should be informed and be kept abreast about how the project is going and if any changes will occur.

Make sure the decision-maker can clearly articulate the problem or need

When it comes time to make a decision, all who will be accountable for its outcome must agree on what they’re deciding. Ultimately, only one person or team is accountable for each task. It’s not enough to decide that something should be done; it must be clear what is to be done, why, and how. This will help ensure that the right people are involved throughout the process at the right times and also provide a strong starting point for RACI analysis.

Check whether everyone agrees to be included in all communications

Before using a RACI chart, everyone involved must agree to be included in the process’s communications. In many cases, this is implicit, but it’s always a good idea to have that discussion directly to ensure that all potential bottlenecks are resolved upfront.

Identify specific tasks for each role

A RACI chart captures what roles and responsibilities are associated with a particular decision. It is not the same as a job description, which captures what people do on an ongoing basis, but can be helpful in terms of clarifying what’s expected.

Check whether everyone agrees to follow the process

The last step is checking that all those involved agree to follow the RACI process going forward. Keep in mind that resistance is not always a bad thing—it can sometimes raise important questions or provide insights into other variables that should be considered as the RACI process unfolds.

To avoid these pitfalls when creating your own RACI charts, consider the following:

  • Always remember that the RACI chart is there to deliver clarity and keep everyone on the same page.
  • Define your terms in advance and make sure all the stakeholders involved understand them without ambiguity.
  • Make it clear who has authority over each level of management, and be certain that this matches their actual lines of communication within the company.
  • Keep your RACI charts simple and easy to read. Creating too much detail can lead to a loss of clarity.
  • Make sure that the chart matches the project’s actual scope of work and isn’t just replicating another project’s RACI chart.
  • Stay flexible with your RACI chart depending on the needs and requirements of each project.
  • Keep your RACI chart as concise as possible. Include only management, department, and any other stakeholders deemed absolutely necessary.
  • Use colors and symbols to highlight important information, and use visual elements to indicate who has authority over whom.
  • Make sure you update the RACI chart as soon as changes are made to the project.
  • Don’t spend too much time on your RACI chart. Creating a long document will make it difficult to manage and add unnecessary bureaucracy.

Chapter 7: How to Create a RACI Chart

How to create a RACI chart

The RACI chart is a table that provides a visual method for checking responsibilities and authorities within an organization. It consists of four roles: responsible, accountable, consulted and informed.

As each task begins, a person is responsible for the task and then reports back to management or appropriate stakeholders about their progress on that task. Another person is assigned to be accountable, consulted, and informed, respectively.

Each team member must clearly understand their role and the role of others they will interact with. The most common roles included on a RACI chart are project manager, team member, sponsor, customer/client/end-user, subject matter experts (SMEs), executive management, and functional managers.

RACI Matrix in Project Management

In a project management context, the RACI chart helps to ensure that the team (your employees) understands the level of responsibility and authority delegated. However, this matrix can be controversial as it can give a false sense of security if not properly managed. For example, the matrix ensures accountability by assigning tasks to specific people with clear lines of communication between them. However, this doesn’t mean roles are secured. They’re still susceptible to change based on business needs, the status of the various employees in the organization, or personal emergencies. 

The matrix can document who is responsible for what throughout the life of a project. It also provides a reference that helps individuals work with their respective team members and identify any potential gaps or overlaps in responsibilities between themselves and their teammates. In addition, it allows project managers to communicate roles and responsibilities to team members and stakeholders.

Project Manager

The project manager is responsible for ensuring that the tasks required by the project are completed on time and within budget. The project manager assigns tasks to team members and delegates responsibility for the project’s overall success. Thus, the project manager is commonly assigned the A or accountable role.

The project manager is responsible for managing all aspects of a project’s life cycle including planning, execution, closing, and support. They may also be held accountable for answering any questions from both internal and external partners about tasks/activities or roles/responsibilities. Other roles are assigned based on the project’s needs and requirements.

Accountable Person

The role of the accountable person is to ensure that all tasks within a project are delegated, and that everyone involved in the project knows who is responsible for each task. Additionally, the accountable person is responsible for ensuring that all tasks are completed on time.

Decisions made by the accountable person include:

  • Delegating work to specific team members.
  • Setting deadlines for specific tasks.
  • Revising deadlines as needed.
  • Communicating with other stakeholders as needed.

Team Member

The team member’s job is to complete assigned tasks promptly. Team members should report any issues, risks, or major decisions to the project manager to assess if an accountable decision must be made. Thus, the team members can be assigned the R or responsible role.

Consulted Person

Consulted parties may influence accountable parties without carrying the final decision.

Informed Person

Informed parties are usually stakeholders who need to know project progress and decisions but do not say how the project is run or delivered. All team members should keep their stakeholders informed of project status and decisions as requested.

The sponsor represents executive management and approves all project scope, schedule, budget, and quality changes. Sponsors ensure that team members have the resources to complete their work, provide guidance on project direction and act as a tie-breaker if accountable parties cannot reach a consensus. Thus, the sponsor can be assigned the I or informed role.

Customers or clients are the reason that the project exists. They may also be subject matter experts who require access to deliverables as the project progresses. Customers and clients determine which requirements are critical to business success and may reject deliverables that do not meet their needs.

A RACI chart should only be created after roles and responsibilities have been clearly defined and documented in job descriptions. Once this has occurred, the project can be divided into activities, with each task having at least one person responsible for completing the task. Each person can then be identified by whether they are responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed about the task. Once all tasks have been assigned to a RACI category, there should be no more than one person in the “accountable” column for any specific task.

The Task to Add in a RACI Chart

Each team member’s role should be clearly defined in a RACI chart. This ensures that steps are being taken to prevent failures or delay in the execution of tasks  from occurring. Some examples include:

1) Initiating a project review if casework is not meeting deadlines.

2) Escalating any issues.

3) Documenting and reporting any trends in performance.

4) Keeping accurate records for lessons learned from the project.

5) Seeking resolution.

6) Managing risk and decision-making process.

7) Defining goals and milestones for tasks or projects requiring high management involvement.

8) Ensuring efficient and effective delivery of services by assigning responsibility to individuals.

Striking the Right Balance With RACI Charts

Your RACI chart should be tailored to address specific needs and requirements of your business processes while still providing enough room to create a reasonable degree of flexibility. In doing so, it’s important to strike a balance between allocating responsibility and accountability evenly while allowing the distribution of additional duties across different parties when necessary. Ultimately, this should provide maximum benefits with minimal risks.

So, how do you strike that balance? There are eight main points to consider:

1. Ensure that each party is assigned responsibility for certain key steps in the process.

2. Clearly define all parties’ roles and core competencies.

3. Identify tasks that specific parties, not their substitutes, should perform.

4. Assign additional duties to parties whose current responsibilities are irrelevant or aren’t time consuming.

5. Check the RACI chart for possible conflicts.

6. Ensure that any deviation from the RACI chart is justified in writing.

7. Have every party sign off on the final version of the RACI chart to establish their agreement to its contents and terms (when required by company policy).

8. Implement changes gradually, allowing all parties to adjust accordingly.

By covering these eight points, it becomes much easier to strike a balance required to create RACI charts that are both effective and efficient. Through constant revision and improvement, you can effectively make your business processes more adaptive to dynamic conditions, like changes in demand or resource availability, without compromising on quality. 

However, while treating each point as a separate entity is important, they’re all typically interconnected, and they should be considered as such when creating a RACI chart tailored to meet your organization’s needs.

Chapter 8: Choosing the Right Platform for Your RACI Templates 

Choosing the right platform for your RACI templates

All organizations have business processes that need to be carried out by the people involved in the organization. Whenever there is a process, there are documents prepared for each step.

Different kinds of documents are created depending on the nature of the process. For example, different charts are used to display figures related to budgeting or forecasting, while spreadsheets are used when there are lots of figures to go around.

But when it comes to processes, documentation is not limited to charts, spreadsheets, and the likes. Some templates are used with business documents for everyone in the process or at least in the related departments to understand their roles clearly.

Template Platforms

Templates guide individuals on what to do and what not to do in various business processes. Thus selecting the right RACI template platform is vital because it determines how well your processes will be carried out. 

Below are the most common platforms you can get your RACI template from or use to make your own.

RACI Templates in PowerPoint

RACI templates in powerpoint

An image of RACI in Powerpoint

PowerPoint is the most common platform for RACI templates because everyone in an organization already has access to it. It’s accessible on any device, so you can easily carry out the process without wasting too much time on learning how to use another new software.

RACI Templates in Excel

RACI templates in excel

Excel is also a good platform, especially if you already have a template in it and all you need is to adapt the data. You can easily link data to other Excel files or databases for more updates.

RACI Templates in Word

RACI templates in word

Word is mostly used for internal communication and documentation of business processes, while Excel is mainly used for creating charts and spreadsheets for figures related to planning, forecasting, or budgeting.

RACI Templates in PDF

RACI templates in PDF

RACI templates in PDF are mostly used by consultants or experts in the field who need to conduct workshops for teams to understand best practices when using RACI charts and to preserve its format.

RACI Template Online Software/Tools

There are online software/tools that speed up RACI matrix creation and simplify the communication between each role. As such, software tools are helpful for those who do not want to spend time creating one from scratch. RACI template online software tools are also good for those who do not have the resources to create one, as they are more cost-effective than having it created by professionals.

The following is a list of software tools you can use to create your RACI chart.


Raci chart Software - SweetProcess

This online software creates workflow charts to clarify who does what in a project. RACI matrix templates can be made in this software, and users can easily share, upload, and download their project files online. SweetProcess makes it easy for each accountable person to map out all the tasks and assign them to their responsible parties. They can track their completion and give their approval right in the SweetProcess software. Roles for informed and consulted can be added to any procedure making it clear who has each role and their progress toward completing the project.


Raci chart Software - Ayoa

This is a cloud-based project management and collaboration software that provides file sharing, task, and events management. RACI matrices can be created on this platform, making it easy to assign roles and responsibilities in different workgroups. 


Raci chart Software - Sinnaps

A hierarchical task and events management software, Sinnaps has a drag-and-drop feature, making it easy to rearrange tasks on the project timeline.


Raci chart Software - Asana

Asana is an online collaboration tool that can create RACI matrix templates for small projects, such as school or small-scale projects.


Raci chart Software - Creately

Creately is an online diagram and project management tool. You can create your own RACI structure template on this software and share it with other team members. Moreover, this software has built-in features such as version management, enabling you to go back to a previous draft or version of your RACI structure template.


This is a simple task and event management software. It also enables users to create their work breakdown structure to understand the project’s structure better.

As you can see, there are so many online software tools that enable users to create their own RACI template for different projects. These software solutions are useful, especially for those who cannot hire professional project managers to help them implement their projects. 

Chapter 9: RACI Chart Analysis

RACI chart analylisis

The Usefulness of RACI Chart Analysis

RACI analysis is commonly used for large projects involving multiple employees at different levels. This analysis helps determine who does what tasks by analyzing the roles and responsibilities of each employee. It also helps uncover the strengths and weaknesses of employees, which can motivate them. Hence, RACI analysis is very useful for the success of any project or organization. 

Here are some of the benefits of RACI chart analysis:

Workload analysis: Workload sharing between employees and identifying overloaded employees.

Task assignment: Assigning tasks to respective employees based on their roles and responsibilities.

Employee performance evaluation: Employee evaluations can be done by evaluating their roles and responsibilities in the team, thus finding their strengths and weaknesses.

Employee relations: Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and giving them a sense of importance and involvement in the work process can help with employee relations. This will build trust between employees and the organization, ultimately benefiting both parties.

On the other hand, when RACI analysis is poorly carried out, it could result in:

Ineffective task management: When there is ineffective task assignment, employees will work without a proper goal or objective, resulting in poor performance and productivity.

Rivalry among employees: A bad relationship between team members can lead to a lack of motivation, resulting in poor overall performance.

Task ambiguity: Task ambiguity can lead to poor employee motivation, resulting in overall low performance within  the organization.

Conflicts among employees: Conflicting views between team members will result in ineffective task management, leading to overall dissatisfaction and inefficiency in working on the project.

 Analysis of RACI Chart: Vertical Versus Horizontal

Vertical Analysis of RACI Charts

Vertical Analysis of RACI Charts

An analysis of the RACI chart may be performed vertically to prioritize the tasks within an organization. Since the RACI chart is a matrix, it can be analyzed vertically. Each row has to be analyzed in relation to the column creating the row. Vertical analysis is a way to determine which stakeholder has the most power in relation to the other ones. 

Horizontal Analysis of RACI Charts

Horizontal Analysis of RACI Charts

A RACI chart can be analyzed in horizontal distribution to observe the distribution of people responsible for a project. This analysis helps identify the idle resources that are not being utilized properly or effectively. It also helps assign resources in future projects, as it helps view the distribution of resources in different projects.

Using RACI on Agile Projects

Agile projects utilize a flexible and collaborative approach to planning and guiding project processes. One of the agile approaches is Scrum, an iterative and incremental process. The daily standup meetings (meetings in which employees participate while standing to encourage efficiency and brevity) are held to get updates from the team members. Development is done using sprints during which the Scrum team works together to make an incremental improvement in a product. Using multiple sprints helps improve the product or software by releasing them on time, avoiding delays.

Each member of the team has specific roles and responsibilities during development. For example, a product owner needs to provide the requirements to the team, and it is not their job to develop or test the product.

How to Use a RACI Chart on an Agile Project

Step 1: Defining the roles and responsibilities of each individual in the team is very important when starting an agile project. There will be no confusion if everything is defined before working on it. 

Step 2: Define the RACI type for each role and who holds that role in an agile project.

Step 3: The RACI chart will remain similar for all the sprints (the period in which a team completes a task). The only change that might happen is when a team member leaves the project or when a new team member joins the project.

Chapter 10: Alternatives to RACI Charts

Alternatives to RACI charts

There are many different variations of the RACI model, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Understanding the different types helps determine which is best for your specific project or organization. Some of the common RACI variants are:


The DACI matrix shows the different degrees of responsibility, accountabilities, and functions needed on a project. DACI stands for: driver, approver, contributor, informed. The DACI matrix is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the effectiveness and velocity of teams on projects.


The PACSI matrix shows the different degrees of responsibility and accountability needed on a project. PACSI stands for: perform, accountable, control, suggest and informed. In the PACSI matrix, the accountable individual is reviewed by the stakeholders and he or she must inform the management on the status of tasks.


The RASImodel combines all four models, where each letter represents a different role. It stands for: responsible, accountable, supporting, and informed. It is an alternative to the RACI matrix, but in this case the supporting party helps in the implementation of tasks.


RACIQ stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, informed, and quality reviewer. It is an extended version of the RACI model with an addition of a quality reviewer who ensures the output meets the standard requirements.


The RACI-VS model or “racivs” is another extended version of the RACI matrix with the addition of the “v” for verifier and “s” for signatory. The verifier and the signatory ensures  that the tasks carried out are up to par.


The CAIRO model is an expanded version of the RACI matrices with the addition of “O” for out of the loop (or omitted). The “O” keeps the right people in the loop and ensures efficiency.


RATSI is utilized in organizational design or analysis of roles. RATSI stands for responsibility, authority, task, support, and informed. This matrix clearly defines the person who does the task (T) and who supports (S) the individual in the implementation of the task.


This model is designed to be used in matrix management systems and differs from RASCI (as shown below) due to an additional function as a driver and a more narrow description of support.  The driver helps to fulfill a task while the support helps those responsible for achieving it.

Variation of RACI Charts


In the RASCI model, the perform function is represented at the same level as accountabilities and inputs. RASCI stands for responsible, accountable, supporting, consulted, and informed. 


The ARCI matrix is an acronym that stands for accountable, responsible, consulted, and informed. This model is similar to RACI and DACI matrices.

Chapter 11: Implementing RACI Chart With SweetProcess

Implementing RACI Chart With SweetProcess

Every business has its own processes and procedures to achieve success, but sometimes these can seem irrelevant or complex. With the daily burdens of running a company, it can be difficult to keep track of your business processes without effectively organizing them. Some companies try to go by the rulebook and lose sight of what matters.

There’s a better way to manage your business processes, and it comes in the form of an automated task management tool called SweetProcess. By automating your tasks, you can save time that would otherwise be wasted on mundane activities. And when you’re able to free up your day for more productive pursuits, nothing can stop your company from succeeding.

SweetProcess is the perfect task management tool to efficiently organize your team members or employees. It simplifies communication by keeping track of every project’s updates, such as the time required, status, deadlines, or any updates regarding the project assigned. Furthermore, it also reduces the communication gap between everyone involved in the project.

This all-in-one software has some inherent features to make the work even more effective. By default, it helps you put your team members under various roles like owner, collaborator, project manager, and assign roles such as the responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed as needed in a RACI chart. 

SweetProcess defines each team member’s role and responsibilities to complete the work perfectly within deadlines. It also helps avoid confusion by identifying who is accountable or responsible for each task. Thus, it becomes very easy to track projects with smooth communication lines among everyone involved.

In addition, it also acts as a central storage space for all your company’s business data which you can access from anywhere using any device (even on the go with the mobile iOS or Android app). This is especially useful because it makes it impossible to lose your information.

To make things even easier, you can also customize the tool for future needs and create new processes with a few clicks of a button. Its easy-to-use interface makes it possible for even those who aren’t tech-savvy to get used to the change quickly, and all their ongoing tasks will be on autopilot and on time.

SweetProcess is also very helpful for organizing communication and works as a reminder system toward handing specific duties to specific people. By creating your RACI chart on SweetProcess, you can easily monitor your employees’ or team members’ daily or weekly tasks and accordingly assign new ones or remove some old ones to avoid miscommunication.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create RACI Chart With SweetProcess

Step 1: Login and click the “Create procedure” button.

Step 2: Enter the title of the procedure.

Step 3: Add the teams or individuals to the task, i.e., the individual(s) who will be responsible, accountable, consulted and informed.

Step 4: Click on the title of the procedure to add the description of the task and each individual role.

Step 5: Enter the RACI acronym and meaning so each person’s role can be quickly identified.

Step 6: Click on the “Add a step” button.

Step 7: Give the step your title and description of the task.

Step 8: Click on “Finish editing” to save the draft of the step.

Step 9: Finish editing the draft of the procedure. Click the “Approve” button to make it the live version of your RACI chart available.

Step 10: Now the online version of your RACI chart is live and all parties involved know their roles.

How SweetProcess Has Helped Other Business Owners

Stanley Kolosovskiy, a technology process coordinator at Atlantic Sapphire, was looking to streamline their business operations to cut costs while delivering excellent results.

He was in search of a software that would have the capacity to handle their business needs, something that would be easy to use and understand. He went on a research spree and found a lot of software, but SweetProcess was the most intuitive of all that met his needs.

With SweetProcess, Stanley was able to assign roles and responsibilities to his employees and set them up accordingly to each employee specialization which further increased efficiency in the workplace.

This tool enabled Stanley to track each employee’s progress. He could see which tasks were assigned to each worker and the percentage of completion together with the amount of time spent on it.

He was also able to get all information regarding each project through SweetProcess’s recording data.

Stanley was able to cut costs, deliver excellent results, assign roles by creating RACI charts on SweetProcess, and create transparency in his business operations.

Jamie Ramsden, a business intelligence and lean Six Sigma champion at Turkstra Lumber, needed to streamline and promote consistency within his business processes. He thought of many ways to achieve this, but none seemed effective. 

There was a knowledge gap in understanding his business procedures. Not everyone knew what they were working toward or even to who they were accountable. Thus, there were multiple errors and near-failures caused by a lack of communication and inconsistency in the documentation.

After much consideration and research, he found SweetProcess. This software tool helped him document protocols, promote accountability, and give his employees training information.

With SweetProcess, Jamie was able to document clear steps for each project. This helped him achieve results faster by giving a visual representation of tasks, their progress, and what an employee is currently doing. The central knowledge base on the platform also ensured that everyone was informed about the business process. Those with a certain role or job title can also access information needed to complete a task properly if unforeseen circumstances like illness arise.

In addition to this, Jamie was able to harness the benefits of the RACI chart, which consists of four main sections, “responsible,” “accountable,” “consulted,” and “informed ” through the use of SweetProcess.

This helped Jamie get rid of any hesitation when assigning tasks to employees because now all employees know exactly who is responsible, who they are accountable to, who should be consulted and informed for any project, and if they do not have access to a certain part of the process, the central knowledge base comes in handy.

This new approach helped Jamie streamline his business processes and create consistency. Employees know what they need to do to complete their task, who is accountable for it, and how it should be done, all ultimately leading to an increase in productivity. 

Jamie now uses SweetProcess to train new employees and gives them specific tasks that go into great depth about what they need to know. He feels much more confident in completing his work and overseeing his business processes since he knows who is accountable for each task. 

Take Control of Your Business Processes TODAY

Take control over your business processes with a tool like SweetProcess. It’s fast, free to try for 14 days, and simple to use. It carries out the functions of RACI charts which will enable you to assign roles and responsibilities to your employees. Sign up now and enjoy all the benefits of automating your business processes on your terms. No credit card required.

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