A Comprehensive Guide on Client Management: A Powerful Tool for Getting and Retaining Clients

Last Updated on September 23, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

A Comprehensive Guide on Client Management: A Powerful Tool for Getting and Retaining Clients

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Running a business comes with a lot of challenges. From making critical decisions to knowing what to prioritize, there is a lot to consider. Managing your customers’ information and meeting their needs may not always get the attention it deserves. Serving your customers should be the highest priority for any manager or business owner since your customers are the reason you have a business in the first place.

Client management deals with how you manage your relationship with your current and future customers. It is the key to success for your business. 

Consider the following instances. If they describe your current business situation, you are in desperate need of a client management system:

  • You’re sinking in a pile of information you can’t seem to keep up with.
  • You’re missing appointments and can’t meet deadlines.
  • You have no way to know if your business is growing.
  • You’re losing business because you can’t follow up on leads.
  • You spend too much time looking for emails from customers and you don’t have consistency in messaging clients.

Can you relate? All of these problems and more can be overcome by harnessing the awesome power of a client management system. By the end of this article, you’ll no longer be the business owner who’s barely breathing. You’ll be the one who’s got it all together, making great sales, attracting new customers and keeping loyal clients.

Chapter 1: Definition of a Client Management System

Chapter 2: Benefits of Having a Client Management System

Chapter 3: Principles of Client Management 

Chapter 4: Skills, Challenges and Roles of a Client Manager

Chapter 5: How to Attract and Keep Clients

Chapter 6: How to Deal With Difficult Clients

Chapter 7: How to Choose a Client Management Software

Chapter 8: Setting up a Client Management System

Chapter 9: 23 Different Client Management Software to Choose From

Chapter 10: What You Gain by Using SweetProcess as Your Client Management Tool

Chapter 1: Definition of a Client Management System

Definition of a Client Management System

Client management includes all the steps you and your employees take to ensure that a client has as little stress as possible while interacting with your business. Your processes are evaluated, optimized and simplified to reduce customer discomfort. Simplified here doesn’t mean delivering substandard results but results that exceed the expectations of the client. It means you remove obstacles and distractions and anything that will hinder your client from having a seamless experience with you.

A client management system helps you understand your clients’ needs and what they want before they come to you. You’re equipped to have regular and targeted communication with your clients.

Many people spend a lot of time and money on marketing, branding and advertising to get customers. Few invest sufficient resources in developing a client management system. 

The goal of the client management system is to improve the business relations with a  customer through retention and acquisition. Because this system is all about the client, it helps create successful client relationships.

A client management system not only helps you with your client, but also helps with managing vendor relationships, coordinating marketing teams and sales activities, and tracking sales performance.

A client management software is also known as a contact database or customer relationship management software. It is a tool used to manage and keep track of your customers.

Using the orthodox (emails, spreadsheets, paper) methods to manage your clients is costly, time-consuming and frankly ineffective when compared to having client management software. 

What You Should Know About the Customer and the Client

These two terms, “client” and “customer,” are often used interchangeably to refer to a person who patronizes your business for your product or service in exchange for money. Both the client and customer buy from a business but the nature of their relationship with your business is where their differences lie.

A customer’s relationship with you is usually on a short-term basis while a client’s relationship is longer. A customer buys goods and services from your store; on the other hand, a client typically receives professional services from you. Clients expect more personalized attention. 

Customer-based setups include restaurants, retail stores and service stations. Graphic design firms, law firms and healthcare providers are examples of businesses that have client relationships with patrons. Contracts don’t bind customers but they do clients.

Nevertheless, a one-time customer can be converted into a loyal client. As a business owner, your ultimate goal should be to convert your customers into clients. And having a client management system helps you accomplish this goal. Consider the many other benefits of having this tool in the next chapter.

Chapter 2: Benefits of Having a Client Management System

Benefits of Having a Client Management System

Having a client management system helps you turn leads into new clients without neglecting your old clients. There are many reasons why you should strongly consider investing in a client management system. This video explains some of these benefits.

  • Better data organization: With a client management system, there is an improved ability to organize data. Inputting the right data and having access to it at the moment it is needed is what you can expect when you have a client management system installed.
  • Enhanced communication: Projects progress with good communication. The absence of clear and effective ways to track communication leads to confusion and frustration on what steps to take next. A client management system offers a smooth flow of communication between all members of a team. It also educates the client so they feel comfortable. They’re able to speak up and participate in the process actively. Everyone has the information they need when they need it. 
  • Improved collaboration: Having easy access to information on a project allows for improved collaboration between team members. 
  • Shared information: Having unencumbered access to information when you need it is a time saver in any organization. Projects no longer have to be on hold because the information you need is inaccessible to you. Information shared on the client management system is available for use by all authorized members. A client management system equips the client with the information they need so they can be fully invested in their relationship with your business. 
  • Increased customer revenue: With a client management system, you can follow up leads and turn clients into loyal customers. You’re able to close deals and sell products faster as a result of tracking clients’ activity. You can tell which of your market approaches is working and harness it fully.
  • Enhanced customer loyalty: Everyone likes good service. When your customer gets this from you the first and second time doing business with you, you know you’ve hit the jackpot. You respond on time, deliver good work, and treat them well. They recommend you to their friends and that’s the best kind of referral: when people who have experienced working with you go on to share positive stories. They won’t leave you and they’re bringing new customers to you.

Chapter 3: Principles of Client Management 

Principles of Client Management 

The key tenets of client management include the following:

  • Transparency: While aiming for the best relationship possible between you and your customers or clients, you have to be open to them about the progress and feasibility of their projects. Do this honestly. If there’s a problem, let them know. If you won’t be able to meet a deadline, they should not find out at the last minute.
  • Communication: This is the most vital aspect of client management. Keeping up communication is vitally important to the success of your business. Call or send emails to set reminders. No spam or annoying calls, but be accessible and responsive. Everything has to be in moderation. When they have questions, explain the answers clearly and make sure they’ve understood a process before you wrap it up.
  • Trust: Having the trust of your customer is a big deal. You can achieve this by showing genuine concern about them. Clients should see that you’re more interested in solving their problems than you are in getting their money. Encourage them to call you when they have a problem. If you’re the first person they turn to with their problems, you’re doing a great job. Stay aligned with their goals.
  • Setting expectations: Above and beyond. Those two words have choked some business people because they have led them to accept more than they could handle. Client management is about beating the expectations of your client, yes, but it is not about offering what is not on the table. When a customer comes to you making outrageous demands, don’t be in a hurry to welcome them and say you can do it. Don’t be in a hurry also to say you can’t handle it and let them go. You should instead work out a reasonable deal with them and help them see the benefits so they buy into it. 

To help you better manage the expectations of your client take note of the following. 

  1. Make sure you and your client are on the same page. Have a clear idea of what they truly need. Don’t talk about products and services you can’t offer. 
  2. Think ahead and don’t wait for them to come to you with a problem. 
  3. Be concerned about them and help them reach their goals.
  4. Let them feel you are solving their problems and not selling your products or services.

Chapter 4: Skills, Challenges and Roles of a Client Manager

Skills, Challenges and Roles of a Client Manager

As a business owner, you can decide to hire a client manager or be in charge of it yourself. Depending on the size of your business, having one can be advantageous. For one, managing your clients becomes a full-time job that someone is responsible for and dedicates their time to. Setting up a client management system is time-consuming. Doing it with your hands full managing the business might not yield the expected results. 

We’ll be covering the skills a client manager needs to possess, the challenges they face and the actual role of a client manager in this section.

The Skills of a Client Manager

A client manager should have these skills listed below. They’re what defines the role and determine how successful your relationship with clients can be.

  • Confidence: As a client manager meeting clients over the phone or face to face, the client’s first impression of you matters. You should carry yourself as an expert in your field. They came to you because they expect that you have the solution to their problem. If they meet you and get a whiff of I-don’t-really-know-what-I’m doing off you, they’re out. Be confident when persuading a client to make the right decision.
  • Ability to analyze: Be a good thinker. Be calm. Predict your customers’ needs. Focus on details. Have a good understanding of your organization’s product or service so you know how to handle your clients’ needs in the best way possible. Be able to answer the question “Why should your client buy from you?”
  • Understanding client needs: Clients can be very challenging to deal with at times. Some of them believe that you should know their problems as soon as they say hello. They will get irritated if you can’t immediately understand what they need. Others who want a solution for X won’t even know it is what they want while they continue asking for solution Y. All of these come with the role of delivering a great customer experience. They believe you should be able to tell them what they need by reading between the lines and understanding what they want. Patience is key. Prompt them to explain what their problem is.
  • Being persuasive: When you’re meeting with customers, be prepared to meet some tough ones. The ones who know you need them and not the other way around can be dictators. After all, it’s my money you want, ain’t it? We do this my way. Sigh. You shouldn’t lose your head over anything at this point. Be calm and persuasive as you reason things out with them. 
  • Be flexible: Being a client manager demands that you be flexible to accommodate your client’s needs. When a customer makes a new request, consider it before thinking of the best way to say no if you won’t or can’t go along with the plan. You should also be able to adjust your communication pattern if it isn’t working. Some customers need a more direct approach.
  • Patience: Most customers are short-tempered when talking with salespersons. You might be tempted to respond with the same tone you’re being spoken to, but you shouldn’t. Treat customers like you know they’re having the absolute worst day of their lives. Excuse their rudeness and most of them will slow down. They’re customers who can frustrate you by asking questions over and over about a particular process. Instead of snapping at them, you can try treating them as new members who just joined your team. Clear explanations make them collaborate with you better.
  • Updating clients: This should not be difficult. As you progress on solving a problem or working on a task, keep your clients updated. Send weekly briefs on their projects. You’ll achieve better results for it because approvals or disapprovals will be taken note of and adjustments made where needed. It removes any doubts they may have about you.
  • Good communication: This skill is as important as any, if not the most important a client manager should have. Communicating work progress doesn’t mean giving out every single detail. There is something called selective information sharing. You only share on a need-to-know basis.
  • Do your job well: You’ve got to be good at what you do. Meet all your deadlines.

Challenges of a Client Manager

There are many challenges for a client manager. Having effective client management software helps mitigate some of them. 

  • Being disorganized: Not having client management software makes your work as a client manager difficult. Getting quick access to information when it is needed saves you time. Your team and client should not have to wait for long before you get back to them on the current situation of a project.
  • Not listening: You should pay attention to your clients when they speak to you. When you don’t have good client management software you may be sifting through paperwork while they’re talking. Don’t assume you know what they’re going to say. Even if you feel you know where they’re headed, there could be particular details they want you to take note of. Missing this can irritate a client.
  • Not prioritizing clients: Client managers can be under stress to get new clients. This can badly affect your relationship with old clients and can eventually lead them to the competition. Don’t lose focus on existing clients while going after new ones. Never stop trying to impress your clients no matter how long they’ve been with you. Treat old clients like new ones. Client management software can make each client feel like they are your top priority. 
  • Difficult customers: You’re going to meet this set of customers in your line of work and it can take the joy out of your work. (A chapter in this article discusses how to deal with difficult clients.)
  • Working under pressure: Client managers have a lot to handle. They’re busy making reports, finding new leads, meeting deadlines and completing other tasks. Add this to a busy phone line ringing every hour, and it can all be too much. Responding civilly to queries from customers will be difficult. Knowing how to automate workflows will leave you some time to spare.

Roles of a Client Manager

The roles a client manager performs include the following:

  1. Acting as the primary connection between the organization and the client
  2. Managing and leading the sales team
  3. Developing customized solutions for clients
  4. Establishing trust
  5. Finding opportunities for new work
  6. Guiding clients on good buying decisions
  7. Building relationships with clients and client staff
  8. Acting as the primary link between the organization and the client
  9. Seeking ways to attract new customers
  10. Setting revenue targets
  11. Monitoring and staying on top of new trends in the client industry
  12. Giving client satisfaction surveys
  13. Getting customer feedback
  14. Spotting customer needs and wants
  15. Collaborating with internal teams
  16. Managing account planning
  17. Taking advantage of profit opportunities

Chapter 5: How to Attract and Keep Clients

How to Attract and Keep Clients

Attracting customers requires a different set of business skills from retaining customers. While some businesses struggle with getting new clients, others struggle with keeping them. Still others struggle with both. 

  • Know your ideal client: Be where your potential clients are. Use existing clients, your skills and experience to go after them. Follow leads and narrow down your choices. Focus your time on the ones who have potential.
  • Be responsive: Respond quickly to questions. If you don’t have the answer to a question, reply now and answer later. Say you’ll get back to them. 
  • Be social: Make your presence known online where your target customers are. Follow trends and post stuff you know will interest them and bring them to you.
  • Be interested in their problems: Don’t sell solutions. Sell answers and results. Listen to their challenges without pushing your products on them. Customers like a personalized experience. Show them what a product can do for them rather than what it generally does.
  • Don’t miss deadlines: When you get a job from a first-timer, you want to impress them and give them a reason to come back to you. Closing a project under strained terms surely will not have them coming back. Don’t miss deadlines. Deliver as you have promised and if something comes up that’ll cause a delay, inform your customer.
  • Promise less and deliver more: The wow factor. Surprising your clients with a job very well done will have them hooked and coming back. It is like not showing everything you have until the last minute. It’ll leave them thoroughly impressed. While you’re focused on over-delivering, do not bite off more than you can chew. Take jobs you can handle and deliver well.
  • Establish trust: Don’t attempt selling to your customers right off. It’ll make them wary. Get familiar with them. Build credibility. Your customers should be confident in your abilities and trust that their work is in good hands.
  • Share previous work: Show your past work to your potential clients. Let them assess for themselves your value. No need to be shy about showing off your best work; the more proof you have showing your mastery in an area, the more comfortable customers will be handing jobs to you.
  • Show testimonials: Testimonies from other people put more credibility on your products and services—way more than you could do with your mouth. Be sure to always get testimonials from previous customers.
  • Keep commitments: Do you have lunch scheduled with your client? Did you say Tuesday was when you’d be getting that file across to them? Whatever it is that your clients expect from you because you’ve assured them of it, try not to fail. Ignoring the fact that a customer’s time is precious and you’re supposed to be working with their time will make you treat them without value. They’re valuable, so keep commitments with them.
  • Address issues early: There isn’t a project that was completed without meeting some blocks on the way. Problems arising while working is a natural occurrence. However, the way you treat these problems matters. It is best to address a problem as soon as it is noticed. Ignoring it may cause bigger problems further down the line. Make sure your client is made aware of all blocks and obstacles as soon as possible. The situation is made worse when your client is unaware.

Research has shown that making new clients is hard. Retaining is easier and reselling to customers is more effective than finding new customers. To divide your time effectively between old and new customers, follow the 80–20% rule: spend 80% of your time with the top 20% of your clients that bring in 20% of your sales.

making new clients

Steps to Keeping Your Customers

  • Create a road map: A road map helps you show clients where they’re going, what they’ve accomplished and when they will get to where they are going. It outlines clearly the steps taken to achieve what they want. It is something to look back at to answer questions from clients should they become confused at some point or ask questions about the progress of the project. 
  • Document information: Document not only business information but personal information too. Maybe they mentioned they have a child. The next time you see them you can ask how they’re doing. You don’t have to be overbearing. Show them you listen when they talk. As said earlier, customers like a personalized experience. Customize messages when sending out emails.
  • Communicate: The importance of communication cannot be overemphasized when dealing with customers. Effective communication is how leads turn to clients and eventually loyal clients.
  • Get feedback: Getting quality feedback from clients gives you inside information on ways to improve and to serve them better. Don’t hesitate to do this. Sending out periodic customer satisfaction surveys gives valuable insights into your customer’s needs. Also, ask for reviews and personal referrals. 
  • Be knowledgeable about your competitors’ products and services. Know why and how you’re different from them. Ask yourself why a client should patronize you and not the competition. You’ll see ways to improve your services this way.

Chapter 6: How to Deal With Difficult Clients

How to Deal With Difficult Clients

Every business owner has had to deal with some pleasant as well as unpleasant customers. If you haven’t met the latter set, it’s only a matter of time until you do. There are a few things you should take note of when you come across difficult clients. They’ll help you have a better relationship with them. Here are some pointers you should keep in mind.

  • Know the importance of contracts: Your client’s expectations will most likely exceed what you can deliver. After you’ve made it clear what you can deliver, go ahead and draw up a contract. Have a contract signed containing all areas of your project time frame and cost. Keep track of all decisions made. Hire a lawyer to review your contracts.
  • Listen and communicate: The last thing you want when you’re working with a client is for them to say, “This is not what I meant.” It could very well mean the restart of the project entirely. To avoid arguments and the need to deal with bad energy, it is better to listen and try to make no errors. Ask questions until you know what it is the client is after. Encourage the client to ask as many questions as they want.
  • Control the process: Don’t give clients the rein to lead the projects you’re helping them with. They should not be the ones to set milestones for you. It’ll be frustrating if they’re always changing their minds about how and when a step should be completed.
  • Don’t let them dictate to you: Some of your clients can make your job more stressful than it should be. From the beginning of a project, establish, without being obnoxious about it, who is in charge. They came to you because you can fix their problem so they should let you do that. While being open to suggestions is fine, they should not be permitted to teach you how to do your job. 
  • Recommend solutions but let them make the final decision. Don’t give away free work. If they want to reduce the price, take away from your work expectations as well.
  • Train your customers how you want them to treat you. If your client missed an appointment without good reason, talk to them about what they can do to ensure it doesn’t repeat. You can schedule reminder calls or emails to be sent a day before the next meeting.

Listen to Raghav give more tips on dealing with difficult clients.

Chapter 7: How to Choose a Client Management Software

How to Choose a Client Management Software

There are many different client management software solutions for you to choose from. Carefully consider the features available against your business needs. Some software offers so many features. At the same time, you can get lost trying to figure them out. Others are built to address a particular challenge. They could address a communication challenge, activity tracking challenge, or meeting scheduling challenge, among others.

Whatever your sore spot is, there are some key features to look out for when choosing your client management software.

  • Lead management: Keeping track of and managing incoming leads is an important feature of client management software. 
  • Internal collaboration: A client management software should allow for collaboration internally. What does this mean? Team members should be able to access information in real-time. This information should be secure. 
  • Integration with external platforms: The software you’re going for should work easily with other tools and platforms you already use.
  • Communication: A communication system should be right there in client management software. Without having to pick up the phone, team members should be able to communicate on the software either through a chat or call feature. They should be able to make comments and share files. 
  • Data and analytics: Monitoring your clients’ activities on your website is essential to see what content engages your clients.
  • Automated workflow: Sending emails, setting reminders and other such workflows should be automated.
  • Activity tracking: Be able to keep track of and share progress updates.
  • Dashboard: A dashboard lets you see all your clients in one place. An instant view of activities lets you see how things are progressing in many projects at the same time.

What Automation of Client Management Can Do

A client management software, when set up correctly, can do the following:

  • Follow up with a customer after a purchase is completed.
  • Send personalized messages to clients.
  • Inform clients of new offers.
  • Help with common product issues.
  • Use chatbots to assist with routine actions. 
  • Gather information about a client.
  • Prompt customers to leave reviews online.

Chapter 8: Setting up a Client Management System

Setting up a Client Management System

To establish a client management system, these are the steps to follow.

  1. Outline the client management process. Get a list of the answers to these questions: 
  • What do your clients need from you? 
  • What are their expectations? Outline a baseline for their expectations. 
  • How can you work with them so they have their needs met? 
  • What processes do you need to take to solve problems? Document these processes.
  1. Evaluate each step of your process. Looking at your documented processes, see how you can help your customers have easier experiences with your business at each step of the process. What should they know during each communication step? Consider what you’ll need to conduct a project successfully. 
  2. Set up the organizational structure for your process. This is where you decide what systems you’ll install, communication channels you’ll establish and other tools you’ll need to help your process.
  3. Implement, track and evolve. It’s time to put your system to use. You may delegate or automate tasks. Then observe your processes and make needed adjustments. 

Chapter 9: 23 Different Client Management Software to Choose From 

Here’s a compilation of some client management system software along with their features and pricing.

1. HubSpot 

This is an all-in-one client relationship management software. It is flexible and easy to use.  Some of its features include email tracking, notifications, project tracking, meeting scheduling and live chat. 

It is an enterprise software for marketing, sales, customer service, content management and operations. It lets you know when your clients open their emails or visit your website.

This software is completely free, and has up to one million contacts holding capacity with no expiration date. To unlock more features you must pay a fee.

2. Dynamics 365 

This software is suitable for large businesses. By having a single view of your customers, you’re able to onboard new clients, and find and build stronger relationships. It uses pre-built applications that integrate with other Microsoft applications. For $1,500, you have access to these features.

3. Keap

This software is set to help your business grow by helping you collect more leads and convert more clients. It has a combination of client management and payment systems. You’re able to follow up and get paid faster. This tool integrates with other applications. 

With a $40 charge per month, you get the lite package. For $80 per month you get the pro package, and $100 per month gets you the max package.

4. Nimble

Nimble lets you build a contact base, segment these contacts into lists, take bulk actions and set follow-up tasks. It is good for small businesses and is available for $19 monthly per user.

5. ProofHub 

ProofHub empowers teams to plan, collaborate and keep things organized. With a built-in chat app, you’re able to get instant feedback from team members and clients. The software is easy to use and comes with three existing roles: admin, owner and user. It is customizable and is also equipped with a time-tracking feature.

Pricing for this software begins at $49 per month for the essential plan and $89 per month for the ultimate control plan.

6. Nutshell 

Nutshell content management software lets you connect seamlessly with your contact data. It gets your sales and marketing team on the same page with the availability of data. 

It fits any size of business, and some of its features include contact management, sales automation, email tools, reporting and performance tracking. Its starter pack goes for $19 per month.

7. SweetProcess 

The SweetProcess software has its unique strength in its process and procedures documenting features. Using it as your client management software helps you satisfy client needs to the tiniest detail. Information is readily available to your staff thereby eliminating delays and making customers happy. 

Besides its documentation feature, you can assign and manage tasks and collaborate with team members using this software. It also supports multiple devices.

SweetProcess offers a single and simple pricing plan that comes with all its features included.  Just $99 per month covers it. Sign up for a free trial to begin.

8. Monday.com 

This user-friendly software is suitable for all business sizes. Its cloud-hosting feature makes it accessible from anywhere. It has a secure connection which helps ensure that no information is accessed by an unauthorized person. 

You can attach notes, email clients and maintain stable communication with your clients. This app integrates with other tools and allows for the automation of workflows. Other features include sales customer management, partner management and sales assistant. 

The basic plan is available at $24 per month. The standard plan goes for $30 per month and the pro package goes for $48 per month.

9. Zendesk 

This software has a good customer support system. It brings sales and support teams together through connected communication across any channel. It provides a customized customer experience. The prices range from $19 to $99 per month.

10. Pipedrive 

Pipedrive offers the following features: Pipeline management, chatbot, web forms, artificial intelligence sales assistance. With these features, it is still easy to use. You’re able to focus on other activities as you automate repetitive tasks and streamline activities.

For $12.50 you have access to the essential pack. The advanced package is $24.90. The professional package is $49.90 and $99 unlocks the enterprise package. All payments are billed monthly.

11. Zoho 

With Zoho software, you’re able to monitor the effectiveness of your communication with clients. You also get notified when a customer interacts with your business. It automates, predicts and manages sales. You can follow up with clients with an AI-powered assistant. It is suitable for all kinds of businesses.

The standard pack is $12 monthly. The professional pack is charged at $20, the enterprise-level goes for $35 and the ultimate plan goes for $45.

12. Drip 

Drip offers the following services: contact management, personalization, multichannel touchpoints, email marketing, advanced segmented tools, integration with other platforms and tags. 

This software was built with e-commerce business in mind. For $19 per month, you get this software.

13. ActiveCampaign 

This software is good for all business sizes. It has email automation, sales automation, segmentation, sales reporting, lead scoring and it integrates with other applications.

The lite plan is billed monthly at $7.50, plus plan for $35, the professional plan for $79.50 and the enterprise plan for $139.50.

14. Lucrativ 

Lucrativ offers the following features: Pipeline management, multichannel engagement, automation, AI-powered sales assistance. For some spirit of competition, it has a gaming feature for team members.

The pricing is not publicized.

15. Airtable 

Airtable is a part of a spreadsheet. It offers sales client relationship management, sales pipeline and sales asset templates. It lets users streamline workflows. It allows for integration.

The software is free to use. There are paid plans offering additional features. At $10 monthly, you have the plus plan and $20 monthly gets you the pro plan.

16. Insightly 

Insightly offers a personalized marketing campaign to help grow your business. It integrates with other platforms, automates your client relationship management business processes, links relationships, helps with lead routing and workflow automation.

It has a three-tiered pricing plan. The plus plan is charged at $29 monthly, the pro plan is charged at $49 and the enterprise plan is charged at $99 monthly.

17. Salesforce 

The Salesforce software offers contact management, opportunity management, email marketing and sales forecasting for $25 and higher.

18. Freshworks 

Freshworks is a free client management software. It offers pipeline management, lead scoring, AI-powered insights, streamlined sales process, built-in phone and email. Its personalized engagement helps you leverage data to increase revenue. For more features, you pay $15 per month. For the pro plan, you pay $39, and $69 for the enterprise plan.

19. 10to8 

10to8 comes with an easy scheduling of appointments feature. It has a reporting feature that lets team members collaborate easily on tasks. It has a calendar update that enables better organization of schedules.

10to8 is free to use. For more features, there is the basic plan at $9.60, grow plan for $20 and bigger business for $40.

20. NetSuite 

NetSuite offers marketing automation, single data source, sales force automation, customer service management, partnership relationship management and order management. 

Pricing is not publicized.

21. Free gent

FreeAgent lets you automatically log and organize emails, meetings and calls. It offers sales tracking, AI-guided tasks and integration with other platforms. It is available for $35, billed monthly.

22. Capsule 

The Capsule software offers contact management, sales pipeline, task management, conversation tracking and integration. 

Eighteen dollars a month grants access to the Pro package, $36 for the teams plan and $50 for the enterprise pack.

23. AllClients 

This software offers a three-tiered pricing plan from $29 monthly. It automates marketing and manages your clients directly. You can filter contacts, manage workflows, track sales and set up automatic responses.

Chapter 10: What You Gain by Using SweetProcess as Your Client Management Tool

What You Gain by Using SweetProcess as Your Client Management Tool

SweetProcess is a software that has proven over time that it is a tool that is suitable for all kinds of businesses for solving a host of problems. 

Luke Pickeril, the president of MontaVista Homes, saw a problem with the business customer satisfaction rate. Their job was to help buyers achieve the American Dream. They needed a high level of efficiency to meet this goal.

It wasn’t happening the way they hoped because process documentation wasn’t done well. This upset their customers. When Luke discovered SweetProcess, his goal of prioritizing the comfort and satisfaction of his clients was easily achievable.  

When you use SweetProcess, not only will you have pleased and satisfied customers, you will increase sales and scale up your business. With properly documented processes and procedures, you easily gain the trust of your clients.

At Good Nature Organic Lawn Care, the priority was clients’ safety. Mixing products had to be done within strict guidelines to adhere to safety requirements. But they were losing clients’ trust because mistakes were made due to a continuous change in processes. Losing clients’ trust was hurting their business way more than the extra cost of correcting mistakes. 

All of that changed when Alec McClennan, the CEO, discovered SweetProcess. Employees became more efficient because updates to processes and procedures were easily accessible. Now they have achieved both their goals: increased clients’ trust in them as well as meeting their revenue goals.

Incorporating SweetProcess into your business will be the most beneficial action you can take to manage your clients. A free trial should help you make this decision. SweetProcess offers a 14-day free trial and no credit card is required


Good client management is key to making your business reach the level you want it to. It is never too early to start using a client management system software. 

Investing in choosing and implementing a client management software is a big deal that will require some major dedication of your time. It’s all worth it when you see more follow-ups for leads, satisfied customers and loyal clients. Need help getting through this process? Our free downloadable checklist will be your guide. 

A Checklist for Setting up Your Client Management System

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