MaintainX Alternatives: 10 Best Picks to Document Your Company Procedures

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

maintainx alternatives

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Documenting your company’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) is essential for business success. Without well-documented SOPs, employees and teams can easily become confused about what needs to be done and when. A lack of clear documentation can lead to the inability to scale your business efficiently.

MaintainX is one platform that helps you create streamlined digital workflows and standard operating procedures.

Although MaintainX is a well-known SOP management platform, some users say they want the ability to print reports that show multiple items rather than just one at a time. Additionally, users want more detailed reports and the ability to customize lists.

These problems make MaintainX less than ideal for many businesses—including yours. So we’ve compiled a list of the best alternatives to MaintainX with better features and functionality.

Here are 10 of the best picks for documenting and managing company procedures:

  • SweetProcess
  • Trainual
  • Process Street
  • Pipefy
  • Tallyfy
  • ProcedureFlow
  • SOPTracker
  • Kissflow
  • Dozuki
  • Poka

To get started with a valuable MaintainX alternative, sign up for a 14-day SweetProcess free trial. No credit card required.

Table of Contents

What Are the Setbacks of MaintainX?

The 10 Best MaintainX Alternatives You Need For Your Business

  1. SweetProcess
  2. Trainual
  3. Process Street
  4. Pipefy
  5. Tallyfy
  6. ProcedureFlow
  7. SOPTracker
  8. Kissflow
  9. Dozuki
  10. Poka

Optimize Your Business Processes With SweetProcess

What Are the Setbacks of MaintainX?

setbacks of maintainx

The MaintainX platform is great for creating and managing SOPs, but some users have reported drawbacks with the platform. Here are some of MaintainX’s shortcomings that customers have looked to improve upon.

1.   Inability to Mass Edit Worksheets and Templates

The inability to modify data in bulk in spreadsheet format can be incredibly limiting in MaintainX. It is very time-consuming to update individual items each time changes are needed.

Users reported that MaintainX lacks space in the worksheets to input and edit things like component information for equipment, specs, etc. The mobile app also doesn’t allow the editing of information for inventory control.

Another user reported how difficult it is to edit a template in MaintainX. It requires creating a new template each time and copying over the content manually, which can be quite tedious and labor-intensive.

This drawback can be especially frustrating for businesses constantly revising their SOPs. If you also have a big business where small changes need to be made frequently, you may want to look for an alternative.

2.   Fewer Features on the Mobile App

The MaintainX mobile app has limited features compared to its web-based counterpart. This can be a major disadvantage if you are a business that relies on mobile SOP management.

In today’s digital age, having a robust mobile app for SOP management can be especially beneficial for businesses that need to access and update SOPs in real time, as it allows them to do so from anywhere and at any time.

This is especially useful in industries that require employees to be constantly mobile, such as field service, construction, and healthcare.

Mobile functions also allow for greater collaboration and communication among team members, as they can easily share and access information from their devices.

3.   Limited Functionality

MaintainX can be limiting if you want to create complex SOPs involving intricate workflows. You may have difficulty setting up inventory or customer service workflows.

For example, you cannot add a work order to the previous day. Being unable to backdate work orders can hinder an organization’s ability to accurately track and record work history, potentially leading to difficulties in tracking progress, identifying trends, and making informed decisions.

Submitting a work order should be simple, yet the current MaintainX system fails to update requests efficiently. Instead of automatically alerting them, additional manual labor is required via email, which creates unnecessary strain.

4.   Reporting Problems

Reports are only available for one item at a time. You cannot generate reports for multiple items or customize report lists.

These problems with reporting can be incredibly frustrating if you need to keep up with much data.

Overall, MaintainX may not be the best solution for your business if you need to track and document complicated workflows.

The 10 Best MaintainX Alternatives You Need For Your Business

Each of these options offers more features and better functionality than MaintainX.

1. SweetProcess


SweetProcess is a cloud-based process management software that helps you document, assign, and manage workflow processes in an organized way. The user-friendly platform allows you to create and edit processes and policies quickly.

Some of its key features include:

  • Procedures: Create and assign procedures to employees by role, individual, or team.
  • Processes: You can streamline your operations by organizing procedures into processes.
  • Tasks: You can assign tasks to individuals and set deadlines. Notifications are sent when tasks are assigned and due, making it easy to track progress. You can also assign a procedure or a process as a task and add forms that the employees can fill out when they complete the tasks.
  • Policies: Create and document policies that employees can review and sign off on. This is great for ensuring compliance with company regulations or industry standards.
  • Tags: They allow you to index your procedures, policies, and processes with keywords so you can easily find them.
  • Knowledge bases: A knowledge base is a great way to store important information about your company. It’s like a library of documents about your organization that is organized in a searchable format. This makes it easy for employees or trainees to find information when needed.

SweetProcess vs. MaintainX: In Which Ways Is SweetProcess Better?

SweetProcess Is Remarkably Intuitive and Simple, Making It a Great Tool for Any Business

SweetProcess has a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to create and manage processes. The dashboard is laid out logically so you can find what you need quickly. The navigation is straightforward, and the platform can be used on a desktop or mobile devices.

intuitive sweetprocess

For example, to create a process, all you have to do is click on the “Processes” tab and select “Create Process” on the top right-hand side.

This makes the learning curve for SweetProcess much easier than with MaintainX.

Version History

SweetProcess tracks your version history so you can easily revert to an earlier version of a process or procedure.

This feature is important because it helps you roll back changes that don’t work as expected, saving you time and effort.

Ability to Integrate Apps Through SweetProcess Application Programming Interface (API)

SweetProcess has an API that allows you to integrate it with other apps.

You can integrate over 1,000 apps with SweetProcess such as Slack, Salesforce, and Microsoft Teams. This makes it easier to manage different processes from one place.

You can also use Zapier to integrate SweetProcess with hundreds of other apps. See more details on how to integrate with Zapier in this guide.

Ability to Embed Files and Videos

You can embed files and videos in SweetProcess, making it easier to provide instructions or guidance to employees.

You can add these to any step of the procedures, processes, and policies you create.

Process Maps

SweetProcess provides visual representations of your processes. This helps you quickly see how different parts of the process fit together, making it easier to understand and manage.

Visualization is invaluable for training new employees on particular methods and protocols.

It Is Easy to Document Procedures, Processes, and Policies Using SweetProcess

With SweetProcess, it’s easy to document your procedures, processes, and policies. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

How to Document a Procedure

1. From the dashboard, click on the “Procedures” tab and select “Create Procedure.”

create procedure

2. Give your procedure a name.

procedure title

To add teams, click “Add Teams” to assign a team or multiple teams to this procedure.

add teams

Then click “Continue.”

3. To add a description, simply click on the procedure title.

click procedure title
edit description

You can add tags. Tags help in indexing the procedure so that you can easily find the procedure later. The tag is a keyword phrase you can use to search for the procedure.

add tag

4. To add a step to the procedure, click “Add Step.”

add step

This will bring up a form where you can add files, embed videos, images, and text to the step.

5. After adding steps, click “Finished Editing” to save the draft.

finished editing

The “Action” button allows you to take additional actions for the current step, like duplicating, converting to a decision, or converting to an end.


To add an additional step, click “Add Step” and simply repeat the same steps.

6. When you’ve finished creating the procedure, click “Approve” to make the procedure live.


And that’s it! You now have a procedure that’s ready to share with your team.

How to Document a Process

A process comprises different steps that need to be taken to complete a task—different procedures. Here’s how to document your processes in SweetProcess.

1. Click on the “Processes” tab and select “Create Process” in the top right-hand corner.

create process

2. Give your process a name and click “Continue.” You can assign the process to a team or multiple teams at this stage.

process name

3. To add a description, click on the title. Here, you can add tags that help you search for the process later.

click title
edit process details

4. To add a step to the process, click “Add Step.”

add step

This will bring up a popup that asks if you want to add a procedure, decision, or end step.

5. Clicking on “Procedure” will bring you to the procedures’ library, and you can select the procedure you want to add. If you don’t have ready procedures, you can create one.

6. You can also add a decision step by selecting the “Decision” option from the popup. The “End” step will complete the process.

7. Once you’re done adding steps, click “Finished Editing” to save your draft.

finished editing

8. When you’ve finished creating the process, click “Approve” to make the process live.

How to Document a Policy

Documenting policies is similar to documenting procedures and processes. However, you will be using the “Policy” tab. Here’s how to do it:

1. Click “More” and select the “Policies” tab. Next, select “Create Policy” in the top right-hand corner.

create policy
create policy

2. Give your policy a name and click “Continue.” Click “Add to teams” to assign the policy to a team or multiple teams.

policy name

3. Finally, click “Click here to edit policy content.” You can embed a video or videos and even attach files.

edit policy content

4. Click “Save changes” to save your policy. When you’ve finished creating the policy, click “Approve” to make it live.

save changes

Using these steps, you can quickly and easily document your company procedures, processes, and policies with SweetProcess.

You Can Organize and Find Documents Easily in SweetProcess

From organizing via tags to sorting by date or alphabetically, it’s never been simpler to access the information you need in SweetProcess without getting overwhelmed. Don’t waste precious time scrolling through endless files.

There are different ways to find documents in SweetProcess.

1. In the dashboard, you can view all the documents in one place, sorted by name or date.


2. To find specific documents quickly, you can use the “Search” function. This will bring up documents related to the keyword you entered.

search function

3. The “Tags” feature is a great way to quickly find documents related to a certain topic. Just enter the tag in the “Search” field, and it will bring up documents with the tag. You can also use this feature to filter documents related to a specific team or project quickly.

4. You can also filter the documents by the team. Just click on the “Filter by team” tab and select the team you want to view. This will show all documents related to that team.

For more filter options, click “Filter” on the furthest right-hand side. You can filter documents by pending draft, needs review, public, etc.

By using SweetProcess, organizing and finding documents is simple and easy. This makes it an ideal MaintainX alternative for businesses and teams wanting to document their processes quickly and efficiently.

You Can Assign Tasks in SweetProcess Based on the Procedures or Processes Documented

To track tasks assigned to employees or teams, SweetProcess has a “Task” feature. This allows you to assign tasks based on the processes or procedures you’ve documented.

You and the employees will get notified when tasks have been assigned. This way, everyone is aware of their responsibilities, and there’s no confusion about who should be doing what.

The tasks are grouped as “Overdue,” “Today,” or “Soon.” This way, you can easily keep track of what tasks have been done and which need to be completed.

To assign a task, click on the “Task” tab and select “Create Task” in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

create task

A popup will appear asking you to choose from existing processes or procedures. Choose the process or procedure from the list.


Select teammates to assign tasks to. You also have the option to assign to everyone on the team or assign by role.

You can assign tasks related to a particular procedure or process to either a group of individuals to work on together or to assign separate tasks to each team member. You can also assign tasks in bulk.

assign to team

Click “Next.” Enter the task name, due date, and due time. You can set the task to repeat by clicking the “Repeat” button to get a drop-down menu. This helps you schedule recurring tasks.

Finally, click “Assign Task.”

All assigned tasks will appear on the “My Tasks” dashboard. From here, you can track and manage all assigned tasks.

assign task

You Can Monitor and Track the Progress of Tasks Assigned to Users in SweetProcess

Once tasks have been assigned, you can monitor and track the progress of each task.

In SweetProcess, users will receive a notification for each task assigned to them. On the “My Tasks” dashboard under “Tasks,” users can see all tasks assigned to them in one place.

On the farthest right of the task, SweetProcess provides a checkbox. Once a task is completed, the user can mark it as done. This way, you can easily track who’s done what and which tasks are pending.

Once you click the checkbox, the task status changes from “Started” to “Completed.”


You Can Import Existing Procedures and Policies Into SweetProcess

Sometimes you might want to quickly migrate existing procedures and policies into SweetProcess. This makes it easy to start documenting processes and procedures in SweetProcess without manually entering everything.

However, you will need to format your document in a way that SweetProcess can read.

format document

As shown in the image above, the document title should be formatted with Heading 1. Under Heading 1, write the procedure description.

Next, for the step title, format it with Heading 2. Then, under Heading 2, write the step description and content.

You can use Heading 3 to add more content to the step.

To add another step title, just format it with Heading 2 after the content of the first step.

Once the document is formatted, go to the “Procedure” tab. On the “Create Procedure” button on the top right-hand side, click the down arrow. The menu with the “Upload document” button appears. Click “Upload document” to open a dialog box.

upload document

Drag and drop the document into the dialog box or click “Or browse your computer” to search for the file. Select the file and click upload.

drag an drop

To assign to team members, click “Assign to Team.” Mention the team members in the list who should have access to the document. Or you can assign to multiple teams.

assign to team

After the procedure is uploaded, click “View procedure.” A new page will appear with the procedure created. Click “Edit” to make any changes.

After editing to your satisfaction, click “Approve,” and the procedure is ready.

Note:If you do not have the ability to approve a procedure, you can request approval by clicking on the “Request Approval” button. This allows you to submit the procedure for review and approval by the appropriate individuals or parties.

request approval

To import a policy, the same steps mentioned above apply.

Note:When you import a policy or procedure into the platform, it is tagged “imported.” This allows you to easily filter and find imported documents using the platform’s search and organization tools.

SweetProcess Creates Flowcharts Automatically for You When You Document Procedures and Processes

Flowcharts are a great way to visualize processes and procedures. When information is presented in a graphical format, it can help users quickly understand the process or procedure.

Fortunately, SweetProcess automatically creates flowcharts when you document your procedures and processes.

When creating a procedure or a process, you will see the “Flowchart” overview on the right-hand side of the page. Here, the platform automatically creates a flowchart for you.


You can zoom in and out to better view the flowchart. This way, you can easily visualize the workflow and identify areas that need improvement.

The platform also allows you to print or download the flowchart as an image file. You can use it for presentations or other purposes.

You Can Export Documents From SweetProcess

If you want to store and access your documents outside of SweetProcess, you can export them in various formats.

But remember that all your data is backed up on SweetProcess servers, and you can access it whenever necessary.

To export a procedure, policy, or process, click the one you want to export to open it. On the top right-hand side, near the “Edit” button, you will see the “Actions” button.

Click on the “Actions” button to open the menu. Click the “Export” option, and the dialog box will appear. Here you can select which format to export the document in PDF, Word, or HTML. You can also check the box if you want to include diagrams.

export pdf

You will then get the button “download the PDF” if you choose to export as a PDF.

download PDF

With these few steps, you can export documents from SweetProcess and store them in other locations.

Maintaining your documents outside of SweetProcess is a great way to ensure access even when you don’t have access to the platform. It’s also a great way to share documents and collaborate with team members who don’t have access to SweetProcess.

You Can Use SweetProcess to Create a Knowledge Base for Your Customers/Clients

Imagine this scenario: You have a customer trying to use your product or service. They have run into an issue and can’t find the answer in the user manual. Where do they go?

It’s simple, a knowledge base.

In case you don’t know, a knowledge base is a collection of information that helps your customers/clients quickly find answers to their questions.

It provides answers in various formats such as FAQs, articles, videos, and more. Creating a knowledge base is one of the best ways to provide customers with the information they need in a quick and easy-to-understand way.

SweetProcess allows you to create an online knowledge base for your customers. The platform provides various tools and features that make building and managing a knowledge base easy.

With SweetProcess, you can let the public access some of your processes and procedures. This makes it easy for customers to find the information they need without contacting customer support.

To create a knowledge base in SweetProcess, click the “More” tab. On the drop-down list, choose “Knowledge Bases.” You will see the “Create Knowledge Base” button on the top right-hand side.

Once the page loads, input your knowledge base title. Then click “Continue.”

knowledge base title

Click on “Create Category.”

create category

Choose the category from the drop-down list and give it a name. Click the “tick” symbol to continue.

choose category

To add the existing procedures and processes, select “Add New Article.” Then choose the process or procedure you want to add from the drop-down list.

add new article
add title

To add a new category, click “Add new Category” and repeat the above steps.

SweetProcess Provides You With the Version History of Documents

If you are in the process of making changes to your documents and procedures, you may want to keep track of the version history.

This is especially essential if you work in a team or the procedure constantly changes. Maintaining a version history of your documents helps ensure that everyone stays on the same page.

SweetProcess allows you to keep track of versions and changes easily. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about multiple versions floating around or people using outdated documents.

To access the version history of a document in SweetProcess, open the process, procedure, or the policy you wish to view. On the left-hand sidebar, click on the clock icon.

Clicking this displays a list of all the versions of the process, including the current version and all previous versions. This can be useful for reviewing the history and evolution of the process over time.

Click on the version you want to see to open it.

SweetProcess Pricing

SweetProcess offers a 14-day trial with no credit card required. After the trial, you can choose from a fair pricing plan depending on your needs.

At only $99/month for a team with up to 20 active members plus $5/month for each additional active member, SweetProcess can be a great way to help you manage your processes and procedures.

It’s worth noting that SweetProcess offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you’re unsatisfied with the software, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Also, if your team has less than 20 employees, there is no need to worry. Contact us for special pricing for smaller teams.

2. Trainual


Trainual is a MaintainX alternative that allows you to document training and process documents. The software provides a comprehensive platform with features designed to help you create and manage onboarding materials, training courses, and other documentation.

Trainual also has several features that make it easy to keep track of employee progress and performance. You can set goals, assign tasks, and evaluate results with just a few clicks.

Some of the key features of Trainual include:

  • Automated onboarding process: This feature combines all the necessary training materials, policies, and procedures into a single platform. You can track employee progress, assign tasks, and manage onboarding. You can see who has completed their onboarding, who still needs to complete certain tasks, and who has dropped out.
  • Org charts: Trainual allows you to easily create and manage org charts. This feature ensures that everyone in the organization has access to a clear picture of who is responsible for what and who reports to whom. With this visual layout, your team members can easily understand the company’s structure at a glance.
  • Integrations: Trainual integrates with various other software, including Loom, TriNet, Microsoft Azure, Slack, etc. This allows you to keep your data up to date in one central location.
  • Processes and policies templates: Trainual provides templates for creating consistent processes and policies, saving you time and effort.


  • Well-designed interface and ability to customize programs: Trainual has a simple, easy-to-navigate interface that makes it easy to access all the software’s features. You can also customize training programs to be tailored to the needs of a team member.
  • Tracking progress easily: With Trainual, you can quickly and easily track employee progress. Therefore, you can identify any areas where team members may need additional training or support.
  • Integrations: As mentioned before, Trainual integrates with various work software, making it easy to keep your data in sync in one place.


  • Difficulties when formatting: Sometimes it can be difficult to format the content. For example, Trainual changes the format of your text when copy-pasting.
  • Limited customization: While Trainual provides templates, it is quite limited when it comes to customization.
  • Some features are hard to understand: For non–tech-savvy persons, it can be hard to understand and use some of the features.


Seven days free trial: No credit card required

Train package: $124 per month, 10 seats included ($3.75/month for any additional seats)

Scale package: $249/month, 200 seats included ($5/month for any additional seats)

3. Process Street

process street

Process Street is a process management app to manage teams’ recurring workflows. It is a MaintainX alternative that allows you to create checklists and workflow processes, assign tasks to team members, track progress in real-time, and more.

Process Street helps you increase efficiency by automating recurring tasks, eliminating manual processes, and enabling real-time team collaboration. It also allows you to create custom templates for creating consistent processes, policies, and procedures.

Some of the key features of Process Street include:

  • Checklist templates: These predefined checklists make it easy to create consistent, repeatable processes with minimal effort. You can also customize the templates to fit your specific needs.
  • Real-time collaboration: Process Street allows teams to collaborate in real time, making it easier to assign tasks and provide feedback. As the administrator, you get notified when tasks are completed.
  • Integrations: Process Street integrates with 3,000+ apps, including Zapier, Slack, Jira, Trello, and more. This makes it easy to schedule and assign workflows.
  • Conditional logic: This feature allows you to control the flow of tasks based on conditions set within the workflow. This makes it easy to automate complex processes without manual intervention.


  • User-friendly interface: Process Street has a simple, intuitive interface. You can quickly assign complex tasks via email with minimal hassle.
  • Robust features: Process Street offers a wide range of features, from templates to integrations. The conditional logic feature is a game changer.
  • Committed support team: Process Street has a dedicated support team that responds quickly to queries and provides help when needed.



A 14-day free trial: No credit card required.

Startup package: $100/month

Pro package: $415/month

Enterprise package: $1,660/month

4. Pipefy


Pipefy’s workflow management software uses low-code workflow to optimize, track, and control the entire process of your business. It is an all-in-one solution to automate business processes such as form creation, performance management, billing and invoicing, onboarding, etc.


  • 360-degree feedback: This employee self-appraisal feature makes it easy to assess employee performance and give objective-based meaningful feedback.
  • Conditions: This feature allows you to create complex workflows with multiple conditions and paths. This makes it easy to control the flow of tasks based on user input or other criteria.
  • Approval flows: Pipefy allows you to set up approval flows with one or more reviewers. You can customize the review process such as setting deadlines or notifications.
  • Track KPIs: You can track key performance indicators (KPIs) in real time to see how your processes perform. Choose what data to pull and create customized reports.


  • API access: Pipefy has an API that enables integration with other applications. This makes it easy to streamline processes and build custom solutions.
  • Highly customizable: You can personalize reports and dashboards to fit your needs. You can also add custom fields and forms. With customizable analytics, you can easily track progress and measure performance.


  • A bit pricey: The price per user is a bit high.
  • Unresponsive customer support: The customer support team is not very helpful.


Starter: Free; ideal for freelancers, startups, and students.

Business: $23 per user per month; ideal for mid-market teams.

Enterprise: $38 per user per month; ideal for organizations that want to manage complex or connected business processes.

Unlimited: For this plan, contact Pipefy to get a custom quote.

5. Tallyfy


Tallyfy process management platform is designed for teams of any size, from small companies to large enterprises.

Tallyfy prides itself on automating tasks between co-workers. Any member of the team can see the status of requests and tasks. Tallyfy also offers robust automation and workflow capabilities, allowing you to create complex processes with multiple steps.


Process mapping: Process maps are interactive visual diagrams that help you to understand the flow of processes. You can also use them to make changes and optimize processes for better efficiency.

No flowcharts: Tallyfy eliminates the need for creating flowcharts. Instead, you can use their checklists and word processors to quickly build processes.

Audit trail: Tallyfy’s audit trail feature allows you to track every event and action in the process, which helps you troubleshoot any issues quickly.


  • Secure: Tallyfy uses modern HSTS policy, which ensures that all communication is encrypted and secure. They also support HTTP/3 and QUIC web protocols.
  • Good customer support: Tallyfy’s customer support team is responsive and knowledgeable. They are always willing to help and answer any questions you may have.
  • Open API: Tallyfy has an open API that enables integration with third-party applications. Also, Tallyfy UI sits on REST API.


  • Lacks pre-built process automation templates: Tallyfy does not offer any pre-built process automation templates. This means that you have to manually create each workflow from scratch.
  • Limited dashboard customization: You cannot customize the dashboard to your specific needs. This means that you’re limited to the options provided by Tallyfy.


Tallyfy has two plans which you can pay monthly or annually. If you pay annually, you get two months free.

Tallyfy Docs plan: $50 per member per year or $5 per member per month; minimum of 10 members and unlimited guests.

Tallyfy Pro plan: $300 per member per annum or $30 per member per month; minimum of four members and unlimited guests.

6. ProcedureFlow


ProcedureFlow is a powerful knowledge management platform that uses visual maps and a process visualization tool that allows you to create intuitive, interactive visual maps of processes so you can see exactly where each step fits in the overall workflow.


Access control: ProcedureFlow provides access control, which allows you to restrict access to certain documents or processes.

Drag and drop: ProcedureFlow makes it effortless to craft processes with its straightforward drag-and-drop feature.

Collaboration tools: You can collaborate with your team easily with ProcedureFlow’s built-in collaboration tools. Employees can collaborate on processes by suggesting changes. This allows multiple individuals to contribute to the development and improvement of the processes.


  • Great for collaboration: ProcedureFlow’s collaboration tools are great for process building.
  • Easy to build workflows: The drag-and-drop feature makes it easy to create workflows quickly. It’s also easy to update content on the workflows.


  • Limited tracking of usage: ProcedureFlow does not track and record user activity. This means that you don’t have visibility into who is using the processes and what changes they are making.


Teams package: $25 per month/per user

Standard package: $27.50 per month/per user

Enterprise package: $32.50 per month/per user

7. SOPTracker


The SOPTracker tool makes it easy for organizations to manage and track their standard operating procedures (SOPs). It automates creating SOPs, assigning tasks, and tracking employee compliance.

With SOPTracker, you can organize your employees into groups and assign tasks and documentation to each group.


Version tracking: SOPTracker keeps track of all SOPs so you can easily view previous versions and compare them to the current ones. It also sends notifications to employees whenever a new version is created.

Reports: SOPTracker allows you to generate reports on various aspects of your organization’s procedures and processes. This can be a useful way to track and analyze the performance and effectiveness of your organization’s procedures and processes.

Organization: SOPTracker makes creating and organizing groups of workers easy. This allows administrators to assign tasks and documentation more easily.


  • Security and encryption: SOPs are protected with AES 256 encryption, with each SOPTracker account having its key.
  • Cloud hosted: SOPTracker is cloud-hosted, which means you don’t have to worry about when and where you want to access or update your SOPs.


  • Pricing: The pricing of SOPTracker can be expensive for smaller companies.


60-day free trial

Starter: $1,000 per year; less than 75 employees

Small: $2,000 per year; 76-200 employees

Medium: $3,500 per year; 201-400 employees

Large: $5,000 per year; 401-600 employees

X-large: $8,000 per year; 601-1,000 employees

Companies with 1,000 employees and above will need to contact SOPTracker about their additional options.

8. Kissflow


Kissflow is a cloud-based platform that offers process automation, workflow management solutions, and performance tracking. It helps to streamline the process of documenting, reviewing, and approving procedures with its intuitive workflow-based platform.

Kissflow offers features such as:

App builder: Create custom apps tailored to various needs and processes.

Form builder: Build forms to quickly capture data and track performance. You can also optimize the forms for mobile.

Reporting and analytics: Get actionable insights into the performance of your processes. You can create custom reports, pivot tables, metric-based reports, and project reports.


  • Cloud hosting: Kissflow is cloud-hosted, meaning it’s always available and can be easily accessed from anywhere.
  • Easy to use: The intuitive drag-and-drop, no-code, visual-studio interface makes it easy to build and customize workflows.


  • Bugs: Some Kissflow features have bugs that can sometimes make it unreliable.
  • A bit pricey for large organizations with a lot of users.


Small business: $18 per user/month

Corporate: $20 per user/month

Enterprise: Get a custom quote

9. Dozuki


The Dozuki platform helps you create engaging training programs, manage compliance standards, and document company processes.

Dozuki specializes in helping organizations attain ISO 9001 certification, abide by FDA regulations, and continue to be ITAR compliant by providing comprehensive advice that enables companies to reach their goals while staying within the parameters of all applicable standards.

This MaintainX alternative provides features such as:

Activity feed: Keeps everyone updated on the latest changes and procedure adjustments.

Drag-and-drop editor: This allows you to quickly and easily create documents.

Templates: Use a wide selection of templates to quickly and easily create documents.


  • Easier to organize: Dozuki makes it easy to organize and store documentation. It even gives you the ability to store zipped CAD documents.
  • Good customer support: The Dozuki support team is always ready to swiftly answer and troubleshoot any queries you may have.


  • Lack of a quizzing feature: Dozuki does not have a quizzing feature, which can hinder ensuring that workers are updated with the training content.


Basic plan: $17 monthly per person, up to 50 users

Essential plan: $14 monthly per person, minimum of 120 users

Premium plan: $12 monthly per person, minimum of 250 users

Enterprise+ plan: $10 monthly per user, minimum of 400 users

10. Poka


Poka is a platform built for factory workers that helps simplify and streamline learning new procedures.

It allows them to quickly and easily access documents, procedures, and materials from their tablets.


Knowledge management: This digital library maintains relevant, up-to-date data, instructions, troubleshooting solutions, and procedures.

Skills management: This feature allows you to track the performance of each employee as they complete tasks and keep track of their progress.

Forms and checklists: You can create forms and checklists to quickly capture data that can increase workforce efficiency.


  • Ease of use: This knowledge management tool is easy for workers looking to access procedures quickly.
  • Improves communication: It improves communication between departments, helping in building better collaboration.



Poka does not display its pricing, forcing you to reach out to them to request a quote.

Optimize Your Business Processes with SweetProcess

optimize with sweetprocess

SweetProcess provides easy-to-use tools to help you manage and document processes more efficiently, making it an excellent MaintainX alternative.

For example, Amy Walls, president and financial advisor at Thimbleberry Financial, was using Microsoft Word to create business processes. However, her team had difficulty accessing the information, leading to difficulties in tracking their activities and maintaining efficiency.

Soon enough the organization started experiencing turnover, and the need for a more effective solution became clear.

Her business coach recommended SweetProcess. By using SweetProcess’s powerful features, Thimbleberry Financial was able to:

  • Organize their onboarding process, which they say was a game changer as they were able to get their employees more confident when performing their tasks.
  • Connect processes, which sealed all the missing links. Employees were then able to efficiently execute tasks as they were able to access all the answers.
  • Increase collaboration in the office as team members could collaborate and contribute to project files.

In another instance, Benchmark Wealth Management, a financial advising firm, experienced significant benefits from implementing process documentation using SweetProcess.

The biggest pain point for the company was inconsistency across departments and employees due to a lack of universally accepted standard operating procedures, as employees performed tasks differently.

However, since adopting SweetProcess:

  • They can streamline employee onboarding with current information even before onboarding begins.
  • They can document processes using various features such as images, videos, and charts offered in the SweetProcess platform.
  • Employees now feel more independent and can execute tasks confidently without constantly relying on others for guidance.

Overall, the team at Benchmark Wealth Management found that SweetProcess helped them to more effectively document and execute processes, leading to a smoother, more efficient work environment.

With a 14-day free trial, go ahead and get started on the journey to optimize your business processes with SweetProcess.

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