How to be notified by email and/or alarm in tour round fail

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    Setting tour round notification

    1. Click on the Tab 'Tour'.
    2. Select the Tour.
    3. Click on the right 'Edit.'
    4. Under the Tab 'Notify', select the below options.
      1. Email
        1. Failed rounds:
          An email will be sent in case of a failed round, listing the missed Checkpoints.
        2. All rounds:
          An email will be sent for all rounds (successful or failed rounds), listing the names, dates, and times of the Checkpoints visited.
        3. All Checkpoints:
          An email will be sent when new checkpoints have been downloaded. 
      2. Alarm
        1. Set alarm:
          An alert screen will be shoot in case of the fail round. Use Notes to inform the procedures to be carried out. 
    8. Click 'Ok.'
    9. Click 'Save.'