How to setup and view tours on the Deggy Smart Map

The Deggy SmartMap is an easy way to view a tour status without having to run a report. As long as data is consistently downloaded throughout the tours accurately the SmartMap will reflect a 'green' status indicating that the parameters have been met or yellow/red to indicate that there may be need for further review.
  1. 1

    Setup & verify 'Company' and 'Site' addresses

    In order for the SmartMap to give an accurate visual site representation via GoogleMaps the 'Company' and 'Site' addresses must be entered and verified.

    Register Companies
    1. Open Deggy Control
    2. Click 'Registers' drop-down
    3. Select Companies from list
    4. Click 'New' to enter new company information or select existing company from list and click 'Edit' to verify information is correct, 'Save'

    Register Sites
    1. In 'Registers' menu - Select 'Sites' - registered site locations (addresses) listed 
    2. Click 'New' to add Site, enter name and address; Click 'Get Time Zone' for accurate SmartMap function, Click Save

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    Create 'Tours'

    In order for the Deggy Control AI to measure site inspection accuracy and provide percentages on the SmartMap and specific reports, setup your company's parameters.

    Setup accuracy standards 0%-100%  (optional)
    How to set incident and tour quality percentage levels on Deggy Control

    Register tour schedules
    How to create tour schedules on Deggy Control

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    Viewing Tours on Deggy Control SmartMap

    The SmartMap is accessible on Deggy Control. It is an easy to use 'at a glance' tour viewer that will show the physical location a map and a green, yellow, red or grey pin indicating the tour status.  

    Deggy Control SmartMap viewer
    1. Open Deggy Control 
    2. Click 'SmartMap'
    3.  Choose 'Company' and 'Site' from individual drop-downs 
    4. Select 'Activity Date' which will show the Tours status for that timeframe 
    5. The pin icon will indicate whether the activity meets the required parameters within the registered tours for the selected company/site

    Helpful Information
    SmartMap Example
    Deggy SmartMap Technology video