How to open & activate Deggy Control AI Cloud (Virtual Machine)

    Deggy Control AI Cloud consists of the Deggy AI app installed on compatible smartphone(s) and the Deggy Control AI tour management software installed on a Deggy virtual machine. 
    1. 1

      Purchase Deggy app activation code

      Deggy AI app activation is sent via email to the purchaser. Alternate email contact(s) added upon written request.

      Contact Deggy Sales
       (305) 231-6323 ext. 3003
    2. 2

      Open Deggy Control AI Cloud

      'Deggy Control AI Cloud' is a private virtual machine with the 'Deggy Control AI Software' pre-installed, where you will be able to manage your guard tours data. You can open it from Windows or MacOS computers.

      How to open Deggy Control AI Cloud:

    3. 3

      Register Deggy Control AI on PC

      Register the AI app code(s) and personalize company and site(s) on Deggy Control AI software for full accessibility to software and reporting options.

      Register Company

      1. Open Deggy Control AI (on Virtual Machine)
      2. Go to 'Home’ tab  
      3. Click ‘Settings’ - Select ‘Account’ 
      4. Enter your company information - Click ‘Save’ 
      5. Click 'Registers' - Select 'Companies' - registered companies listed 
      6. Select your newly created company name, Click 'Edit' verify information, 'Save', to add additional companies to list Click - 'New'

      Register Sites

      1. In 'Registers' menu - Select 'Sites' - registered site locations (addresses) listed 
      2. Click 'New' to add Site, enter name and address; Click 'Get Time Zone' for accurate Smart Map function, Click Save

      Register AI app code

      1. In 'Registers' menu - Select 'Deggy Tour AI App' - Click 'New', fill out 'Code' with the activation code, fill out 'Name' for AI App activation
      2. Select 'Company
      3. Select 'Incidents Table' - add 'New' - enter all actionable incidents, 'Save'
      4. Select 'Time Zone - confirm all information - Click 'Save

      Optional Registration Options
      Create Schedules for Site Tours 

    4. 4

      Install Deggy Guard Tour AI app on smartphone(s)

      Install the AI app on smartphones that will be performing the inspection rounds and/or viewing data online; logging and viewing data only


      1. Using a compatible smartphone access the Google Play Store or  Apple App Store
      2. Search -  'Deggy Guard Tour'
      3. Install Deggy Guard Tour app
    5. 5

      Activate unique AI code for smartphone

      The unique activation code sent to you via email will need to be manually entered once the AI app is downloaded.

      App Activation:

      1. Copy purchased Deggy Activation Code
      2. Open Deggy Guard Tour AI app on smartphone
      3. Enter purchased 'Code'
      4. Click 'Activate'

    6. 6

      Deggy Control AI - registering AI Buttons

      AI Buttons are placed on site around priority areas that require inspection or presence. Initial registration can be done before or after AI Buttons are affixed on site.

      AI Button(s) Installation 
      Register AI Buttons on Deggy Control AI
    7. 7

      Deggy AI app - reading AI Buttons

      Reading Buttons is fast and easy with the Deggy AI app which uses your compatible smartphone's camera to read the unique engraved code

      Scan/Read AI Buttons
      Using Deggy AI app to read AI Button
    8. 8

      Deggy Control/AI app - registering and reporting Incidents

      Incident names are registered directly on Deggy Control AI tour management software and accessed via the AI app which provides additional options e.g. notes and pictures.
      Reporting Incidents
      Register and report incidents using Deggy AI app
    9. 9

      Deggy AI app - Online Viewer & Smart Map

      The Online Viewer is accessible on the AI app and the Smart Map is accessible directly on the Deggy Control allowing registered users access to view AI data as soon as it is downloaded.

      Create user profile for Online Viewer 
      Deggy Control setup for the Online and AI Viewer

      Logging into AI Viewer
      AI Viewer app login 

      Viewing Tours on Deggy Smart Map 
      Setup and view tours with Deggy Smart Map
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      Deggy Control AI - Reports

      Deggy Control AI offers various reporting options for thorough site activity assessments, memorized reports, scheduled emails and the full service solution of the PRO Service.

      Downloads Report
      Various schedule-based Tour Reports  
      Customized Incident Reports

      Memorize reports and enable Automatic Email Distribution

      PRO SERVICE (Professional Remote Operator Service)
      Deggy PRO details