10 Best Tettra Alternatives for Increasing Employee Efficiency with Policies, Processes, and Procedures

Last Updated on June 28, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

10 Best Tettra Alternatives for Increasing Employee Efficiency with Policies, Processes, and Procedures

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How would you describe your experience using Tettra? If you are looking for Tettra alternatives, you aren’t alone—other people had a similar experience using the software.

Since you aren’t getting value for your money, it’s only fair that you get a better alternative. We are here to help you.

In this article, you’ll learn about ten Tettra alternatives, including their features, pros, cons, performance, and pricing, so you can make the best choice.

Top on our list is SweetProcess—a workflow management tool you can use to create a dedicated knowledge base to empower your team. Sign up for a 14–day free trial—no credit card is required.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Downsides of Using Tettra

Chapter 2: The Best 10 Tettra Alternatives

  1. SweetProcess
  2. Slab
  3. Guru
  4. Atlassian Confluence
  5. Notion
  6. Slite
  7. Bloomfire
  8. Zoho Wiki
  9. SharePoint
  10. Nuclino

Chapter 3: How Other Businesses Have Used SweetProcess to Streamline Their Operations With Standardized Documentation

Chapter 1: The Downsides of Using Tettra

downsides of using tettra

Tettra prides itself as a knowledge base software. As such, it’s supposed to enable work teams to create, access, and share information easily, but as you may have experienced, that isn’t the case on many levels.

Let’s look at the most common downsides of using Tettra.

1. Non-Collaborative Drafts

Since a knowledge base stores information, the information will have more depth when multiple persons collaborate in creating drafts.

However, Tettra allows only one person to work on drafts at a time. Since other team members can’t contribute to the document, they are excluded from the creation process. Drafting documents as a group reduces errors as people can spot them before they are published.

2. Limited App Integration

No single app can cater to all your operational needs. The most effective apps allow third-party integrations for higher user efficiency.

App integration in Tettra is limited, making it impossible for you to leverage other tools that can enhance your operations. This limitation is a big concern for multifaceted businesses.

Operating multiple apps will be an additional workload, not to mention the financial costs.

3. Difficulty Updating Documents

You need to constantly update your documents in line with your changing business needs. Updating documents on Tettra isn’t the easiest task. It requires a lot of manual input, which defeats the ease of implementing a workflow tool.

The system could use more automated features to simplify and speed up updates so users can focus on other tasks.

4. Complex Analytics and Reporting

Viewing your team’s performance data helps you identify their strengths and weaknesses. Although Tettra provides analytics data, it’s only viewable as a CSV download. Interpreting such data can be tedious without the right skills.  

5. Limited Pages in Folders

Creating multiple pages for your folders is a great way to provide all the information your team members may need to perform their tasks. Tettra doesn’t allow you to explore that opportunity in building your knowledge base, as it restricts you from creating additional pages in your folders and subfolders.

These are just a few disadvantages users have reported in using Tettra. There are alternative software that can offer you more value for your money. Check them out in the next chapter.

Chapter 2: The Best 10 Tettra Alternatives

Every business needs standardized processes, procedures, and policies to stay competitive. One sure way to win your customers’ trust is to consistently deliver great results. To do that, you must leverage reliable knowledge base software where you can create, store, and share your work instructions and policies.

Here’s a list of ten Tettra alternatives.

1. SweetProcess


SweetProcess is a workflow management system that helps you create, store, and share your business processes, procedures and policies. A cloud-based software, it offers standard templates and guidance on how to document all your work-related information, empowering you and your team to be more efficient at your jobs.

Features of SweetProcess

  • Task management
  • Real-time reporting
  • Process maps
  • Data capture
  • Version history
  • Files and videos embedment
  • Unlimited integration
  • Single sign-on
  • Two-factor authentication

Using SweetProcess as a Knowledge Base

SweetProcess is the perfect knowledgebase for providing your team with clear instructions and manuals on how to execute their daily tasks. Designed for teams of all sizes and businesses in all industries, it decentralizes knowledge by helping you document vital information that would ordinarily be exclusive to a select few in your organization.

How to Create a Knowledge Base in SweetProcess.

Your knowledge base in SweetProcess can be either private or public, depending on your choice. That way, you control who can access certain information.

  1. Click on “More” at the top right, then select “Knowledge Bases” from the menu options.
knowledge bases
  1. Click on “Create Knowledge Base.”
create knowledge base
  1. Enter your preferred title for the knowledge base in the empty field and click “Continue.” 
knowledge base title

How to Collect Feedback on Content in Your Knowledge Base

One way to know if the content in your knowledge base is helpful to your team and members of the public is to collect their feedback. Here’s how to do it.

The widget below will be displayed at the bottom of each content in your knowledge base.

bottom widget

If the reader clicks on “YES” the system registers their feedback and displays a “Thank you” message. But if the reader clicks on “NO” they will have the opportunity to state their reasons in the text fields you’ll create below.

  1. Click on the three vertical dots to access the drop-down menu.
vertical dots
  1. Click on “Edit” in the options.
  1. Click on the pencil icon next to “FAQs for Customers.”
FAQs for customers
  1. Check the box titled “Ask your team members for feedback at the end of each article” if you want to collect feedback from your team members.
ask team members for feedback
  1. Check the box titled “Ask members of the public for feedback at the end of each article” if you want to collect feedback from the public.
ask members of the public for feedback
  1. Click on “Save changes” to save your settings.
save changes

How to Add a Category to a Knowledge Base

SweetProcess allows you to arrange the content in your knowledge base into different categories. Here’s how to add a new category.

The image below contains the categories available in SweetProcess. Choose the one that’s most suitable for your content.

sweetprocess categories
  1. Click on the three vertical dots to access the drop-down menu.
3 vertical dots
  1. Click on “Edit” in the options.
  1. Click on “Create Category.”
create category
  1. Enter your preferred category title in the empty field.
category name
  1. Click on the checkmark icon to save the category that you have created in your knowledge base.

How to Add an Article to a Category Within a Knowledge Base

You can add a procedure or policy as an article to any of the categories you have within your knowledge base. The screenshot below is an example.

sweetprocess options
  1. Click on the three vertical dots to access the drop-down menu.
3 verticlal dots
  1. Click on “Edit” in the options.
  1. Click on the greater-than sign next to the category you add to the article.
On to thee screionei
  1. Click on “Add New Article” in the drop-down menu.
add new article
  1. Select the procedure or policy you want to add as an article to the category.
select procedure or policy
  1. Click on the checkmark icon to save your input.

How to Add a Contact Form to a Knowledge Base

With this feature, members of the public reading articles in your knowledge base can ask you and your team questions via a contact form. Here’s how to add the contact form.

The image below is an example of the contact form that will be displayed in your knowledge base.

contact form in knowledge base
  1. Click on the three vertical dots to access the drop-down menu.
3 dots
  1. Click on “Edit” in the options.
  1. Click on the pencil icon next to “FAQs for Customers.”
pencil icon
  1. Check the box titled “Allow members of the public to ask questions using a contact form.”
allow members of the public to ask
  1. Select the team member you want to receive the message sent via the contact form.
select team member
  1. Click on “Save Changes” to save your new settings.
save changes

How to Create Procedures in SweetProcess

A procedure is a step-by-step guide on how to execute a task. You want your instructions to be as clear as possible so your team members can adopt them. Here’s how to create a procedure in SweetProcess.

  1. Click on “Procedures” at the top of the page.
  1. Click on “Create Procedures” at the top right.
create procedures
  1. Enter the title of your procedure in the empty field and then click on “Continue.”
enter title of procedure

How to Create a Process in SweetProcess

A process is the combination of several procedures. Each procedure plays a role in executing the process.

Here’s how to create a process in SweetProcess.

  1. Click on “Create a Process” on the menu at the top of the page.
create process
  1. Enter the title of your process in the empty field, then click “Continue.”
create title
  1. Click on the “Add a Step” button.
add a step
  1. Select “Procedure” from the pop-up menu.
procedure from popup menu
  1. Select the procedure(s) of your choice from the list. You can add multiple procedures within a process.
select procedure from list

How to Create a Policy

Ensure that you and your team comply with regulatory and professional standards by documenting your policies and making them readily available in SweetProcess. Here’s how to create a policy in SweetProcess.

  1. Click on “More” at the top of the page and select “Policies” from the list of options.
Policies menu
  1. Click on “Create Policy” at the top right of the page.
create policy
  1. Enter the title of your policy in the empty field then click “Continue.”
policy title

Pros of Using SweetProcess

1. Multimedia Documentation

The documents in your knowledge base are more comprehensive when they have multimedia elements. Creating documents with texts is okay, but adding images, videos, diagrams, etc., to your documents makes them more actionable.

Some employees would prefer to watch a video on how to perform a particular task rather than read a long document. SweetProcess allows you to create a knowledge base that works best for your team with various multimedia tools.

2. Multiple Third-Party Integrations

Did you know that you can integrate more than 5,000 applications into SweetProcess? The system helps you create a unified workflow using your favorite tools. You get to have all the tools you need in your hands, be more efficient at your job, and increase your productivity.

Integrating other apps into SweetProcess is simple and doesn’t require advanced computing or coding skills. There’s a plug-in that you can use for the integration.

3. Collaboration and Version History

SweetProcess is big on collaboration. You and your team members can work on documents simultaneously. You can also automate notifications to people so they can perform tasks and approve or sign documents at the right times.

SweetProcess doesn’t only allow you to collaborate with your teammates in real time but also keeps you abreast with changes anyone makes to the work documents. You can access the different versions of the document whenever you need.

4. Activity Tracking

Stay up to date with your employees’ activities on projects with SweetProcess’s real-time tracking. It shows you whether team members are engaging with assigned tasks or not. Instead of being in the dark about whether they have seen certain documents or taken required actions, you get that information on the dashboard.

By tracking the activities of your employees, you implement a culture of accountability which is key to achieving business goals.

5. Implement Policies

Meeting the compliance requirements in your business is easier with SweetProcess, thanks to its ready-to-use templates for creating policy documents, its knowledge base for sharing information with your team, and automated notifications for updates to the documents. You can ensure that everyone abides by the policies by testing their knowledge with quizzes and evaluating their performance from the reports generated in the system.

SweetProcess Pricing

SweetProcess offers a 14-day free trial with no credit card required.

$99 a month for a team with up to 20 members.

$5 a month for each additional active member.

You can save 16% of the cost by signing up for the yearly plan.

If you have less than 20 people on your team, you can contact SweetProcess for its special plan dedicated to smaller teams.

2. Slab


Slab is a knowledge base software you can use to create, organize and find information. Designed with an intuitive interface, you can put your information in places where they are visible and easily accessible to you and your teammates.

Features of Slab

  • Document management
  • Access controls
  • Search/filter
  • Third-party integrations
  • Activity tracking
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Version history

Pros of Using Slab

1. Unified Search

You know you have a good knowledge base software when you can retrieve information quickly. Slab offers a unified search bar that gives you access to all your documented information, saving you the time of scanning through piles of documents.

2. Intuitive Interface

Simplicity is a must-have feature of an effective productivity tool. It becomes a chore when you have to rack your brain to figure out how to use a system that’s supposed to simplify your work. Slab gets it right with an intuitive interface that allows you to navigate the system easily.

3. Multiple Integrations

While Slab helps you create a rich knowledge base for mastering your tasks, it also allows you to integrate other applications to enhance your operations. Having the tools you need at your disposal will improve your workflow.

Cons of Using Slab

1. Limited Template Library

When you have multiple templates to choose from, you can create your desired look and feel for your documents. With Slab’s limited template library, you don’t have many options. You have to make do with what’s available.

2. Rigid Table Editor

You may need to include tables in your documentation to clarify things. Although Slab has an in-built table you can use for your tabular listings, it isn’t so effective. Getting the hang of it can be difficult even for a tech-savvy person.

3. Limited Text Formatting

If you are keen on creating documents that your team will enjoy using, you need to format your tests properly. Setting texts to bold, numbers, points, and other Word formats in Slab is limited. This makes it difficult for you to highlight key information that you want your teammates to note.

Slab Pricing

A free package is available with limited features.

$6.67 per user a month for startups.

$12.50 per user a month for businesses.

3. Guru


Guri calls itself a company wiki, and that’s because it offers a knowledge base that provides you with all the information you need to perform your job. It’s a platform for creating and sharing information with your coworkers.

Features of Guru

  • Browser extension
  • Expert verification
  • Duplicate detection
  • Advanced search
  • Reporting
  • Alerts

Pros of Using Guru

1. Effective documentation

Having the right documentation tools enriches your knowledge base. Guru offers a dynamic text editor that you can use to create all kinds of content formats. You can make your documents multimedia with a mix of texts, photos, videos, etc.

2. Searchability

Guru offers an advanced search feature that you can use to access your documents on the go. You can also share information with your team easily, keeping them updated about the latest developments on projects. 

3. Easy Navigation

Navigation is a big part of the user experience when using a workflow application. Guru’s interface offers a ton of features, yet you can navigate through the system without feeling overwhelmed by using its cards and slides.

Cons of Using Guru

1. Long Process for Exporting Documents 

Exporting documents from Guru to other applications isn’t the quickest thing to do. The procedure is long with many steps. This problem can slow down your work pace, especially if you are working on strict deadlines.

2. Limited Reporting

Having detailed reporting data informs you about how your teammates interact with their tasks and how that affects your business operations. The reporting data Guru generates isn’t detailed enough to guide you in making well-informed decisions. 

3. Disorganized Files

A clean and organized digital workspace increases productivity. Collecting and storing multiple files on Guru can litter your workspace as the files are not properly organized. Dealing with documents can lead to fatigue and slow down your pace.

Guru Pricing

A free starter package for a team of up to three users is $5 per month for a team of more than three users.

Builder package is $10 per month.

A custom enterprise package is available on request for larger teams.

4. Atlassian Confluence

atlassian confluence

Confluence is an open-source workspace that organizations can use to create and organize their knowledge base and collaborate on tasks remotely. Big on collaboration, it offers a series of features that motivate teammates to deliver their best work during group work.

Features of Confluence

  • Apps integration
  • Unlimited spaces and pages
  • Multiple templates
  • Content editor
  • Duplicate detection
  • Browser extension
  • Page versioning

Pros of Using Confluence

1. Effective Collaboration

Collaboration is at its best when teammates have the right permissions to access and contribute to a project. Confluence allows everyone on the team to edit a document from scratch to finish. This perk creates a sense of belonging in your workers, motivating them to get the job done in the shortest time possible.

2. Multiple Templates

Having the right templates for documenting your processes, procedures, and policies saves you the time and trouble of creating one from scratch. The multiple templates on Confluence give you options to choose from in creating helpful documents.  

3. High Integration

Integrating multiple applications improves the quality of your work. Confluence is one tool that allows you to integrate as many other tools as you require in your workflow. You don’t have to move between systems as you can access all your tools in a single place.

Cons of Using Confluence

1. Absence of Auto-Refresh

While it’s great that Confluence allows multiple persons to edit a document simultaneously, it doesn’t refresh the page automatically. You could have redundant content if you don’t refresh the page manually to view the latest information.

2. Limited Communication Formats

Confluence allows team members to jot down notes and contribute to documents via text. There’s no provision for other ways of communicating ideas such as images, videos, and charts which can enhance communication among teams.

3. Limited Export Format

Data generated in Confluence is more valuable when it can be exported and used in other applications. But since you can only export data from the software in PDF format, it limits your workflow. It’s more productive to have several export format options so you can choose the ones that suit you best.

Confluence Pricing

A free version with limited options.

$5.75 per user for the standard package.

 $11 per user for the premium package.

A custom enterprise package billed annually.

5. Notion


Notion is a workflow tool that you can use to organize your tasks and empower your team with all the information they require to perform their responsibilities. Having all the tools you need in Notion makes it easier for you to collaborate with teammates on projects.

Features of Notion

  • Advanced search
  • Task prioritization
  • Browser extension
  • Permissions
  • Templates
  • Notifications
  • Version history

Pros of Using Notion

1.Intuitive Design

Notion offers an intuitive design that makes the system easy to use. Unlike some systems that overwhelm you with tons of design elements at once, it provides only the most important elements that you need on a page at a time so you can navigate through them easily.

2. Effective Database

Notion’s database allows you to create multiple pages and link those pages together based on their similarities so team members can access all the information they need in a sequence. You can also manage how users view your database pages with access control, granting people access to only the pages that concern them.

3. Flexible Customization

Being able to customize a software application to your specific needs increases your efficiency. With Notion, you can customize your project boards to stay on track without losing sight of anything. It offers a variety of tools to aid your customization with ease.

Cons of Using Notion

1. Limitation Importing Data

Importing data from other systems into Notion can be difficult due to the limits of the data formats. For instance, it’s impossible to import a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file into the Notion database and maintain the file’s original format. The document will automatically change into text fields.

2. Lack of Inbuilt Spreadsheet

Notion doesn’t offer an inbuilt spreadsheet. Although it makes up for this with a Google spreadsheet, having an internal spreadsheet within the system could make your work more efficient. As of now, you have to embed the Google spreadsheet into the system to access that feature.

3. Sluggish Desktop App Experience

Notion offers a desktop app as an alternative version of its web application, but the user experience of the desktop app is nothing close to the web version. The desktop app is slower and lacks support tabs on the web system.

Notion Pricing

A free version with limited options.

$8 per user a month for the Plus package.

$15 per user a month for the Business package.

A custom Enterprise package with advanced features.

6. Slite


Slite is a collaborative workflow tool that helps teams document their work processes, procedures, and policies for easy access. It serves as a knowledge base that you and your teammates can use to execute your tasks in line with your established standards.

Features of Slite

  • Collaborative cursors
  • Version history
  • Drag and drop
  • Doc covers
  • Content editor
  • Browser extension
  • Page analytics

Pros of Using Slite

1. Effective Content Editor

Slite is known for its good content creation and editing capabilities. It allows you to write notes instantly without waiting on the pages to load, which can be time-consuming. You can also arrange your written content easily and add multimedia elements to enhance its outlook.

2. Collaborative Editing

If you are working on a project with team members, Slite is the perfect tool to create your documents. Multiple people can edit a document simultaneously, contributing to the project in real time. This reduces time spent waiting on one person to finish working on a document before the next person comes on board.

3. Simple Design

Slite’s simple and intuitive design makes it easy for you to quickly create and share information with your team. The ease of navigating the system increases your speed and boosts your confidence in your work. You don’t need special training on how to use the system as it’s self-explanatory.

Cons of Using Slite

1. Lack of Email Notifications

Slite uses internal notifications to alert users about activities on the system. You could easily miss important information if you aren’t on the software and don’t look out for notifications. An email notification would be great to keep users updated even when they aren’t on Slite.

2. Sluggish Mobile App Experience

The user experience on Slite’s mobile application isn’t the most pleasant. The loading speed is slow, elongating the workflow. Some features on the web and desktop versions are missing on the mobile application. These deficiencies make the mobile application less attractive.

3. Non-Effective Search Feature

Although Slite has a search feature that allows you to search for files and documents, it’s not so effective when you type just the name of the document in the description bar. You need to add more information about what you are looking for to find it. This step can be difficult for someone with little information about their needed files.

Slite Pricing

Free version with limited features.

Standard package for $6 per member a month.

Premium package for $12 per member a month.

7. Bloomfire


Bloomfire is an internal knowledge base software for documenting, organizing, and collecting information. A cloud-based system allows organizations to share information and collaborate on tasks effectively from any location.

Features of Bloomfire

  • Screenshare
  • Notifications
  • Reporting
  • Advanced search
  • Access management
  • Bookmarking
  • Posting history

Pros of Using Bloomfire

1. Advanced Search

Bloomfire makes searching for documents easy with its advanced search feature. Unlike some other tools where you have to type the title of the files you are looking for in full before they show up, you only need to type a keyword in Bloomfire and you’ll retrieve the document you want. This makes your work easier and faster.

2. Effective Analytics Reporting

You can stay abreast with your operations by looking at the analytics in Bloomfire’s reporting. It gives you a real-time update on how users are engaging with ongoing projects so you can understand your performance levels at every point in time. You can also use the data to make well-informed decisions in enhancing your business operations.

3. Great Communication Tools

Bloomfire makes for effective team communication with its high-quality video and audio chat features. You can use the screen-sharing feature to collaborate with your team members in real time, showing them things on your screen for easy understanding.

Cons of Using Bloomfire

1. Complex Display

The many features that Bloomfire offers can get in the way of the user experience, especially on the home page. With multiple items on display at a time, they can hinder you from navigating through the system swiftly and jeopardize the user experience.

2. Difficulty Downloading Assets

Downloading assets in Bloomfire isn’t straightforward. Several options pop up when you hover your mouse over the download button—it gets confusing if you aren’t conversant with the system. Some of the download buttons are hidden. One who hasn’t performed the task before may have difficulty finding them.

3. Non-Flexible Editing

Sometimes you might want to edit existing documents quietly without alerting the entire team. You can’t do this in Bloomfire. The system informs all admins and moderators if you flag a document for editing. This option can be a distraction, especially when the task doesn’t concern them.

Bloomfire Pricing

Bloomfire offers a tailored quote on request.

8. Zoho Wiki

zoho wiki

Zoho Wiki is designed for working teams to share knowledge among themselves and collaborate on tasks on a single platform with access to various productivity tools. It promotes remote work, empowering team members to work independently without supervision.

Features of Zoho Wiki

  • Versioning and version history
  • In-content feedback
  • Browser extension
  • Notifications
  • Page analytics
  • Templates
  • Decision trees

Pros of Using Zoho Wiki

1. Strong Access Controls

Zoho Wiki helps you monitor the people who can access your documents with effective access controls. You can grant access to team members on a need-to-know basis. That way, you get to keep some information confidential.

2. Multiple Pages for Content

Creating multiple pages on a particular subject allows you to provide all the information users may need in an organized fashion. In Zoho Wiki, you can create as many pages as you need to capture the information you want to communicate to your team. You can also arrange the pages in your preferred sequence for easy comprehension.

3. Large Storage Capacity

If you have a lot of information to cover, you don’t have to worry about storage when using Zoho Wiki. It offers high storage capacity for your documentation and data management. This function is key, especially if you are a large organization generating large amounts of data.

Cons of Using Zoho Wiki

1. Limited Number of Users Per Wiki

Although Zoho Wiki boasts of facilitating collaboration, it falls short when you collaborate with many people since there’s a limit to the number of users you can add to a page. This restriction makes it impossible to effectively collaborate with a large group as all team members can’t have access to your documents.

2. Cumbersome User Experience

The many details in Zoho Wiki hinder the user experience. For one who isn’t familiar with the tool, it can be overwhelming navigating through the system. This can be improved to give users a more satisfying experience.

3. Rigorous Setup

Setting up Zoho Wiki isn’t the easiest task, especially if you aren’t tech-savvy. You want to get a tool set up with little or no computing knowledge. If you need technical help setting it up, you might need a lot of help learning how to use it.

Zoho Wiki Pricing

Zoho Wiki’s pricing details are available on request.

9. SharePoint


SharePoint is a workflow management tool that teams can use to communicate their tasks, documenting and sharing work-related information under one roof for seamless collaboration. It has an automation capacity that you can implement to streamline repetitive manual tasks.

Features of SharePoint

  • Real-time collaboration
  • Folder sharing
  • Integration
  • Access management
  • Notifications
  • Hybrid cloud solution

Pros of Using SharePoint

1. Speedy Approvals

If you work in a regulated industry, getting approvals for documents is key to staying compliant. SharePoint offers a seamless and fast process for document approvals. You can automate sharing a document with selected persons to get their approval on time so you don’t slow down the workflow.

2. Activity Tracking

SharePoint not only shows you the contributions other people make to a document but also a timeline of their activities. You get a clear view of how your team members engage with ongoing tasks and keep up with the latest updates.

3. Effective Document Management

SharePoint is a product of Microsoft, a pioneer in document creation with effective documentation. It offers a simple content editor that allows you to create and edit your documents easily. You can also arrange and sort your files and manage user access to the files.

Cons of Using SharePoint

1. Lack of Third-Party Integrations

As a product of Microsoft, SharePoint relies more on tools on the Microsoft lineup, but those tools don’t serve several other needs you may have in your operations. The lack of integrations in SharePoint means that you can’t implement other tools that can make you more efficient in your job.

2. Computing Skill Requirement

Performing substantial tasks in SharePoint requires some level of computing skills. For instance, you need coding skills to create a functional internal site. This route is a challenge for basic computer users who just want to do their work easily and efficiently.

3. Clumsy Search

Retrieving documents in SharePoint is a tad difficult. Although it has a search bar, when you enter a keyword it doesn’t give you exactly what you need. You could have tons of results instead of the exact file you need.

SharePoint Pricing

SharePoint Online Plan 1: $5 per user a month

SharePoint Online Plan 2: $10 per user a month

Office 365 E3: $23 per user a month

10. Nuclino


Nuclino is a workflow management tool that allows working teams to create and share knowledge and collaborate on projects in one location. It empowers you and your teammates with the resources you need to be not only productive but also efficient by executing your work in its unified workspace.

Features of Nuclino

  • In-content feedback
  • Versioning and version history
  • Notifications
  • Permissions
  • Content editor
  • Integrations

Pros of Using Nuclino

1. Intuitive Design

One element that makes Nuclino stand out is its simple interface. You can navigate the system easily due to its clean and intuitive design. Unlike some other tools that may require long-term training, Nuclino is straightforward. You can start using it on your own right away without any guidance.

2. Multiple Templates

Creating documents from scratch is time-consuming. Nuclino speeds up your documentation process with several existing templates at your disposal. Each template is designed to help you organize your processes or tasks neatly so your team members can understand them easily. You can also customize the templates to suit your unique business needs.

3. Real-Time Collaboration

If you are working with a group of people, Nuclino makes your job easier with its real-time collaboration feature. Multiple people can edit documents simultaneously without having to wait for each other. You get to see teammates’ inputs immediately and state your observations toward completing the project successfully.

Cons of Using Nuclino

1. Limited Integrations 

Although Nuclino offers some plugins for integration, the number of applications you can integrate into the system is limited. Instead of having your favorite tools in one fold, you have to juggle between them externally at the expense of your delivery.

2. Editing History

Seeing the full editing history of a project would give teammates an idea of who wrote what. Nuclino only displays the names of users who made the most recent edits. Unless you continuously monitor engagement on the system, you won’t know who made previous edits.

3. Limited Formatting

If you like your content to look a certain way, Nuclino isn’t your best bet due to its limited formatting options. You can’t choose your preferred text color to maintain a particular outlook for your brand.

Nuclino Pricing

There’s a basic version with limited features.

Standard: $5 per user a month

Premium: $10 per user a month

The above tools are good alternatives to Tettra. However, you can’t use all of them at once. If we could recommend one of these tools to you, it would be SweetProcess. See how several organizations have benefited from implementing SweetProcess in the next chapter.

Chapter 3: How Other Businesses Have Used SweetProcess to Streamline Their Operations With Standardized Documentation

streamlining operations

There’s an influx of workflow software in the market, with each one promising to deliver great results. But often, purchasing users are disappointed as most of these tools fall below expectations. Don’t get a software application without researching its ability to meet your operational needs. What are the people who have used the software saying about it?

SweetProcess has a track record of enhancing business operations for years, and there’s evidence for it. Implemented by businesses across different sectors, it evokes a common feeling of satisfaction among its users.

Faced with the challenge of tribal knowledge as his company began to grow, Manny Cosme, president and CEO of CFO Services Group, a financial institution in the US, discovered SweetProcess and created a knowledge base in the system. He and his team quickly overcame tribal knowledge as they could create, store and access all work-related information in SweetProcess.

One of the benefits of using SweetProcess is that it saves business owners and managers the trouble of answering questions asked repeatedly by their workers. When someone needs to execute a task they aren’t familiar with, it’s understandable that they would ask the person in charge. Sarah Beach, branch operations manager at Benchmark Wealth Management, a US-based finance advising firm, explains that SweetProcess has drastically reduced the number of questions she receives from her team members. Sarah and her team created an exhaustive knowledge base in SweetProcess. Instead of coming to her with questions, her teammates can quickly get the answers they need in SweetProcess.

Sarah’s story resonates with Dr. Jeremy Weisz, co-founder of Rise25. As co-founder of his company, Dr. Jeremy Weisz had a mastery of his business operations, but the same couldn’t be said about some of his employees who always had questions about their duties.

Tired of the constant question-and-answer sessions, he created a knowledge base in SweetProcess and that was the end of it. His team members can retrieve any information they need by themselves in SweetProcess, allowing him to focus on more productive tasks. According to Dr. Weisz, leveraging the knowledge base in SweetProcess gives him peace of mind.

More businesses have success stories from not only using SweetProcess as a knowledge base but also using it to streamline their operations. One thing all these organizations have in common is that they decided to empower their employees with SweetProcess. The beauty of SweetProcess is that you get a chance to test it first through its 14-day free trial. If you are satisfied with it at the end of your trial, you can subscribe to it. You can sign up for the trial right away.

The Opportunity to Scale Your Business

The positive change you desire in your business lies in your hands. Your action or inaction will determine if it’ll be business as usual or better. Here’s an opportunity to improve your employee performance and streamline your workflow by documenting your processes, procedures, and policies with SweetProcess.

As you have read, SweetProcess has been a game-changer for many organizations. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to be a part of the success story. All you have to do is sign up for a 14-day free trial and see for yourself. Since you don’t need a credit card to sign up for the trial, you can simply walk away if you aren’t satisfied with its performance. You have nothing to lose.

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